• Spring Portlet resourceURL mapping problem with JBoss EPP 5.1 (bundled GateIn)

    I'm migrating my portlet from JBoss Portal 2.7 to JBoss EPP 5.1 and I'm having trouble with portlets JSP pages that uses <%@ taglib prefix="portlet" uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0"%>.When that taglib is in...
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    last modified by ptuomaal
  • 3.2 or 3.1 for Production (or 3.2 Release Date)?

    I need to migrate an application from JBoss Portal to GateIn.  I may need to be ready for production by Oct. 21, 2011.  Which release of GateIn should I use?  My customer won't allow running on a Beta/M...
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    created by xandy
  • Ask a question about integration JBossEpp - Single Sign On (JOSSO)

    I have successfully completed the configuration of JBOSS 5.1.0-EPP-JOSO with SSOintegrated with Tomcat 1.8.1, which validates the Loge users with usernames andpasswords that have default JbossEPP until this point ever...
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    created by jonmid
  • Error or changed implementation from 3.1 -> 3.2 causing Spring exception

    We use Spring Portlet MVC 3.0.5 with GateIn on Tomcat (3.1 Final), which work just fine. Looking forward to a new GateIn release (3.2), we have tried 3.2 Beta and the new 3.2 M1. Both giving us a Spring exception th...
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    last modified by ceik
  • How do you secure GateIn?

    I downloaded the GateIn/JBoss bundle and was able to get it running and deploy a portlet.   However, I'm having trouble finding any information on how to secure it.  What all needs to be done to remove the ...
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    last modified by baishen
  • Problem starting Gatein 3.2.0 on Jboss AS 6

    I have a problem starting Gatein, there are deploy errors it cant deploy wsrp,admin-console, and portal. Is there any solution to this problem, and do i need to set up proxy because i use one?
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    last modified by arsa
  • Who is interested for a powerfull WCM on GateIn?

    Hi there,   I'm worry about that is no solution shipped with GateIn that brings a WCMS functionality. So I've compiled EPP 5.1 from Source and compiled the eXo WCM extension. But that is really to complicate to ...
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    last modified by minimike
  • Migrating to GateIn 3.1

    PortletStatisticLifecycle Since 3.2 all portlets can be monitored unlike in 3.1 where they had to be WebUI portlets To run on GateIn 3.2 you will need to remove the usage of org.exoplatform.portal.application.Portlet...
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    last modified by theute
  • Norwegian site live on GateIn 3.1.0-GA

    Hi   Just wanted to share with you that a customer that I've been working with for the past year, now is running live on GateIn 3.1.0-GA, tomcat and Spring 3.0.5.   There has been some issues with 3.1.0 an...
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    last modified by ceik
  • GateIn Skin/Theme

    Hi,   Im starting to explore GateIn as a platform and love it thus far!   I am however struggling with the Skin/Theme aspect of it.   Can anoyone point me in the right direction ?
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    last modified by nicwillemse
  • GateIn 3.2 M1 reached

    We have just released the first milestone of GateIn 3.2 last week and I wanted to make a follow up post to Bolek's post to explain a bit the various features you will find in that release.   First I would like t...
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    last modified by julien_viet
  • New Blog, New Project Lead and New Release!

    Many exciting things have been happening in the project lately and I would like to share some of them with you!   First of all GateIn Portal project blog has been moved to the JBoss.org as we want to focus more o...
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    last modified by bdaw
  • Monitor login/logout of users in your portal

    If you are portal administrator, you can be interested which users logged into your portal and how much time they are spending here. In this case, you can try to use portal extension user-tracker-extension, which can ...
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    last modified by prabhat.jha
  • Sneak preview of GateIn navigation i18n

    Navigation is an important concept of GateIn, it allows to organize web pages as a hierarchical navigation tree for portals and groups. We have been working hard to improve this part of GateIn and one of the most awai...
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    last modified by julien_viet
  • Documentation to install in an existing environment?

    Hi there,   I've compiled GatIn and eXo WCM. Is there an documentation how I could install it in an existing environment? My Target is FreeBSD and FreeBSD delivers Jboss 5.1 with customized paths. Also I'm int...
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    last modified by minimike
  • Cannot Build Site Publisher from Source

    I am trying to compile Site Publisher (and ultimately the demo portal) from source, however, I cannot complete my build using Maven. When I do a mvn -D install from any of the directories, I get the below message. Mav...
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    last modified by fredcurry
  • New version

    Hi,   is anybody knows when the GAteIn GA-3.2.0 will be realesed?   Thanks, Avet.
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    created by avetis123
  • Packaging 3.2.0-Beta01-SNAPSHOT for Jboss 5.1

    Hi there,   Are they some known issues for packaging the 3.2.0-Beta01-SNAPSHOT with an existing Jboss 5.1? I'm using maven 3. I would like look how good is the exo WCMS integrated or not. And Jboss 6 is a NoGo h...
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    last modified by minimike
  • How to configure jBoss Portal for SPNEGO and report this to OpenAM?

    Hi there,   So I have successfully able to configure jBoss Portal with OpenAM with the purpose of giving SSO support to our SOA architecture.  Now we´d like to set the Portal to authenticate the user ...
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    created by aarenas
  • Thank you to all community by vote for me in the JBoss Community Recognition Awards, Category: Wiki.

    Thank you to all community by vote for me in the JBoss Community Recognition Awards, Category: Wiki.   This encourages me to continue to make more for JBoss community.   I will like share my codes to the c...
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    last modified by eliasbg