• ActiveMQ failover does not work with Windows Cluster

    Hi,   We have configured an ActiveMQ (5.3.2) failover cluster through Windows Cluster Manager, without using ActiveMQ's native failover mechanism.   Below is a brief description of the system setup:  ...
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    last modified by qwang_qwang
  • Load balancing in brokers network

    Hi,   I have Fuse 4.2 with three instances created (node1, node2 and node3). I configured network of brokers for these instances - brokers addresses were specified in  configurations of activemq for each in...
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    last modified by andii
  • Help: Subscribers stop receiving messages

    ActiveMQ configuration issue:   1.     Have a topic ?foo? on Host-A (ActiveMQ Broker) 2.     Host-B connect to Host-A and start sending messages to topic ?foo?...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Can ActiveMQ provide any means to support transfer resume?

    We need to send large files from a producer to consumer(s). If for some reason the whole file does not send successfully and we want to resume from the previous position. Is there any way to do it?
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    last modified by thuyqnguyen
  • ActiveMQConnectionSupport.redeliveryBackOffMultiplier signature change

    From version 5.3.0-fuse-01-00 -> 5.4.0-fuse-00-00   This signature change on getter from Short to Double and cause problem setting this property from Spring.   This is expected ?     ...
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    last modified by tranchida
  • Sending a JMS Message via Stomp to JSON client

    Hi,   From Openedge I am posting a JMS Message to a queue called "sampleQ1". I am using the Stomp protocol. The body of the JMS message contains a JSON formatted dataset. From within Openedge I use the &#652...
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    last modified by jandouwevonk
  • Is there a way to provide your own your message storage?

    Each of our message is a big file. We do not send many messages but we want to manage the file on the broker. Is there a way to provide your own message storage?
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    last modified by thuyqnguyen
  • Network brokers and versions.

    When networking/clustering brokers, what are the rules on versions? Do both/all ActiveMQ brokers have to be the same version in a cluster?
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Migrating ActiveMQ/Camel deployment to FUSE

    Greetings,   I currently have an implementation that is deployed on ActiveMQ and uses Camel for message routing.  I am interested in migrating this software to the FUSE ESB.  Also I might want to begin...
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    last modified by elihusmails
  • Errors connecting to Oracle Cluster as DB store

    We have been using Oracle in test with a single oracle instance, but on production we have a cluster. We have other applications already talking to the cluster so we know the JDBC connection string works, but for some...
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    last modified by dave.stubbs
  • MQ sometimes goes into a slow burst mode with 4 minute delays between burst

    Where experiencing trouble at a clients site where, and it's happened twice in recent months, the brokers seem to go into a slow burst mode.   It manifests itself by the client receiving messages at a normal spe...
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    last modified by dave.stubbs
  • Error: dynamicallyIncludedDestinations

    Help,   I set-up a networkConnector with a staticallyIncludedDestinations works great:         <!-- The store and forward broker networks ActiveMQ will send to -->  ...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Fuse Broker using KahaDB crashes when using NFS

    Hi, I'm using Fuse Broker 5.3.1-fuse-01-00 with KahaDB as the persistence mechanism on NFS file system. I'm running it with a load of around 100msg/sec. In one of my test scenarios I'm checking the message expiry tha...
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    last modified by surajsathyapal
  • KahaDB recovery problem after out of free disk space

    Hi,   Activemq (5.3.1-01-00) can`t start after out of free disk space crash. The following exception throws:   ==== 2010-07-07 18:19:49,941 | ERROR | Failed to start ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker. Reason:...
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    last modified by ciand7
  • JMS Producer hangs when MQ storage limit reached

    We are having issues in our live systems because on occassion when downstream consumers are taken off line for maintnenance for any lengthy period of time applications that still post to the queues hang after a number...
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    last modified by dave.stubbs
  • where is download link?

    on download page ,I only found 5.3.1.
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    last modified by ispeed
  • Help with network ActiveMQ Brokers.

    I am trying to network/cluster two ActiveMQ Brokers. BrokerA & BrokerB   In BrokerA activemq-broker.xml:        <networkConnectors>        ...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • ActiveMQ Performance Guide

    I saw, at http://fusesource.com/open_source/activemq-performance/, the link to 'Active MQ performance guide', that includes extensive performance evaluation tests and recommendations for tuning ActiveMQ and FUSE Messa...
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    last modified by marcocoppola
  • Message loss on failover

    Hello,   we encountered a problem with a failover configuration. Our JMS clients are connected to two brokers and if the first broker goes down, they failover to the second one. However, we loose one message for...
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    last modified by t0m.guenter
  • JDBC Statement Close Issue on 5.3.1-02

    Hi,   I just upgraded to Fuse MB 5.3.1-02 and am seeing the following faults.  I'm not sure what they mean.  Any ideas?   Thanks,   Mike       2010-06-29 06:26:36,062 | WARN...
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