I am in Tokyo just for one day. This is no "lost in translation" in fact it reminds me more of blade runner (tis a rainy morning here).
We are announcing a partnership with NEC that covers all of Japan. NEC will support JBoss and Tomcat on its line of servers for the Japanese market. We signed this deal last week so I am here for the press conference.
After 14hours of flight, it is 5AM right now, I am massively jetlagged and I am indulging in "navel gazing" blogging. Funny thing is that I am flying right back out this afternoon so today will be the longest day in my life. I start with a meeting in the morning and finish with a meeting in SFO in the afternoon. As Bob Bickel put it "You are seeing tomorrow, today. But by the time you get home it will be yesterday I guess..."