• JBPM post container creation event

    0    I was wondering if there is a way to execute a bloc of code post container creation on JBPM (and so, before any process creation) I'm calling the URL : http://IP/kie-server/services/rest/server/config ...
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    last modified by ilesad7
  • Incorrect soap:address connector url generated in WSDL for JAX-WS service

    Hello,     I have deployed an ejb3 as jax-ws based webservice in JBOSS 7.2 EAP using wildfly.   The WSDL is generated correctly on my standalone instance.   But when deploying the same webservic...
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    last modified by prashantchavan
  • XML RPC ServiceFactoryImpl

    hi all, i have a question regarding implementation of javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory by default it uses class org.jboss.ws.core.jaxrpc.client.ServiceFactoryImpl.   I have checked Wildfly 10 and JBoss EAP 7 module...
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    last modified by artur.radosz
  • Video playback issue on IOS  | accept ranges:none

    Hello,   We are facing issues while playing videos on IOS devices. We understood that for video to play successfully on Ios requires range headers support. ([WFLY-6413] Range headers do not seem to be handled co...
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    last modified by abhinav.gupta01
  • How to exclude framework related JAR files from search in XML based rule

    Hi All,   Back Ground I have a created following simple XML based ruleset, and ran it against a spring boot application, using rhamt-cli. Based on the below custom XML rule, the tool is picking up all the reso...
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    last modified by bahmed2019
  • Problem that WildFly inserts incorrect data when using XA Transaction in Oracle.

    When I use XATransaction in Oracle for multiple databases DB1 and DB2, I encountered the problem that WildFly inserts incorrect data. I can reproduce the problem as follows. First, you get a connection from the DB...
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    last modified by siomasa
  • Hibernate listerner : Could not instantiate requested listener

    Hi,   I try to migrate applications from an Glassfish to an Wildfly 18 server. Applications are quite old and use hibernate 3.6.8 Final.   I read that Wildfly come with different versions of hiber...
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    last modified by layoup
  • Risks of moving from EAP 7.x to WildFly versions

    HI, Can some one list down what are the "risks of moving from EAP 7.x to WildFly versions in production? ".   R, Veera
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  • wildfly 13 - activemq - redelivery-delay

    Hi I am wondering on how to proceed to configure redelivery-delay on active mq on wildfly 13. I have tried this: <address-setting match="jms.queue.exampleQueue"> <redelivery-delay>5000</redelivery-delay...
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    last modified by trondarild
  • Tibco EMS jar doesn't work in Wildfly

    Hello Experts,   We have a tibco.jar file with us which was deployed and working fine in old JBOSS version9(Jboss4). We have upgraded AS to wildfly after which the tibco jar gives below error in server.log. Any...
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    last modified by pawannhere
  • RestEasy validation issue in Widlfly 14

    Hi   We are currently in the progress of migrating from Wildfly 10.1.0.Final to WildFly 14.0.1.Final.   In relation to that we are experiencing issues with some of our rest endpoints. For some resources we...
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    last modified by mafla
  • How to disable CORBA support?

    Hi everyone,   I am trying to move my Java 8 + Spring 4  application from WildFly 8.2.0 to WildFly 18.0.1 but on deployment I get Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/omg/CORBA/LongHolder  ...
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    last modified by derekvinyard
  • ] [TIBCO EMS]: [J] [SSL] WARNING: server verification is disabled, will trust any server.

    Hi,   My application tries to connect with Tibco and it uses Wildlfy. Connection with Tibco is established successfully but on the Wildfly JMS it throws error as:   11:50:42,517 ERROR [stderr] (default tas...
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    last modified by shitalp1
  • Disabling infinispan from jboss-eap-7.0 server

    I am looking to disable/remove inifinispan cache configuration from jboss server as we are planning to use elastic cache. We were able to successfully replace infinispan cache with elastic cache with in application ...
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    last modified by deepak.ranganathan
  • Not Able to Build mod_cluster in apache httpd 2.4.39

    We are upgrading apache httpd version from 2.2.34 to 2.4.39 . As part of this upgrade process, we need to load  mod_cluster modules(mod_proxy_cluster,advertise,mod_manager) modules . We have downloaded mod_cluste...
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    last modified by czhang1234
  • Wrigin XML Schema for com.sun.xml.bind.v2.schemagen.XmlSchem

    When I deploy my JBossWS-Metro webservice I get the following exception. What is wrong here? [com.sun.xml.bind.v2.schemagen.XmlSchemaGenerator]::publish(67) - Wrigin XML Schema for com.sun.xml.bind.v2.schemagen.Xml...
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    last modified by aroeder
  • Keycloak Java 11 Support

    Hi,   according to [KEYCLOAK-7811] Java 11 Support Keycloak should already support Java 11 since 4.8.0. Keycloak 6 still has JDK8 as base image (see https://github.com/jboss-dockerfiles/keycloak/blob/master/serv...
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    last modified by aberdb
  • Wildfly 17.0.1 activemq warning

    Morning All   Could someone shed some light on the meaning of this message:   08:32:01,421 WARN  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.ra] (default-threads - 6) AMQ153005: Unable to retrieve ${0} from JNDI. Cr...
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  • AS Development Plugin - Jenkins and JBoss EAP 6 Integration

    Hello,   Could someone share me documentation or links to get the integration for Jenkins and Jboss EAP 6 using maven Jboss as plugin ?   It would be good if we can have example of successful Jboss deploym...
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    last modified by gunalan.vasanthakumar
  • File Store not storing anything but "FCS1"

    Good morning, I am trying to use infinispan 9.1 caching but something may be wrong in file-store configuration because (with passivation enabled or not) the file is created, but contains only "FCS1" string...   ...
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    last modified by alessandro.cavalli