• GWT -> JSF component library

    Hello, Would it be at all possible to, maybe with g4jsf, do a full conversion from a normal GWT component to a JSF component that is to be used as a component in a component library in a visual editor such as Eclipse...
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    last modified by mikaelgrev
  • g4jsf and GWT 1.4

    What about support of GWT 1.4 by g4jsf? Thanks for answer.
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    last modified by sednivo
  • Concurrent ajax-requests and synchronization of the view sta

    I posted a scenario of concurrent requests and view tree synchronization in the user forum an got no answer. Maybe the question is better addressed to the developers. This is the url to the original post: http://jbos...
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    created by jan.ziegler
  • Create Excel doc and AJAX problem

    Hi, I have a listener to create an Excel document when a user click on an item menu like : HSSFWorkbook wb = exportManager.exportDataTablesAsExcel(); //create the Excel book String contentType = "application/vnd.ms...
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    created by freepaq
  • Styling not being picked up & it would seem I am getting som

    Styling not being picked up & it would seem I am getting some empty css files since upgrading to 3.1.2GA Note: Using firebug css editor to switch between loaded/css files & view contents Not all are empty F...
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    created by padraigbyrne
  • Problem with a4j:poll (browser differences??) Please Help!

    Hi all, I'm a newbie to ajax4jsf. I'm having a problem with the poll tag. I am trying to build a page that will update a table with new data every 10 seconds. In the poll tag I'm calling a method on the managed bean t...
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    last modified by cbrautigam
  • AjaxUpdate component not found for id: :fForm:null

    Hi, In my appication, I am using Ajax with Myfaces (JSF 1.2) & Jboss 4.2.1. I m generating a table having (couple of selectmenu) dynamically by using the binding attribute of <h:panelGrid> and made that ta...
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    last modified by rakeshdash2k
  • Updates not showing on reRender

    Currently, I can tell that the actionListeners on the poll and commandButton tag are being invoked but the page is not reRendering. I typically have to click the button twice to get the label to Update. Addtionally, I...
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    last modified by kevin.weisser
  • own Seam component

    How to write my own seam component or how can i extend the future of old-Seam component? (i.e like <s:my >
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    created by rajesh2win
  • Exception with A4J

    I have 2 questions, can anyone help-me with it? 1) How can I take a message from the exception throwed by the server on a ajax request? for example a new BusinessException("the error is ...."), I wanted get this messa...
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    last modified by atimo
  • Problem with a4j:support

    I have the problem with sending request and getting response with using a4j:support. All requests, that sending to the server, works correctly. Except, second request. At this time, data not saving to database. I see ...
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    last modified by parambala
  • Ajax4JSF and MYFaces 1.5

    Hi All, I am trying to use the A4j:include tag with JSP as my view and I am using this with MyFaces 1.5 but its throwing me an exception saying that Reposnse committed (Stream Closed Exception). Please let me know I...
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    created by v_dulipalla
  • Sending components outside a region

    Hi all. I want to send an Ajax request holding the components inside the region that produced it and a component outside that region. That's because I want several regions to share one component. Is it posible? how ...
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    last modified by carlosgg
  • Ajax4j Tags Not working

    Hi, I am trying to run ajax4j + Facelets + MyFaces on JBoss 4.2.1 After doing all configurations, I am not able to run Ajax4j tags in my xhtml page. These are getting rendered as it is without any processing. Here i...
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    last modified by tarun_kar
  • Sample Application Needed On MyFaces + Faclets + Ajax4j + Jb

    Hi, I am trying to do a proof of concept on JSF. I want to use MyFaces + Faclets(with xhtml) + Ajax4j in this application. Target App Server is : JBoss 4.2.1 I would really appreciate if somebody can share a sample...
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    created by tarun_kar
  • How to update part of page using ajax4jsf?

    HI, I am using richfaces and ajax4jsf libraries. I have a requirement to update part of a page, wothout entire page reload. how can we do that using ajax4jsf tags. is there any specific tag to schieve that? Thanks, ...
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    last modified by kks_krishna
  • Ajax4JSF ClassCastException with JSF Sun RI 1.2

    Hello everybody. I tried to use <a4j:support> with Sun's JSF 1.2 RI components, which are supported according to the documentation. Nevertheless I get a ClassCastException on this: <h:commandLink value="t...
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    created by martyburen
  • why getViewId is  so strange and thus wrong ?????

    I used a4j in my project and envir was netbeans 5.5, a4j lates version of 1.1.1. But I found a strange question as following : When I navigated from one page to another , the getViewId function returned a strange vie...
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    last modified by rockyzheng
  • a4j:include and incorrect viewId

    I am currently trying to combine a master-detail scenario into a single page using modalPanels and a4j:include tags. I began to notice that one of my actions was not getting called. After checking the viewid from the ...
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    last modified by kevcpu411
  • 500 error when using ajax4jsf send user to error page

    I am currently over-riding the A4J.AJAX.onError function and it seems to be working fine for server not available errors. However, if I receive a 500 error from the server, the user is sent to the default 500 error pa...
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    created by markbenoit