• Dynamic generation of Web services

    Hi everyone,   How can I create a Web Service dynamically using the FUSE ESB 4? I need to generate new Web Services in runtime and I don't know how to do it.   Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by brbrbr
  • repo.fusesource.com down?

    Has anyone else noticed that the fusesource maven repositories seem to be offline?  Does anyone know what's going on and if they'll be back soon?    I made the mistake of not caching these through a l...
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  • OSGI vs J2EE

    Hello,   I'm a bit puzzled with application deployement on FUSE.   I. Should I consider 2 different worlds :   a) J2EE with WARs / EARs deploying on a standard J2EE Container   b) OSGi Bundles ...
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    last modified by skay088
  • Heavy payload support

    I would like to know what to consider if I need transferring from FTP binary files (1-20 megs) through FUSE ESB to some processing. Is Fuse designed for this purpose or would this use case conflict with some limitati...
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    last modified by skay088
  • Maven

    Hi,   I don't know where to put this post, hope this is the right place.   The maven repository seems to be down:     http://repo.open.iona.com/maven2   Best,   Michele
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    last modified by allanon76
  • Logisticx Demo

    Does this still exist? The Getting Started guide refers me to http://fusesource.com/downloads to get the demo file, but it is not available on that page.
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    last modified by bailey720_pepper_fiend
  • ActiveMQ Message Broker not available for download

    Hi,   it seems you have a broken url for the ActiveMQ download for windows.     Oops! We couldn't find the download you requested. This may be due to a change in the request url or a change in our do...
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    last modified by allanon76
  • Failed to extract Fuse ESB / Apache ServiceMix 4.3

    Hi,   I have downloaded the file but it seems it failed to extract.   The archive is either in unknown format or damaged.   Can anyone help me, please.   TQ
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    last modified by methic86
  • A scenario for FUSE?

    Hi,   Should I look into FUSE for this scenario.   We have a critical application calling a number of operations on the same web service, because of our application software the calls are unnecsessary slo...
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    last modified by jensd
  • IONA Nexus Servers Offline?

    FuseSource Repository Manager -> Problem accessing /nexus/. Reason: NOT_FOUND   FuseSource Releases -> http://repo.fusesource.com/nexus/content/groups/public/ -> Problem accessing /nexus/content/groups/...
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  • Avoiding Dynamic-Import *?

    Does anyone have any insight on OSGi bundling tooling to avoid this sort of catch-all setting? I am using the Maven-bundle-plugin from org.apache.felix to generate my MANIFEST. However, I keep having to track the real...
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    last modified by jecalvert
  • Opening Source Code in Eclipse

    I have downloaded the latest source code version of FuseSource CXF.   I followed the instructions at http://fusesource.com/docs/framework/2.3/install_guide/IGFSFSrcUnpackBuild.html   I ran into some probl...
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    last modified by wayn23
  • Code-First   and Wsdl-First

    I started two project using wsdl-first archetype and code-first archetype   I used mvn to compile and then I deployed   the wsdl-first web service deployed successfully and worked perfectly the code-firs...
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    last modified by atlantix
  • choose specific archetypeVersion

    How  can I determine specific archetypeVersion (see below)? -DarchetypeVersion=2011.01.0-fuse-00-00 -DarchetypeVersion=2010.01.0-fuse-02-00   Jing
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  • Apache ODE

    hi everyone, I'm newbie in this area and I'm having some problems to run an apache ODE example using FUSE ESB (apache servicemix 4.3.1). Basically I install the ODE and the examples(hello-world and ping-pong), but i d...
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    last modified by samuel
  • beginner help - Searching secure REST service wth a HttpProviderMarshaler

    Hi I am a newbie to ServiceMix and Fuse. I've been thrown into a project which uses FUSE serviceMix 3.5. The person --in the company -- who is helping me is so busy that it is so difficult to get help.   He se...
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    last modified by sk92129
  • DOSGi and Servicemix

    Does DOSGi work on Fuse?  I'm trying to get DOSGi 1.2 running on Fuse 4.3.1 using JDK 6u24.  I posted about this to the DOSGi forum before, but they said its  Fuse issue.  If I could get this combi...
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    last modified by warrior389
  • multi services in one CXF component

    Hi,   when more than one service is defined in the xbean.xml of the cxf component, no error occurs during deployment. However, only the first service can be called from a client whereas a call to the second one ...
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    last modified by glindmeyer
  • Problems with 2 cxfse:endpoint with same pojo - How I do?

    Hi   Its works? I have 2 endpoint, one of them is a real implementation, an another is a mock, but just mock is invoked, but if I remove person:mock, real works?...   Any Idea?    
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  • CXFBC Consumer -> Camel -> JBI -> CXFBC Provider ServiceMix 3x Example?

    Hi,   Im looking for a example of this configuration on SMX3 CXFBC Consumer -> Camel -> JBI -> CXFBC Provider ServiceMix 3x   Any idea?
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