• Upgrade Notes for Nexus 1.9.2

    Notes for the upgrade from Nexus Professional to 1.9.2 Installation 1. Download Nexus 1.9.2 from Sonatype 2. Unzip Nexus to the /services/nexus directory.  There may be a warning about the file sonatype-...
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    last modified by dosoudil
  • Upgrade Notes for Nexus 1.9.x

    Notes for the upgrade from Nexus Professional 1.7.1 to 1.9.x Installation 1. Download Nexus from Sonatype 2. Review the notes from Sonatype regarding the upgrade (http://nexus.sonatype.org/upgrading-nexus.htm...
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    last modified by dosoudil
  • a new Repository in France ?

    Hi there,   I introduce myself, my name is Erwan, I'm a sysres admin at Antelink, a software development start-up in Paris, France.   The Antelink development team uses intensively maven/jboss and other op...
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    last modified by ebs
  • Maven repository is unavailable

    The maven repositories at: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/ is unavailale.   Nexus itself is up though..   Ove
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    last modified by oranheim
  • class not found exception .

    HI ,       I am very fresh to the jboss6 and maveen ,           To work on maveen i did some small maveen application it look like  as shown...
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    last modified by chethan_kc
  • build JBoss 5.1.0 GA from sources failed

    9 required artifacts are missing.   apache-avalon-logkit:logkit:jar:1.2 apache-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.0.1 cglib:cglib:jar:2.1.3 javax.security:jacc:jar:1.0 sun-jaxws:jaxws-api:jar:2.1.1 wscommo...
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    last modified by veit_ullmann
  • jacc-1.0.jar is missing in repository

    jacc-1.0.jar is missing in /nexus/content/groups/developer/javax/security/jacc/1.0/
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    last modified by veit_ullmann
  • build tests in testsuite fails

    I checked out jboss as 6 from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk and executed build, executed build in testsuite and then started build tests in testsuite.   I got the following error:   jboss-a...
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    created by veit_ullmann
  • Unable to resolve artifact org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-hornetq-int:jar:6.1.0-SNAPSHOT

    When building the testsuite for jboss 6 sources (http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk) I got the following message:  Unable to resolve artifact: Missing: ---------- 1) org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-horn...
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    last modified by veit_ullmann
  • can't build jboss 6 from sources - Could not find artifact javax.servlet:jstl

    I edited the settings.xml for apache-maven-2.2.1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>   <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/settings/1.0.0"         ...
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    last modified by veit_ullmann
  • Invalid repository-metadata.xml checksums

    I'm proxying the public-jboss Maven repository, with Nexus, and am receiving errors that /.meta/repository-metadata.xml and its checksum don't match.  Sure enough, if I download that file and compute the MD5 and ...
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    last modified by lq8ynkha
  • MavenSettings

    This page describes the Maven settings required to use the JBoss Maven repository.  Maven uses a file called settings.xml which can contain repositories and other build settings.  A default settings file is ...
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    last modified by pgier
  • repository.jboss.org/maven2 no longer available

    The old JBoss Maven repository (http://repository.jboss.org/maven2) is no longer available.  This repository has been deprecated since we migrated to Nexus over a year ago and we want to make sure everyone switch...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Rsync JBoss.org to Maven Central

    The JBoss.org team is happy to announce that we have begun the  process to  automatically synchronize from the JBoss.org Maven repository to the Maven Central repostiory hosted by Sonatype.  At this poi...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Is any open source tool which will show the remote instances status and performt the start and stop actions.

      Is any open source tool which will show the remote instances status and performt the start and stop actions.
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    last modified by ramakrishna_killana
  • New Mirror of JBoss.org Maven Repository

    The french company Antelink is now providing a free public mirror of the JBoss.org Maven repositories.  This repository provides a faster way for users in France and other areas of Europe to download JBoss artifa...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Hibernate and maven

    Bonjour,   I try to use hibernate and my configuration in pom.xml don't work. I don't understand why maven fail on download of hibernate :   This is my pom.xml : http://nopaste.dk/p3215   Can you he...
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    last modified by barmic
  • jdocbook : How to output maven version in pdf docbook

    Hello,   I want to output maven ${project.version} in the generated pdf and html docbook.   How can I do that ?   I've tried adding a ${project.version} or ${version} in my docbook file (xml), but i...
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    created by gonzalad
  • Activating Validation Rules in Nexus

    As part of the upcoming process to start automatically syncing Maven artifacts between repository.jboss.org and Maven central (repo1.maven.org) we will be enforcing several artifact validation rules.  In the past...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Nexus Indexes and Search

    The repository.jboss.org Nexus repository indexes and the search features of the repository now seem to be working correctly.  We've had multiple problems in the past correctly generating repository indexes, but ...
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    last modified by pgier