Integrating JBoss and Splunk?I've been looking for a way to create a Splunk add-on that would suck in data from my JBoss AS-based apps - performance data, log files, at al. - and then create reports and dashboards based on that data. Anyo...
Thread jboss-log4j set specific time for rolling appender
jboss-log4j set specific time for rolling appenderHi, I am using the below rolling appender to roll our server logs. Howver we need this done at 7am instead of midnight. Is this possible? Thanks, Hemal <!-- A time/date based r...
Hibernate Database CertificationThis post may be in the wrong location. I work for IBM Ireland and we have an In-Memory Relational Database called solidDB. The hibernate SQL dialect has been written for the database and i'm wondering if anyb...
RenamingJBossORGTabsCurrently the tabs for the new JBoss.ORG site are named as follows: This tabbed design is also used at Sourceforge together with the idea for a personalized tab called My Page. The tab acts lik...
ProgrammingModelContentProgramming Model JBoss Seam JBoss EJB3 JBoss AOP Enterprise Middleware aids in the creation of high-quality and robust applications by providing services and component frameworks for common functional ...
WikiContentThe current instructions on how to use the wiki are found when you try to edit a page. They are also available on the EditPageHelp wiki page: ...
PreviousContributionsPortletDesignPrevious Contributions This portlet should be added to the My.ORG page when any contributions have been made by the user. These could be additions to the wiki or code contributions. If possible it should list t...
WebinarsContentThere is an existing page that lists the available JBoss webinars: These webinars are split into 3 categories: Core Infrastructure Integration and P...
PortalContentPortal JBoss Portal Portlets JBoss Wiki JBoss Forums JBoss Blog JBoss Kosmos JBoss Portal provides an out-of-the-box solution for accessing separate enterprise applications from a single web inter...
TutorialsDemosContentTutorials and demos are currently located on the following page: The current content is shown below: The following JBoss TrailBlazers and Demo Applications...
DotOrgPlansConstituencies Users Organization and creation of content to make being a user easier. Users on the verge of becoming contributors .ORG acts as "user advocates" in making sure some ...
ToolsContentTools Red Hat Developer Studio JBoss Profiler JBoss JRunit This category contains projects to help you successfully develop and test your enterprise applications. Red Hat Developer Studio provides an in...
ServersRuntimeContentServers/Runtime JBoss Application Server JBoss Web JBoss Microcontainer Many enterprise applications require the ability to support hundreds or thousands of concurrent users over the internet, without l...
RoadMapPortletDesignRoad Map Portlet Let's start by looking at what our competitors are doing: Glassfish The Roadmap link is present on the home page for the project: ...
PodcastsConentThere is already an existing page describing the available podcasts: The current content, shown below, needs to be reworded slightly to be consistent...
OrganizingJIRAJIRA projects Currently JIRA contains a number of projects that relate in part to the JBoss projects listed on JBoss.ORG Category JBoss.ORG Project Name JIRA Category JIRA Project Name ...
OrganizingJBossORGProjectsThe list of projects currently on (as of Monday 5th March 07) are: The new design disposes of the JEMS, JBoss.ORG, and Community Labs categories and instead treats all projects as belonging ...
MailingListsContentWe need to explain why mailing lists are good and then give a list of all the mailing lists available. We need to explain how you can find out which mailing lists you are on and how you can apply to be put on ...
JBossUserGroupsContentJBoss User Groups There is already a page on the website dedicated to JBugs: This needs to be moved to the site and the content for the overv...