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Thread when I use cxf:rsServer in blueprint.xml i have below problem
when I use cxf:rsServer in blueprint.xml i have below problemHey all, when i use cxf:rsServer in blueprint.xml i have below problem cxf is from below namespace and schema http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf/camel-cxf.xsd ...
CXF Interceptors for LoggingHello. Is there a way to set in/out cxf loggint interceptors for all the CXF web services deployed in Jboss Fuse? I don't want to configure one by one. So I expect to put the in out interceptor at the level of the cxf...
Thread Issues in deployment while using aspect + activeMQ on Fuse esb 6.0
Issues in deployment while using aspect + activeMQ on Fuse esb 6.0Hi, I am facing issues in deployment while using aspect in my application. I am getting an exception : org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'activeMQ' defined in URL ...
Documentation for Fuse Fabric 7Hello, guys. It's very nice that fabric8 with hawtio was released and html5 app became a mainstream for managing container. But could you please give a chance to access old documentation for Fuse Fabric, which were p...
Thread JRE Crash error while starting JBOSS Fuse on JRE 1.6.45
JRE Crash error while starting JBOSS Fuse on JRE 1.6.45I have a limitation on my O/S and could not migrate it to java 1.7 , so i have the JRE 1.6.45 and I am unable to start Fuse , getting a crash error. XX@XX:/opt/fuse/jboss-fuse-6.0.0.redhat-024/bin> ./fuse ...
camel cxf - can't escape spaces correctlyRepost of http://fusesource.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=4920&tstart=0 I'm reposting here in case I didn't post on the correct forum the first time. Apologies if this shouldn't be reposted... ___...
Thread web service client exception on fuse esb version 7.0.1
web service client exception on fuse esb version 7.0.1in my bundle i am create client to call a external web serivce (outside my fuse esb) it failed with exception below as a stand alone java program(not deployed in fuse esb) works without any problem bu...
Classpath issues. ClassNotFound errorsHi, I am running apache-servicemix-4.4.0-fuse-00-43 on CentOS. I am having a issue (I think with class loading). I has a few OSGI packages written. One of them is a REST service (A) which calls a Data ...
Fuse ESB - MSSQL DriversHi, I've found discussion on this forum about making SQLServer Drivers to work in ESB. I have tried: Wrap driver jar file .m2 maven repository and install it mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sqljdbc4....
Thread Communication between JBOSS WebServer & Fuse ESB
Communication between JBOSS WebServer & Fuse ESBHello All, We are planning to make a cluster of our Fuse ESB Fabric Containers and have the HTTP call loadbalanced between the memebers in cluster, Our Front end proxy is JBOSS Web Server , So plesae let...
Thread Data source creation and MySQL driver problem
Data source creation and MySQL driver problemI am having problems connecting to a MySQL data source inside of FuseESB 4 (SMX4). I have a typical app design, which needs to access a database. In terms of OSGi modular design, I have 4 bundles, it goes ...
Thread Howto patch Fuse 7.1 with pax-url-mvn-1.3.7.jar
Howto patch Fuse 7.1 with pax-url-mvn-1.3.7.jarHello Everyone, We have are using fuse-esb-full-7.1.0.fuse-047 with a JDK 1.6. It seems this version of Fuse ESB is totally ignoring our nonProxyHosts parameter in our Maven configuration (set in our e...
Thread Fuse ESB 7.1 - Camel-Quartz Clustering using JobStore
Fuse ESB 7.1 - Camel-Quartz Clustering using JobStoreHi, I've been trying to use Quartz JobStores in order to run 2 active/active Fuse servers with no success. (my servers use quartz extensively, hence the need to cluster quartz) I'm having the followin...
how to send file as email attachment viahow to send file as email attachment by Producer template' sendBodyAndHeaders method? could any one give a example`?? sendBodyAndHeaders("smtp://you@mymailserver.com?password=secret&From=you@apach...
Fuse 4.5 - jdk 7 support ?Hi, Does Fuse 4.5 support jdk 7 ? I was trying to avoid using the enterprise version. Apache servicemix 4.5 is compatible with 1.7. I'll appreciate if someone can let me know. Thanks, S...
A few questions about Fuse FabricHello! I'm currently analyzing whether Fuse Fabric makes sense for a few scenarios I have at my company. At a high level, we're essentially building a "cloud of clouds" where there are common components in a public cl...
Which bundle is missing?What bundle is missing? How should I resolve this problem? Below is stack trace of error blueprint container for bundle XXX to unresolved dependencies java.util.concurrent.TimeoutExcept...