• What is the Published Address

    I know this is a newbie question, but I cannot find the answer.   I have built a simple service and deployed it as a bundle which exposes a web service.   I see the following entry in the log - Setting t...
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    last modified by wayn23
  • Exception handling spring

    Hi guys is somehow possible to get exception message from this doTry-doCatch block ?   My scenario :   which i found somewhere on camel pages but result is the same.   Thanks for any help.   P...
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    last modified by nohaapav
  • SOAPFaultException: Could not find conduit initiator for transport

    I've tried to run external ws but i've received this error message:   SOAPFaultException: Could not find conduit initiator for transport http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http   Any idea where should be the...
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    last modified by nohaapav
  • Logger

    Hi guys,   have a some problem with logger in servicemix. I'm using some kind of logger which u can see below to know what's happening in my code.   import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFacto...
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    last modified by nohaapav
  • java.lang.NoSuchMethodError - weird problem

    Hello guys,   i have some serious issue with my integration interface work. The deal is :   I have to create some methods which go throught XML file's and just save elements  values into some variable...
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    last modified by nohaapav
  • PluginConversionException

    After i tried to install bundle in new servicemix this error happen:   osgi:install file:/home/nohaapav/.m2/repository/com/tieto/terp-api/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT org.eclipse.osgi.service.pluginconversion.PluginConversi...
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    last modified by nohaapav
  • soapjaxb not valid data format for marshal/unmarshal ?

    soapjaxb seems to be a valid data format yet its not listed in the schema for unmarshal/marshal or UnmarshalDefinition as a valid element.   And yet, java examples show it being used (But no spring examples)...
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    last modified by sysgen
  • CXFRS with interface and passthrough

    I'm having trouble trying to create a route where in inbound request comes into CXFRS, the body is passed on to a processor that creates SQL and that is fed to the JDBC component before being transformed and returned ...
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    last modified by sysgen
  • Bundle start problem

    Hello,   After i installed camel-example-osgi from apache-camel-2.5.0-fuse-00-00 examples into osgi container and try to run this error happen :   Error executing command: The bundle "org.apache.camel.ca...
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    last modified by nohaapav
  • How do I invoke the WebService out of FUSE? it says no service,no endpoint

    I want to invoke the other system's webservice(http://localhost:8080/webservice_su/services/helloWorld) in servicemix using camel. and I did as follows: 1. I use cxf-bc to bind the webservice just like this : first...
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    last modified by cashethon
  • JAXB OSGI class loading issues when CXF service  endpoints and proxy client

    Hi,   We have JAXB classloading issues in the OSGI using CXF 2.2.10 in Fuse 4.3-02  . It looks like when different JaxbContexts tries to load the same Jaxb class binding that has been load before throws thi...
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    last modified by marcelcasado
  • Simple web service

    Hi, I am preparing for a new web service project. I have no experience in web service, so I would like to hear the opinion from people who had done similar project on whether it is more appropriate to use SOAP or REST...
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    last modified by donaldesb
  • OSGi bundle issues with cxf-extension-osgi

    I have a simple CXF RS bundle deployed in Fuse 4.2 that works fine upon initial installation.  But, when I update or re-install the bundle, the REST service in no longer accessible.    I tried a vario...
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    last modified by benoday
  • Apache CXF JAX-RS With UTF-8 request

    Hi, I am using Jax-rs web services in Apache CXF I have exposed a uri using this when i am trying to post special characters like ☺♀ .. In the service end I am receiving as ? character I have tried...
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    last modified by rajeshcare4u_rajesh
  • Unable to access CXF Web Services with IP address.

    Hello All ,   I am unable to access the CXF webservice with an IP address.   For eg. When I use : http://localhost:8090/MyService?wsdl , it works well. But when it accessed from :
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    last modified by mitul1411
  • CXF - Response Schema validation failed

    Hello,   I use CXF version 2.2.10-fuse-00-00 or 2.2.9 and I have the same issue :   I have a jaxws service definied with : -   -   Without validation (schema-validation-enabled to false) the...
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    last modified by jcs_jean-claude.souvignet
  • FUSE SF 2.3.0-fuse-00-00 does not contain cxf-xjc-ts

    Hi,   i saw that the FUSE SF 2.3.0-fuse-00-00 version is available in the maven-repo. But what is missing is the maven cxf-xjc-ts plugin:             ...
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    last modified by hartmut
  • FUSE SF 2.2.10-fuse-00-00 not on download page

    Hi,   when i go to the download section i can only download the 2.2.9 version. Can you also make the 2.2.10 version available. http://fusesource.com/products/enterprise-cxf/#download   Thanks, Hartmut
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    last modified by hartmut
  • Deployment not always working with SF 2.2.9

    Hi, We are using SF 2.2.9 to create cxf endpoints.  On deployment under fuse ESB 4.3.0-fuse-01-00, we have some issues. Randomly, the cxf endpoint is not well deployed under jetty (when calling the defined endp...
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    last modified by tha_hba
  • Common REST server address across multiple OSGI bundles

    Hello,   I am cross posting my question to different group as its more relevant here.   Is it possible to have a common <cxf:rsServer> address attribute value across multiple OSGI bundles?   Bu...
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    last modified by ramesh.ramakrishnan