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Thread AS trunk : SNAPSHOTs being downloaded even with updatePolicy=never
AS trunk : SNAPSHOTs being downloaded even with updatePolicy=neverSometime back, for a quicker build of AS, it was recommended to use updatePolicy=never for snapshot repos http://community.jboss.org/thread/147383?tstart=0. This was working fine without any issues. But with the migra...
Maven Repository - FAQThis page contains frequently asked questions related to the new JBoss.org Maven repositories. What is the new Maven repository? JBoss.org will soon have available a repository manager called Nexus. ...
Thread Our Feedbacks about Hudson, Maven and deployment
Our Feedbacks about Hudson, Maven and deployment Hi, Since we (JFrog) worked on Hudson, Maven, and Repository Manager environment for many years, I think we have some interesting feedbacks about your build and Nexus issues. I wanted also to expose ...
MavenSnapshotRepositoryThe JBoss Maven snapshot repository is hosted on http://repository.jboss.org. A Maven snapshot repository only contains temporary development versions of project artifacts. These include nightly builds and...
Maven Repository PerformanceThis page describes steps for improving the performance of the jboss.org Maven repository. The improvements are listed in the general order in which they are expected to be completed. Improve QA/Hudson co...
Maven Repository Performance UpdateWe are continuing to work on improving the performance of the Maven repository. Last week Sonatype suggested that we remove the custom-metadata-plugin due to a possible memory leak. We also increased the a...
Thread Random connection refused to nexus snapshot server during deply
Random connection refused to nexus snapshot server during deplyHi Paul, Our RichFaces 3.3.X builds are experiencing a strange problem. We seem to be getting random connection refused errors like this: /archive/org.richfaces.ui/modal-panel/3.3.4-20100504.135704-4/mod...
Artifact not found in new Maven repoI have been trying to setup our Hudson instance to use the new Maven repos but have been running into issues with artifact downloading. Recently (yesterday), I released 2.0.0-alpha-12 of org.jboss.metadata:jboss-metad...
Maven Release RepositoryThis page contains out of date information. Please refer to one of the following pages for more information about the JBoss.org Maven repositories Maven Repository Maven Getting Started - Users ...
Thread problem with snapshots from proxy repositories
problem with snapshots from proxy repositoriesHello. I am working on the RichFaces project. We are using snapshots from download.java.net/maven/2. I can build our project with default settings.xml without problems. When I change settings.xml according http://com...
ejb3 dependency deprecatedHello, i tried to add dependency to jboss-ejb3-common (version 1.0.2) in my project and dependency solver gave me some errors because jar were not found in the public repo : - apache xerces library 2.0.0 - t...
Maven Repository Security RequirementsThis page documents the limitations of the current system and describes some requirements for the future system. Current Authentication Mechanism The old Maven repository (http://repository.jboss.org/mav...
Maven Repository Performance IssuesThe new Maven repository is currently experiencing some performance issues. Downloading dependencies from the repository can take a long time or time out altogether. This appears to be due to a large amoun...
Maven Repository SynchronizationThis page discusses the possibility of repository synchronization between the JBoss.org Maven repository and other Maven repositories such as central (http://repo1.maven.org). Benefits of Repository Sync ...
MavenizationStatusThis page lists the jboss projects, and provides a quick way to see what stage of mavenization they are in. The stages are: Early Stage - Migration to maven has not started, or is in early stages of pom creat...
MavenRepositoryTestResults3This page contains test results for the third part of testing the Nexus Maven repository. Paul Gier Maven Repository Test Plan - User Authentication - PASSED Maven Repository Test Plan - Consuming Repo Artifac...
Blog Post Announcement - New Maven Repository Infrastructure
Announcement - New Maven Repository InfrastructureThe JBoss.org team is happy to announce a new Maven repository configuration. Starting April 19, 2010, JBoss.org will be using the Nexus repository manager to provide a more robust and fully featured set of Mave...
Maven Repository ConfigurationSome of the information on this page is out of date. Please refer to one of the following pages for current information. Maven Repository Maven Getting Started - Users Maven Getting Start...
Maven Repository Nexus Rollout PlanThis page describes the steps for the rollout of the Nexus Maven repository Manager. Before the release, the repositories should be set up according to the docs (Maven Repository Organization). This is planned for t...