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8 Posts authored by: wesleyhales

I just wrote up a post explaining the benefits of portlet bridge technology and all the tools at your disposal...

"Working with portlet technology is often discredited for it’s seemingly complex API and development hoops one must jump through. But if you have worked on a portlet project for a considerable amount of time, and then jump back to a servlet based project, you have a feeling that life just got easier...." [read more]

Join us at JUDCon and JBoss World, May 2-6 in Boston to get the latest on what we are doing with GateIn and the JBoss Portlet Bridge. Early bird pricing ends soon!

We are happy to announce the final release of the 2.1.0 portlet bridge. The biggest change in this release (coming off the CR1) is better WSRP support. You can now run the majority of Richfaces components remotely with WSRP!
I also added one tiny feature that allows for GET style requests mapped to the bridge. Of course this is vendor specific and it's only supported on GateIn. This aids in the functionality of third party frameworks like Seam. Whichever parameter you decide to pull into your JSF portlet only needs to be defined like #{yourParam}. This will return a String array in your UI or wherever you might need it. Next task might be to have a navigation in a certain portlet happen based on this parameter and mapping it to PRPs.

Please visit the project home page, wiki, or release notes for more info.
You may also check out the screencasts available here and here. Episode 7(below) was shot for 2.1.0.CR1, so I won't waste time doing the same thing.

Look for many great things to come from this project in 2011. We will have a DZone RefCard coming out late Jan early Feb, and I will be trying to get as many talks accepted to conferences  as possible. Look for my presentation titled "Making Portals Cool" at a Java conference near you. ;)

JBoss Portlet Bridge Episode 7 : Running JSF Apps Over WSRP v2

Our good friends at DZone recently released an interview I did for the JBoss Portlet Bridge called "A New Age of Portlet Bridges - A JUDCon Interview". First off, I gotta say that they (Nitin Bharti & DZone) did a great job of filming interviews for all the projects that presented at JUDCon. It's cool to see just how big the community has gotten and the need for this type of coverage.

For those folks out there that have no clue what portlet bridges (in general) are about, or that are just curious where the project is headed - then I encourage you to sit through me trying to make this awesome project even better ;)


If you are interested in contributing or helping out read this announcement.
A lot of fixes and some new features compose this 2.1.0 candidate release. Most notably WSRP v2 support and completed event navigation support. See the release notes for full details.

Another nice feature in this release is the use of maven archetype catalogs and default configurations. You can access all the archetypes that are provided by this project with this short command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=

and here are the screencast details...
In this episode we talk to Chris Laprun who is the WSRP lead and prinicipal software engineer at JBoss. He gives a basic overview of the project and some real world usecases of WSRP. Then I jump into a demo of how to consume a remote portlet using 2 different GateIn instances.

JBoss Portlet Bridge Episode 7 : Running JSF Apps Over WSRP v2

Just on the heels of the JBoss Portlet Bridge 2.0 Final release, we are full steam ahead on JSF 2.0 running in a portlet. This "tech preview" release is purely for the community and to gain some support in helping us squash bugs and test the JSF 2.0 features. We will be adding RichFaces and Weld support as time progresses, but for now we want to get JSF 2.0 running solid in a portlet.

So fire up your command line with this Maven archetype and get started:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=2.0-basic -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0.ALPHA -DgroupId=org.whatever.project -DartifactId=jsf2project -Dversion=3.0.0.ALPHA -DarchetypeRepository=

This has only been tested on the GateIn+Tomcat bundle located here.

Like always, help and bug reports are always welcome. If you find anything, let us know in the forums or report it on Jira.

The JBoss Portlet Bridge project is happy to announce the 2.0.0 Final release (notes) of the JSR-329 (Portlet 2.0) draft specification. Although the spec is not anywhere near final, we feel that running the combination of JSF 1.2, Richfaces, and Seam has become stable enough for a final release. With that said, I want to give a great big shout-out to all of the community and team members who've gotten us to this point...
Alexander Smirnov - "The man behind the curtain" has been vital to this projects success.
Prabhat Jha - Our fearless tester/developer
Alex Sun - (provided many early patches)
Stefan Tausendpfund - Recently approved committer/contributor!
Waldemar Klaczynski - JSF 2.0 implementation
Guillaume Bitaudeau, Snjezana Peco, Jan Jamrich, Gary Hu, Rafael Liu, and the many other kind folks who helped out.... Thanks again! If you want to join the project or have an idea to make it better, you're welcome to hop on the PBR jira or forums and get started. If you've already been helping out or submitted patches and want to become a committer, send me an email.

Ok, so enough boring stuff, I have a special treat for all of you who enjoy watching a good screencast. This time I'm covering portlet 2.0 best practices and how to communicate between JSF portlets. So sit back, grab a beer (or water if still at work :) and watch my fancy portlet bridge foot work ;)
btw, The next release will focus on JSF 2.0 and will be available within the next few weeks as a tech preview.

JBoss Portlet Bridge Episode 6 : 2.0.0 FINAL and Best Practices for JSF IPC

After many long days (and nights) both from our developers and you, we are able to deliver the CR for the final version of the JBoss Portlet Bridge. Please download and upgrade to this latest version and let us know if you experience any issues.

A big thanks goes out to all who contributed, including community members Stefan Tausendpfund and Waldemar Klaczynski!

As always, with a new release comes a new screencast. Check out the new BridgeAdmin demo application which showcases RichFaces in the bridge along with GateIn's JMX services.

JBoss Portlet Bridge Episode 5: GateIn JMX Metrics and Dashboard Demo from Wesley Hales on Vimeo.

If you are migrating from the 1.0 bridge or are following along with older articles or screencasts, you will need to know the following changes to develop your JSF portlet on the latest 2.0 bridge.

  1. There are 2 extensions (a.k.a. Bridgelets) in the old 1.0 bridge that have been incorporated into the core codebase. These are now available without adding any additional dependencies to your project.
    First is the SSO extension which is now configurable in components.xml:

    Second is the RichFaces script wrapper which is now disabled or enabled in web.xml as a context param:


  2. Pay attention to the renaming of the render policy context param, especially if you are writing a JSF portlet which uses JSPs:


Those are the basic changes you need to know. As always, refer to the latest 2.0 documentation here if you run into any problems. Or shoot us a message on the forums.

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