• "Professional" misspelled in title of every page on jboss.or

    The title on every page on jboss.org is "JBoss :: Professinal Open Source." Methinks someone was typing too fast :) James
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    created by jclover
  • Why Standards?

    I found this article on TSS, but wanted to have a Rolf-less conversation. Since I haven't setup www.TheBetterSide.com yet, here we go! http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=4840 Such standards didn't star...
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    last modified by jlward4
  • Forum Search Engine Working?

    Hi, Is the forum search engine working on this site? I am never getting any results back from my search - even using search strings such as 'EJB'. Thanks, John
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    last modified by jfair
  • Status of the forums. Still getting errors with posts/replie

    Hi all, I am still getting the following error when replying to a thread... Community Forums Error -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An error occured processing your ...
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    last modified by rixc
  • Knowledge losses

    Has anyone noticed but the forums are dropping postings rapidly. There are quite a few threads I've answered in the past, and when I go to refer someone to a past thread or answer, I find part or all of the thread gon...
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    last modified by jonlee
  • "IBM recommends JBoss over Oracle app server"

    In interview with John Swainson, general manager of IBM Software Group's Application and Integration Middleware Division, CRN asked: CRN: What do you think of Oracle's new application server pricing ($5,000 per CPU f...
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    last modified by tobias
  • registered date wierd?

    Why does it say that i've registered with this site on Oct 4th 2001 when i did it today May 16th 2003? am i missing something here?? :-)
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    last modified by ejbnewbie
  • NullPointerException

    Not sure if this is the right forum but I am getting the following error when I try and access the 'Management JMX/Jboss' forum. Jive Forums Error Summary -------------------------------------------------------------...
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    last modified by darranl
  • eApps hosting

    Has anyone used eApps hosting (they used to advertise on the JBoss site)? Any good? TIA
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    created by andygodwin
  • jboss icons

    I did not see any jboss icon for windows in the latest downloads so I captured a couple of screen shots and converted them into icons.
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    last modified by duchin
  • change email

    Could somebody please change my email address from pparadis-theberge@delanotech.com to pascalpt@yahoo.com Thanks in advance Pascal
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    last modified by pascalpt
  • JDJ Poll

    Anyone notice that BEA closed the gap in one day? Maybe they had the staff take off a few minutes from "innovating" to vote.
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    last modified by ggreaves
  • IntelliJ IDEA

    Saw an interesting news article over at the Java Developer's Journal, something to the effect that IntelliJ and jBoss signed a co-marketing deal. The article (http://www.sys-con.com/java/articlenews.cfm?id=2014) is so...
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    created by scsiprog
  • What's with 3.21 src.tgz download?

    It lists itself as being 27923 KB on the site but when you're done downloading, you have 66MB. Looks like a tarred, but not zipped archive.
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    last modified by stevecoh1
  • 'Always email me watch update notices' option not working

    Hi all, I get no mails when a topic I am watching is updating. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Ricardo
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    last modified by rixc
  • Remember my Login

    The "Remember me" on teh Forum logon page doesnt work.. I get timed out even though i set that flag every time i login to the forums. Does anyone else experience this? Whats the Max. age for the "Remember me" feature?...
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    last modified by raja05
  • IBM pulls away in app server race

    Anyone notice this article at ZDNet? http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104_2-1000046.html IBM's marketshare in the app server market rose to 37% and BEA dropped to 29% according to Gartner. I'm not quite sure what they clas...
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    last modified by jonlee
  • Typo in WHITE ?

    Hi all, Is there a typo in page 8 in paragraph that begins with Scott Handy ... we can read : This statement shows pig ignorance ... Is really what you wanted to write ?
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    last modified by noel.rocher
  • Powered By...

    ...is there such a thing as a 'PoweredBy JBoss' logo? And if there is, can we use it and where is it? Lewis
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    last modified by cobraflow
  • Open source survey

    We are two students at the university of Stockholm, in the department of Education, who will be writing our minor thesis during spring and early summer. The thesis focuses on the group processes in Open source develop...
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    created by sysuser1