• Authorization in Gatein Server...

    Hi All,          I need help on authorization in gatein server ,so that it could be portlet based.   Like, If I login as user1 then i can view portlet1,portlet2,  ...
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    last modified by pratapcmc
  • Error in building Jboss 7.2.0.Final + Gatein Portal 3.6.0.Final

    Hello everyone!   When I build Jboss AS 7.2.0.Final with Gatein Portal 3.6.0.Final I get this error   [INFO] GateIn JBoss AS 7.x.x packaging ................... SUCCESS [0.042s] [INFO] GateIn - Portlet Co...
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    last modified by tenzor
  • Is there any way to hook users functionality in GateIn?

    I want to replicate users profile field data in other custom tables (other than GateIn tables) on user’s creation process. Here GateIn user’s creation functionality remains the same as it is. Two ways that...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal
  • GateIn portal is not starting

    Hi All,   I am new to GateIn. I tried to install GateIn with an existing JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final. Bellow are the stepts that I followed, but in the end I've got 404 - resource not found error when typing http://lo...
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    last modified by hstanciu1
  • Fine grained authorization(Authz/XACML) in gatein portal

    Can anyone guide me how to configure the Fine grained authorization(Authz/XACML) in gatein portal?   Thanks in advance
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    created by deepak.sambrani
  • Responsible menu portlet - rights

    Hello,   I've tried to use responsible menu portlet in my portal container, but menu shows all menu items regadless of user rights on pages. So page, which is not public could be seen by unauthenticated users. I...
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    last modified by tomashuryn
  • Access denied to: http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/quartz/quartz/1.6.0/quartz-1.6.0.pom , ReasonPhrase:Forbidden. -> [Help 1]

    Hi, I followed the installation a described on http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/gatein/portal/tags/3.2.0-M01/README.txt while launching maven :   mvn clean install -DskipTests -Ppkg-tomcat -Dexo.projects.direct...
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    last modified by winseb
  • Customizing Banner Portlet and Need Sign In Link In Navigation Portlet

    Hi Everyone,                 I am trying to add my own JSF portlet as BannerPortlet i am able to add it is ok, but if i delete the existi...
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    last modified by maran_su
  • Can't register a WSRP consumer

    I'm running 2 JBoss instances on the same machine and am trying to establish communication via WSRP between them.   Configuration:   JBoss EPP 5.2.1, GateIn based on 3.1.0 JBoss instance 1 - running on l...
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    last modified by mpakhomo
  • How to add filter in a portal extension

    I have successfully created a custom portal extension "my-portal-extension", and I want to add a filter that will process on <url-mapping>/*</url-mapping>   The MyFilter.jar is places in my-portal-ex...
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    last modified by tim.drisdelle
  • Is there any GateIn Community Portlets/Plugins downloads area?

    I have just joined GateIn portal community and wonder whether GateIn Portal has community area(s) where portlet developers can make their custom (not always open-source) portlets available for downloading by GateIn us...
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    last modified by vzorin
  • Is it possible to plot a user navigation in navigation.xml file

    Is it possible to plot a user navigation in navigation.xml file? I created a navigation.xml which looks like follows   <node-navigation xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"   ...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Gatein Portal - Track the IP address of logged in users

    Is there any way to track the IP address of logged in users in Gatein Portal?   Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by deepak.sambrani
  • pb session in gatein 3.1

    how to kill a portlet session when user is logged out from portal.
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    last modified by reddas
  • Gatein Portal login - Display custom error message

    Is it possible to display custom error meggase during Gatein Portal login? Like if I enter wrong password  OR wrong user OR user has already looged on in a session, the same generic message is displayed like "Sig...
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    last modified by deepak.sambrani
  • What is the service class to arrange GateIn navigation

    Hi   I need to create/edit/arrange items on gatein navigation bar  programatticaly, is there is any service class available for that?. Manually i do these operation by changing navigation.xml file in ear &#...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Is it possible to create userbased dashboard for users under platform/users

    Hi all   I need to create a userbased dashboard for users (who is only under platform/users with member role). How to add permission for those users for accessing userbased dashboard   regards   Anis...
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    created by anishantony
  • Gatin portal need to maintain single user id session

    Is it possible to have a single user id session maintainted on the Gatin portal? Right now the same user is able to login from diffrent Browser(s)/ machine(s).
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    last modified by deepak.sambrani
  • JAAS Authenticator from an external web application

    I would use the default security domain in Gatein 3.6 (gatein-domain) from an external web application deployed in a war in the same jboss 7 as.   Here an example of web.xml:     <security-constrai...
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • Can i integrate GateIn into Jboss 5.

    Hello Team,   Can i integrate GateIn into JBoss 5/6. To monitor user login and logout in my deployed Application.   Thanks in advance..
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    created by s_arfat