• Errai and Seam

    Anyone successfully wire a Seam app to the Errai bus?   My ultimate goal is to be able to send messages down the Errai bus in response to server-side events generated by my Seam app. Seam has support for mixing ...
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    last modified by rkilcoyne
  • HSQLDB to MySQL  > BIRT Reports

    Hello guys,   I'm playing with the jBPM 4.3 with HSQLDB and Tomcat and work fine! Now, I need migrate the BBDD to MySQL. I reinstalled the system with ant and MySQL Database.   The jbpm-console works perfe...
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    created by marc.carrio
  • cannot run Errai synchronization example

    I downloaded the Errai 1.0 distribution and wanted to start the examples - the clientservice worked - but when i try to run the serialization example i get an error in the browser window (mozilla 3.6) - see below and...
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    last modified by jhollerer
  • bmp-2.0.1   java.lang.NoSuchMethodErro

    HI,      i build bpm2.0.1 from the sourcecode, then dploy  in jboss, when i access this application, it throw the following error: 13:18:46,234 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError...
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    last modified by yushanyuan
  • taskform can`t show in IE

    Hi, just like the title. it seems that no  onBrowserEvent.   anyone can help?   thanks.
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    last modified by yushanyuan
  • Small feedback from a beginer

    Hi all,   I have just started to explore jBPM and obviously GWT console as well. In general everything works as described in documentation delivered with the product, which was a positive surprise. The only pro...
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    last modified by swiderski.maciej
  • Extend jBPM console with history instance information

    Hi all,   I am planning to extend a bit jBPM console with ability to show information about already finished process instances.   Use is as follows: - on the process level user selects process definition ...
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    last modified by swiderski.maciej
  • jboss deployment error

    hi im using jboss-5.1.0.GA. im trying to deploy *.war file to jboss server but have this error below can someone please tell me how to fix this error? org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Error determining ...
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    last modified by prudvi.vk
  • Refresh button doesn't work in jbpm4 console application

    I am running jbpm4.2 console  application on was6.1 with derby database . it's running fine and i  am able to create process instanses and can see them in the  process definations tab .   My con...
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    last modified by sunilkt
  • debug in GWT shell problem

    Hi, All   i start the GWT shell with mvn gwt-maven:gwt. then i can login , everything is ok. but if i hit the 'refresh' button, then i can`t login again.   if i don`t hit the 'refresh' button, how can i re...
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    created by yushanyuan
  • how to debug gwt-console in eclipse?

    hi all:         help!!!    i add my own editor to the gwt-console, there must be some bugs in my program, who can tell how to debug the gwt-console in eclipse? how to imp...
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    last modified by yushanyuan
  • Internationalizing ??

    what should i do? is there a easy way?
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    created by yushanyuan
  • Rest call to create a new instance with variables?

    I'm trying to use Rest interface to create new instance. It's working, but Its not assigning process variables to the new instance. Here's the URL to view an instance created through the console (rather than through ...
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    created by schechtere
  • Notes on building Errai on Linux (Fedora)

    In case someone else is checking out the source code and trying to build on a linux-based system: The JBoss maven repository doesn't have GWT 2.0 artifacts for linux, so I built that myself [1]. GWT trunk has now cha...
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    last modified by asgeirf
  • jbpm-console login process issued a wrong resteasy call

    I deployed the jbpm4.1 examples, gwt-console-server and jbpm-console onto a Websphere 7.0 server. Everything seams working fine except jbpm-console. My jbpm-console can communicate with gwt-console-server to validate ...
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    last modified by washawu
  • Getting started with eclipse?

    I'm new to GWT, and only a little bit more experienced with jbpm3. I'm now trying to take a look at jbpm4 and the accompanying GWT-console. Trying to get everything set up as an eclipse project is proving to be more d...
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    last modified by devriesb
  • Problem with taskform

    Hi! I've installed the new jBpm CR1 release and I tried to run the taskform example as seen on the http://vimeo.com/4643652 but in my machine the example return the exeption: HTTP Status 500 - type Exception repor...
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    last modified by efabbri
  • Failed to load: org.jbpm.integration.console.ManagementFacto

    I have installed (I guess so) the gwt console, I have done the following things: 1. svn co https://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/soag/bpm-console/trunk bpm-console 2. cd bpm-console/ 3. mvn install 4. mvn clean install 5. ...
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    last modified by eldenico
  • BPM console repository moved

    The BPM Console source have been moved to: https://svn.jboss.org/repos/soag/bpm-console/trunk
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Developing BPM console plugins

    This Article title exactly describes what I'm trying to do. However, when looking at the article (http://www.jboss.org/feeds/post/developing_bpm_console_plugins) the information and links appear to be out of date. Mos...
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    created by devriesb