• Fuse ESB redundancy

    Hi Guys,   I would like to know if there is any ready-to-use mechanism or practice to obtain redundancy with Fuse ESB. I'm thinking about something like Master-Slave configuration. A Slave Fuse ESB server obta...
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    last modified by rmcavalcante
  • Maven problem when installing

    Hello when i try to install the mave program i get the Error : Failure executing javac,  but could not parse the error: The system cannot find the path specified.       - For more information...
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    last modified by peter_kosmas
  • Fuse as service on linux machine

    Hi.   I have latest centos as server.   I have installed fuse to /opt/fuse...   Now a question: how should I start fuse when centos start up?   How should I connect to it? As I understand, I h...
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    last modified by zeroed
  • What do we need to learn servicemix  (FUSE) ESB?

    Hi,   I am a java developer and I want to learn ServiceMix (FUSE) ESB as  it has a great demand.   Now I want to know the list of technologies I should read  right from learning core java, eclip...
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    last modified by sarah
  • New Open Source Project based on FUSE

    Hello Community,   I want to announce our launch of OTOSS an Open Source Project for the travel industry. The current solution is partially based on specifications of the OTA (Open Travel Alliance, www.opentrave...
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    last modified by mellouk
  • Servicemix 4, DOSGi, and Zookeeper

    Hello, I'd like to setup Servicemix with DOSGi and Zookeeper.  Currently, I'm running into some problems with port conflict (2181) during startup with the single distribution bundle of DOSGi.  Has a...
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    last modified by charly_hermanson
  • SMX3 - CXF bus configuration - Error defining jaxws:endpoint

    Hello,   I try to use ws-adressing and jaxws for smx3-cxf-bc component.   I try to configure cxf bus with this cxf.xml : -   -   I have the following error when I deploy my sa in FUSE ESB or S...
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    last modified by jcs_jean-claude.souvignet
  • Looking for osgi project to participate...

    Hello! I'am Java Developer with 4 years of experience. We recently started a project on Fuse (using ESB + Camel) and its in production now. However it was terrible to have it done and we had a huge bug list from QA t...
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    last modified by vector_jdev.work
  • Mylyn & JIRA for Issue tracking

    Hi   Is anyone using Mylyn with the JIRA connector to manage issues for projects on Forge?  I can validate to the server in the connector settings, but if I try to submit a task I get an authentication fail...
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    last modified by mormerod
  • FUSE ESB Installer fails on 64-bit Windows

    JIRA: MB-532   Installer fails on 64-bit Windows Created: 20/Aug/09 07:44 PM   Updated: 20/Aug/09 07:44 PM   I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Version with 64bit Java VM   I tried als...
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    last modified by mellouk
  • Logisticx Demo

    Hi I'm a newbie - I trolled around and couldn't seem to find any links for the download to the logisticx demo for 4.1. I tried to search. I trolled around on repo.fusesource.com/maven2 and eventually found a pom for v...
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    last modified by berenerchamion
  • Potential bug in PHP Stomp Client

    Hi,   I think I stumbled upon a bug in the PHP Stomp Client 1.0. It seams sometimes I get two messages in one readFrame.   I have a PHP process subscribed  to several topics and one queue on ActiveMQ ...
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    last modified by walec51_me
  • FUSE Product Version Differences

    Where would one look to find a listing of the changes that have been implemented between the various versions of FUSE products?  For example; what has changed in FUSE Message Broker from version to versi...
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    last modified by abowe
  • Missing files for Getting Started webinars

    The links to the project files for the various Getting Started webinars do not appear to link to anything. Are these files available somewhere? Thanks.
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    last modified by slloyd
  • Problem with simple quartz.xml example in FUSE 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT

    Hi guys,   I'm having a problem with the simple quartz.xml example included in the distro. It works perfectly the first time but on subsequent servicemix launches it fails with the following:   13:06:50,58...
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    last modified by zacwolfe_zacw

    research paper  can be defined as the search for knowledge or any systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering, interpreting,...
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    last modified by michelewood
  • Open Source - SOA, BPM & ESB : Architecture, Design and Best Practices Trai

    We are going to organize training SOA, BPM & ESB : Architecture, Design and Best Practices.   Kindly find the schedule of the training.   1. Open Source SOA, BPM & ESB  Training (4 days) (5th ...
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    last modified by attuneinfocom
  • Webinar Dates

    Hi, can you please add dates to your webinars to give a measure of how accurate the information.
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    last modified by sdfssgaas
  • To FUSE or not To FUSE

    I have been evaluating FUSE as an ESB solution for web services that already exist. I seem to notice a lot of overheard in creating POJO wrappers and other methods to simply call a pre-existing web service.   I...
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    last modified by garyc
  • error deploying payment-service-se to fuse ESB

    using ESB I am trying to get through the "getting started" tutorial and trying to accomplish the deploy of com.example.fuse/payment-service-se.   it fails with this error in the log:   Offending...
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    last modified by e0richt