I am still on the road so I will make this a quickie, I need to leave for the airport in 10 minutes (I am at novell brainshare where we announced a big partnership, more on that later) but these 2 articles caught my eye.
I am so proud of this article
Don’t let CTO Scott Stark’s outfit fool you. That’s authentic JBoss swag he’s sporting. JBoss runs what it calls the Professional Open Source Model. It ‘combines the cost savings benefits of open source with the development methodologies, support, and accountability expected from enterprise software vendors.’ Easier said than done. But have a gander at the whole JBoss management team. These are software pros. Proof of success came this week, at Novell’s Brainshare conference in Salt Lake City. Novell is handing the keys of its middleware car to JBoss. This was not done lightly. Novell spent heavily three years ago to buy SilverStream, renaming its products exteNd. Novell now plans to co-develop the JBoss Enterprise Middleware Suite (JEMS) and ship a number of its components as part of the 2006 exteNd release. For JBoss it’s distribution and development support in one deal. That’s how the open source pros do it.
I don't know why but I am truly proud of Scott. For those who don't know (I didn't) "swag" means "confidence". "That is how the open source pros do it", yeah, dammit, yeah! walk around with our head high, we made it. The company we built is a machine today, it is working today, it is in orbit, beating numbers month after month and stiking key partnerships like the HP and novell ones.
A second article gave a good overview of the JBoss federation effort, which we announced at JBoss world, and for your reference I am including it here.
Between JBossWorld and the love shown at Novell's brainshare, I have replenished my emotional batteries, it felt just great and I will try to blog in more detail about this soon.
Remember we love you,