• Recursive List

    Hi Is there any tag that support recursive list handling?, for example I have a blog with a comment , each comment can span multiple comments and internally each can recursively have another list of comments. What sho...
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    created by nandhu
  • CDK: ActionSource2 support

    I want to create a component which implements ActionSource2, but it seems that there is no support for this: 1) Implement get/setActionExpression 2) Delegate calls from get/setAction to the actionExpression or vice v...
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    created by pmuir
  • Wrong dependencies in ajax4jsf tutorial?

    The wiki http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/UsingCDKStartUp states that the pom for the parent project of the cdk ought to look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache...
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    created by fhh
  • refresh doesn't work if jsf validation failed

    Hello, I have this code : <h:inputText value="#{exaWzdProductBean.productName}" id="productName" required="true" /> <h:selectOneMenu value="#{exaWzdProductBean.opsecAuthType}"> <a4j:support event="...
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    last modified by mblondel
  • <a4j:commandButton> is not working in combination with Rich

    I have been struggling with this one for a couple of days now. Whenever I add my command button inside a <rich:table> and <rich:column> my async action does not get invoked. So this does not work: <...
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    last modified by roykachouh
  • ajax4jsf and netbeans 5.5.1

    When I add the ajaz4jsf jar files to my netbeans project with visual webpack it scres up the visual designer. All of the pages get an error in design mode a make the tool useless.
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    last modified by raidermike99
  • A4J is not defined

    hello, i am working on a big project with JSF and A4J. Somehow the A4J component randomly decided to stop working until i reboot the tomcat server. It works the first few times i request the file directly (a4j.res/or...
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    last modified by grit
  • Simple Echo project not rerendering properly

    I'm trying to do the Echo project from the developer doc and it seems the outputText is not rerendering until I type three characters. I see that the setText() method is being called on each key stroke but the screen ...
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    last modified by bvaughn2
  • Can I refresh the content inside a4j:include by the commandL

    code is like this: main.jsp: <a4j:commandLink value="Login" action="login" reRender="main" /> <h:panelGroup id="main"> <a4j:include viewId="/page/greeting.jsp" /> </h:panelGroup> greeting.js...
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    created by compext
  • Ajax4JSF(1.1.0/1.1.1) support  jdk 1.4?

    In KeepAliveTag.java, has the following content: isAjaxOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(ajaxOnly); In AjaxFormRenderer.java, has the following content: script.append("function ").append("clearFormHiddenParams_").appen...
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    created by worldheart
  • Found a bug but not sure what to do with it...

    I am pretty new to the world of jsf and ajax4jsf, but I just found a bug in the use of ajax4jsf and Sun's Rave Tree component: After a Tree component is re-render by ajax4jsf, the tree is in an unusable state on the ...
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    created by tleveque
  • Suggestion:Option to disable oververbose message boxes

    I put this on a user forum by mistake, posting here again. For example when view expires user is presented with message dialog "View couldn't be restored, reload from server?". There should be an option to avoid such ...
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    last modified by przemjaskier
  • use ajax4jsf in existing custom jsf components

    Is it possible to use ajax4jsf in existing custom JSF components? I don't want to recreate them using CDK which is too time-consuming.
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    last modified by huangbo
  • developing custom components?

    Is it possible to use previously developed components with ajax4jsf or would it require a complete overhaul of the older components?
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    last modified by kevcpu411
  • support for activity indicator?

    Hi, How would I add an activity indicator (like the kinds shown http://www.ajaxload.info/) to code like this? <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:message id="m1" for="myControl"/> </a4j:outputP...
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    last modified by grimholtz
  • dynamically created collection id's and a4j:support possible

    Because of the usefulness of h:dataTable for dynamic tables with its data model would it be possible to default the reRender attribute of a4j:support to the parent id? Then for dynamically generated id's during the re...
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    last modified by martin3
  • getParameter via a4j:commandButton

    Hi, I would like to get the parameter "newIp" in jsf when I click on a a4j:commandButton . <h:form id="form"> <a4j:outputPanel id="agentEdition"> <h:panelGroup id="groupModify" rendered="#{exaW...
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    last modified by mblondel
  • how do we implement a view-edit scenario?

    I am new to the ajax4jsf world and am a little confused. I went through some of the various tutorials on the ajax community driven website. The one of particular interest to me was the select list example. It had a se...
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    created by kevcpu411
  • a4j:include and dojo component

    Hello, I would like to create a wizard using the tag a4j:include. Inside the first child page of my wizard, I have my own component using dojo. When I load the first page, the component works well. But when, I click ...
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    last modified by mblondel
  • Command link bug

    It seems there is a little bug. I have this construction on my page: <h:panelGroup id="content" styleClass="content" binding="#{menuBean.contentDivComponent}"> <a4j:include viewId="#{menuBean.currentPage}"...
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    last modified by alexanderbelov