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Thread Problem in using errai cordova maven plugin (config.xml not found)
Problem in using errai cordova maven plugin (config.xml not found)Hello All, I having been trying to convert my test app into a native app. My test app is based on the errai tutorial (Errai 4.0.0Beta3). I am able to build and deploy the app on Wildfly 10 but when I invoke th...
Tips for debugging minified JSHi, The JS console output is completely unreadable and impossible to locate the source of problems, very frustrating considering the long compile time for GWT. Are there any compiler options which allo...
Merging client and server dataIn our application when creating a new entity and persisting it to the server, there are properties that are set only on the server side (id sequence, calculations,....). Currently, we manually transfer these ...
Thread Duplicate method set in BindableProxyLoaderImpl
Duplicate method set in BindableProxyLoaderImplBecause of legacy code (GXT 2.0) our models contain "get" and "set" method with the same signature as default methods in BindableProxyLoader so the compiler throws an error "Duplicate method set(String, Object) ...". ...
Errai forum dead?It looks like this Errai forum is dead. I think it's time to have a Gitter for Errai e.g. gwtproject/gwt - Gitter is very much active.
Thread errai generates beans.xml exclusion for package-info.java
errai generates beans.xml exclusion for package-info.javaHi, errai autogenerates an <exclude> entry for all package-info.java files in my project. The resulting XML does not conform to the XML schema and causes the super-dev-mode to fail. Any ideas how i can p...
AsyncDispatcher with ErraiCDI ?Hello I am using Errai 3.2.0.Final in a Jboss 7.1.1.Final. I saw in the documentation that AsyncDispatcher should be used in production so I went ahead and tried it. After setting it up in the ErraiService.pr...
Simple demo using Errai JAX-RS RestHey. I am new to Errai. I would like to learn it. I cannot find any up to date demo example of working app with JAX-RS. Can You help me? Here is my related question on stackoverflow: java - Errai JAX-RS Rest service...
TBroyer gwt maven pluginIs errai works with Thomas Broyer gwt maven plugin? GitHub - tbroyer/gwt-maven-plugin: Starting fresh on building GWT projects with Maven / Maven Plugin for GWT – Introduction I would like to have maven...
Thread Open in new tab, TransitionAnchors, and erraiPushStateEnabled
Open in new tab, TransitionAnchors, and erraiPushStateEnabledHello, I've been working on an application that includes TransitionAnchors to different pages of which users sometimes like to open in a new tab. Users also requested that we enabled the "erraiPushStateEnabled...
Errai MVP Best PracticeHi, I am working on migrating parts of an existing app to Errai. While the UI part of Errai looks pretty impressive (html templating), I want to keep the MVP aspects of the app for better modularity. Does anyone ...
Virtual Dom?One of the killer feature in ReactJS is the abstraction layer over DOM (e.g. virtual dom), so that the the app does not manipulate the browser DOM directly, but the changes are intelligently calculated (diff) an...
Stop @Page from showingHi, I'm working on an app where I need to show a @Page annotated view class only if the user has the appropriate rights. I looked at the security example, and that looks interesting for cases where commu...
Thread Errai 3.2.3 Final with Material Design Light problem
Errai 3.2.3 Final with Material Design Light problemDear Errai community, hope someone is able to help me. I completly stucked :-/ I could successfuly use Polymer 0.5 with Errai for some time, but now it's deprecated. So I have to move to Polymer 1.x or other li...
Thread GWT Errai image uploading and catch the imageFile
GWT Errai image uploading and catch the imageFileHello Everyone since i am new to GWT and also i am newbie on errai framework. is there anyone who knows how image uploading works and catch it in console log? thanks