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Thread Error when im trying to deploy a jar as bundle
Error when im trying to deploy a jar as bundleHello, I'm a little confuse about how to use jars that are not bundles in Fuse. Im trying to deploy axis 1.2.1 jar inside deploy folder. In many cases the jars were deployed as bundles inside karaf, but with ...
Thread Services with CXF doesn't refresh when a bundle is deployed
Services with CXF doesn't refresh when a bundle is deployedHi! im having problems when I deployed some bundles. System: OS: Ubuntu 12.04 Fuse Version: jboss-fuse-6.0.0.redhat-024 This is the test: - Some CXF-Camel (BookingInformationService) ...
Thread Error while connecting to a new container through the console
Error while connecting to a new container through the consoleHi all, I am getting this Error while connecting to a new container through the console : FuseFabric:karaf@root> container-connect test-platform Connected Error executing command: Session is close...
PublickeyLoginModule not getting installedI am running Fuse ESB (7.0.2.fuse-097). Base install (full) does not install the org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.publickey.PublickeyLoginModule for some reason. jaas:realms only shows PropertiesLoginModule. Any idea ...
API Management and AnalyticsI am building a SOA platform. I need to expose it as PaaS. I will be exposing API's for uses of platform. Is there something avaialble with FuseFabric which I can use for API managment, governance and Analytics....
Issue using Apache CXF with MTOMHi, I'm running a cxf soap webservice in fuse 4.3 . I've configured the endpoint to return a large file leveraging MTOM. The client code is generated using cxf wsdl2java. When the client code it retriev...
The Importance of Exporting and ImportingThe best practices documentation http://fusesource.com/docs/esb/4.4/esb_deploy_osgi/BestPractices-BuildBundles.html#BestPractices-BuildBundles-AIPTYE has a section 'Avoid importing packages that you export' which star...
How to add JVM parameter?In command line, I can run a java file like: java -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml -jar floodlight.jar But in OSGi container like FUSE ESB, I cannot add such ...
Fuse step over another installed featureHi! I have two features and I can individually install the services. I remarked individually because when I deploy the second, Fuse deletes the first one. In the logs I saw how the camel routes and the cxf endpoints a...
ActiveMQ RedeliveryPolicy not effectiveHi, I'm using Fuse ESB 4.4.1 with AMQ 5.5.1, and I'm trying to configure the RedeliveryPolicy on my ActiveMQConnectionFactory, primarily to increase the time between redeliveries. However, this policy doesn't ch...
Thread ActiveMQ starts to fail in Fuse Jboss when a feature is deployed
ActiveMQ starts to fail in Fuse Jboss when a feature is deployedIm having a problem when I deploy a feature. The feature contains three bundles, and Karaf deploys well these bundles, but when they are deployed ActiveMQ starts to having problems. The deployed bundles are si...
Thread Problems calling SOAP Service from OSGI package
Problems calling SOAP Service from OSGI packageHi folks, I am trying to write a Java app which runs as an OSGI bundle. It as triggered by receiving a message on an ActiveMQ queue. I am running on CENTOS 6.2 using Fuse (ServiceMix) 4.4.0. Pa...
Thread How to enable camel-jetty to use default jetty-port in etc/jetty.xml
How to enable camel-jetty to use default jetty-port in etc/jetty.xmlHi, I created a jetty endpoint and I would like it to use default jetty port specified in jetty.xml which specifies 8181. But the jetty endpoint takes the default port as '80' since it uses http component. ...
Fuse ESB and Pax ExamFolks, I am trying to work out how to unit test OSGi bundles that are intended to be installed under Fuse ESB. These tests would be included in the Maven build process for the bundles. I have bee...
Problems adding config files to a profileHello, I am trying to add a config file to a profile as per here: https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Fuse_Management_Console/7.1/html/Using_Fuse_Management_Console/files/FMCUGProfileEditConfig.html...