Oracle introduced a regression bug in their latest _40 release of their Java 7 JDK/JRE which unfortunately prevented installations of plugins from JBoss Central, Maven Connectors, Mylyn Connectors and other plugins having a installation by discovery feature.
To reduce the impact of that we've released an update to JBoss Tools 4.1 and Developer Studio 7.0 that fixes this issue for JBoss Central.
JBoss Developer Studio 7.0.1 also provides updates to Kepler SR1 making sure you have the latest bug fixes from too.
This fix is available as an update by simply using 'Help > Check for Updates'.
Mind you that not all issues caused by Oracle's Java 7 release can be fixed easily thus even with this update we still recommend you use a previous Java version until Oracle releases an update to their JDK that fixes this issue.
Thank you!