• How to get JBMS to post to asp.net webservice

    Hi kids, I have a new task, yeeeaah! on incoming mail, post the data to a ASP.net webservice any ideas where to start, i was thinking it was maillistener, as I kept seeing mention of it, but upon looking at source,...
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    last modified by gohip
  • How can I add user  without restart server?

    When the mail service is running, how can I add user without restart server and edit the jboss-service.xml. Anyone can help me? HB
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    last modified by haitt
  • Naming convention

    Everyone pay close attention to this: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMAIL-221 cause I've started moving everything to it (see recent commit). I've also committed the beginnings of our administration tool. Nearl...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • JBoss Mail Server --> JBoss Collaboration Server

    So our name sucks. Shall we be more descriptive: JBoss Collaboration Server - product name - contains: JBoss Mail Server - component name JBoss Calendar - component name (no S because it is confusing ;-)) JBoss W...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Embedded (JBAS 5) and separation of SMTP and JBMS

    Just a thought - when JBMS evolves to be based around the microcontainer, I think it would be a good idea to be able to run the SMTP part of JBMS as a single entity with some sort of forwarding to jbms instances/serve...
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    last modified by buzzheavyyear
  • Virtual Hosting

    What all should be done to support virtual hosting. I want to use the same mail server instalation to handle mail traffic for more than 1 domain. (i.e.) The MX record of both ABC.com and XYZ.com will be pointed to the...
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    last modified by esriram
  • Quick Question if anyone has a moment and has dealt with dba

    I am attempting to figure out how to get the message data out of the database. You can tell my newbiness when I ask the following Can anyone give me a little insight into how to go about reading the data from the da...
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    last modified by gohip
  • JIRA: JBMail-39

    Probably the easiest thing to do for this integration is to take the existing JCA mail adatper that allows for message inflow and enhance it to include a specific JBoss Mail listener. I would imagine, as Adrian sugges...
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    last modified by weston.price
  • INVOLVED: Who wants to help me decopulate JavaMail?

    https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/mail/ I'm thinking we can load it into CVS. Fix its inards. Then get some patient person at JBoss to do all the unpleasant parts (like working with the JCP and stuff) to get it ...
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    created by acoliver
  • SIMPLE: can someone write this maillistener?

    http://jasen.sourceforge.net/started.php Thanks!
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    created by acoliver
  • Webmail Client

    Will the webmail client being created work only with JBoss Mail Server or should it be able to work with any IMAP server? We have a fairly extensive postfix + courier IMAP system that we might someday migrate to JBos...
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    last modified by chane
  • Porting JBoss Mail Server to another container

    I am trying to port jboss mail server to another server container. I have all the required jars in the classpath. Have written code to load the mbeans in the MBean Server. (Using default JMX impl of Sun JDK1.5) I have...
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    last modified by esriram
  • Many classes not found after

    I ran the standard installation installing into an existing JAS 4.0.3SP1. When I started the server I get many ClassNotFound exceptions. I selected the least of the options/components I could because I want only outb...
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    last modified by lpmon
  • MDB that receive mails

    Hello. I need to know how to do a Message Driven Bean that consumes mails of a particular account. I am using JBMS and I want that my Message Driven Bean will receive the mails (for example) for user@localhost each ti...
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    last modified by nicoescribal
  • Hooks into (and from) SubEtha Mailing List Server

    Hi, I'm the lead developer of http://subetha.tigris.org/. It seems like there would be a number of convenient integration points when running in the same JBoss instance. Just the simplest, using JBossMail as an MTA, ...
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    last modified by lhoriman

    I want to make something clear. Hypersonic is included in JBAS and in JBMS for demo/development purposes only. The fact is that while both JBAS and JBMS are easy to install, installing DBs is hard and can be occassion...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • 550 Not Authorized

    I created my accounts & mailbox. All mails are received fine. But i can't send a mail: i got a not authorized error. Did i miss something?
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    last modified by nsilberz
  • Progress

    So I'm now able to send and receive mail with IMAP via T-Bird but TBird will go psycho trying to copy the mail into the sent folder until told to stop. This will be fixed probably today or tomorrow. I must implement t...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Where is the doc?

    Installed mail server tonight. Works well but i have only 4 users (the one the installer asked for). How can i add new users? I read http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToInstallJBossMailServer1.0M4 which c...
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    last modified by nsilberz
  • JBMS Clustering

    Will JBMS scale in a JBoss cluster, and what would the ideal cluster configuration look like? I'm not that familiar with how JBoss clustering works, so, for example, how would load balancing happen? Would one need an...
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    last modified by sappenin