• Second success with JBoss

      "asafw" wrote: "asafw" wrote: We recently finished installation and ATP of our product with a mobile operator. Needless to say how demanding is the process of delivering a product to a mobile operator, preferri...
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    created by asafw
  • Lots of development time saved via Jboss

      "godzilla7" wrote: "godzilla7" wrote: I have saved a lot of time using Jboss to deploy & test locally instead of messing with cvs and a long ftp process to a server that is too far away. Now I can save time...
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    created by godzilla7
  • jboss web services

    We have a production system now up and running with one site in Canada and 2 more coming up in the USA and Europe in the next month. All systems have web services that allow our users to view essential customer servic...
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    created by rgjawanda
  • Need info on JBoss/J2EE scalability

    Can anyone point me in the direction of any white paper type write ups that specifically address performance and scalability of JBoss and J2EE in general. We are currently using JBoss 3.2.1 and have had good success w...
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    created by wpfeiffe
  • buzzuco

    Hello, We designed and built buzzuco an SMS community/gaming application for faith-inc which was launched in the UK late November 2002 using open source applications at every opportunity. At the core of buzzuco is t...
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    created by hoos
  • its up and running

    Hi guys, as a small software company we built a complete equity and credit Research system for analyzing financial data (p&l, share prices, etc) and managing the whole production workflow for producing Research P...
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    last modified by greiff
  • Warehouse application

    As ISV, we have put our new Warehouse application into production for more customers using JBoss and MySQL. We started with JBoss 2.2.2 and are now 3.2.1. The system has both Swing and some web clients for status requ...
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    created by fbiaggi
  • JBoss 3.0.8RC1 Redhat 9 J2SDK1.4.1_02

    The day before yestarday I installed Redhat 9 on my Intel P4 workstation. Yestarday I installed j2sdk1.4.1_02 on it. Last night I checked out the latest JBoss 3.0 CVS. This morning I built the source and ran all the t...
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    created by mbonar
  • Cancelled 80K+ Weblogic Fees

    We convinced our boss to cancel the Weblogic maintenance agreement of over 80K per year and go with JBoss. We have implemented 2 production apps. 1 external site is rolling out 4/1/2003 with SSH. All of this in about ...
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    last modified by williams
  • Solid operation

    We've been using JBoss for about 5 years now and we've always found it to be rock solid. We've had experience with JBoss in various environments and also had development experience with other application servers such ...
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    created by jonlee
  • Jboss comparisons

    Not a testimonial (yet) but I was wondering if any one knows if there are any comparison papers between JBoss and other app servers, especially Weblogic, on the web. Thanks, Ken
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    created by khkachn
  • Open source Java route yields big savings

    Open source Java route yields big savings http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2908812,00.html
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    created by sgjava
  • A recent project of mine

    I've recently been working with a company called Blueheath, to deliver their internet order capture engine and core business system. The system has been live on jboss in production now for well over a year, first on ...
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    created by timfox
  • JBoss the Best

    One year ago, I decided to start using JBoss. Since then, I did not had the chance to explore all the features, since I was always looking for new versions(Alpha,Beta,...). Two years ago we were almost a 99% microsoft...
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    created by jbsabmello
  • JBoss - Use It, Love It

    While putting together Out-of-the-Box, a collection of Open Source projects, we had the opportunity to research dozens of community offerings, including several J2EE containers. It didn't take very long to decide that...
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    created by rodcope
  • JBoss Rocks!

    How many CPUs in production: 2 Why JBoss: We chose JBoss for several reasons. The primary drivers were performance, feature set, and cost. When we were setting out to develop our new content management platform for...
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    created by hunterhillegas
  • Welcom!

    We need information on JBoss in production!!! Please provide as much information as possible. Transaction load. Hardware architecture. Any details are much welcomed. Regards, Bill Burke Chief Architect JBoss Group, ...
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    created by bill.burke