Version 27

    GateIn Portal Specifications


    This is the place to keep references to all GateIn Portal technical specifications. Each new project feature should have one created.


    GateIn 4.0


    The 4.0 version is currently in development will provide for support for low latency, stateless design, parallel rendering, pluggable datastores and Portlet 3.0.



    you can follow, contribute to the development or provide feedback.

    GateIn 3.x

    Specifications not confirmed to be delivered for any specific version yet.



    GateIn 3.3



    GateIn 3.4





    GateIn 3.5


    • GateIn Java API for Portal Objects
    • GateIn Java API for Application Registry
    • GateIn REST API for Portal Objects
    • GateIn REST API for Application Registry




    Other documents


    Documents that are assigned to proper version yet, need to be reworked into proper format or we just want to keep track




    Specification Template



    Elements that each specification should contain at least (can contain more):


    • Status
      • the current status: free form status like work in progress, implemented, etc..
    • Owner
      • who is responsible for editing document and updating it with feedback
    • Introduction / Description / Use case
      • describe the problem to solve and the goals. It can also be very short example or description of how the feature would be used (by developer or end user)
    • Solution
      • the solution to solve the problem with an high level view
    • Specification
      • what should be done to solve the problem, can mix functional and technical steps, free form content
    • References
      • blogs, docs, screencasts and etc.