RiftSaw - Open Source BPEL Engine
Welcome to the RiftSaw community project. The RiftSaw project provides an integration of the Apache ODE BPEL engine into the JBoss Application Server, along with enhancements to:
- integrate with JBossESB,
- use a JAX-WS compliant web service integration layer, through the use of JBossWS
- GWT based console
The RiftSaw BPEL engine can be used to execute BPEL processes. Authoring BPEL processes, and deploying them into the JBoss Application Server, can be achieved through the BPEL designer support in JBoss Tools.
On July 22nd, 2009 Burr Sutter presented the first RiftSaw Milestone release during a webinar. If you missed it you can download the slides from here.
User Documentation:
The user documentation for RiftSaw can be found here. This section includes additional adhoc information that may be of interest when using the RiftSaw BPEL engine.
Deploying a BPEL process to RiftSaw
Developer Documentation:
This section provides information that will be useful for anyone developing RiftSaw.
Design Notes
Mapping of ODE events to BPAF Model
Build Management
Steps for upgrading ODE branch
Release Management
RiftSaw Release tag and aritfacts upload
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