Thread Graphical User interface for Envers Tables?
Graphical User interface for Envers Tables?Hi All, We have an application that contains roughly 80 tables, and we have enabled envers auditing tables, for these, however our support people, is having a hard time, reading the data in the Envers tables?...
Thread Envers is unable to detect a @OneToMany mapping with CompositeKey
Envers is unable to detect a @OneToMany mapping with CompositeKeyHi everybody, These are the mapped entities:
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.EnumType;
import javax.persistence.Enumer...
Envers ManyToMany exceptionHey all, I've created a ticket on the Jira for this problem... [HHH-8547] Envers: unconsistent "java.sql.SQLException Invalid column name col_1_1_" - Hibernate JIRA The SqlException is totally ...
Thread Fix for HHH-8171 has broken validity audit strategy
Fix for HHH-8171 has broken validity audit strategyHi, The fix for HHH-8171, which involved adding a 'ordinal' column to the revision table of a collection of embeddables has broken the Validity Audit Strategy. This is because when the strategy queries...
Thread Error: Type not supported: org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneType
Error: Type not supported: org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneTypeHello. I need to record audit in my Entities witlh relations @ManyToOne. this is my code.
import javax.persistence.*;
import org.openxava.annotations.*;
Hibernate Mapping Files location?Hello I have a small problem with my programm. Quick Info: We bought a programm from an other company, and now I have to change several settings. It's a Flex 3 Application wich runs on a JBOSS 5.1.0. Serve...
Thread Hibernate Meta Model Models_.modelName ==null
Hibernate Meta Model Models_.modelName ==nulli use hibernate-jpamodelgen-1.2.0.Final.jar tool in javaee6 Environment to produce Meta Model class. but when i test */ public static void main(String[] args) { &...
Thread How to persist an Id representing the user who performed the change?
How to persist an Id representing the user who performed the change?I have an "in-house" auditing procedure running in my system and I would like to replace it with Envers. A key-feature that I currently have is the hability to store and ID representing the user who performed...
Thread Can I write criteria query joining view and a table
Can I write criteria query joining view and a tableI have two table 1)application(application_id(pk),application_type,application_date,......,................,............) 2)application_survey(application_survey_id,application_id(fk),survey_no,resurvey_no,............
Thread EnversIntegrator JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final ClassCastException
EnversIntegrator JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final ClassCastExceptionHi, I'm using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final and Hibernate Envers 4.2.3.Final with hibernate and spring 3.2.1. I've updated envers module in jboss from 4.1.0 version to 4.2.3 but during deploy I got this er...
Thread How to get the start revision timestamp on the audit table?
How to get the start revision timestamp on the audit table?Hello, I'm studying the documentation and I see that if you use ValidityAuditStrategy, Envers stores both the start revision and the end revision. And in the audit table partitioning example, on the Ta...
Thread Envers is not respecting lazy one-to-one mapping
Envers is not respecting lazy one-to-one mappingHello, I have two entities, Place and PlaceShape. PlaceShape is marked as a lazy one-to-one association and its working perfectly fine in Hibernate. However, when I edit Place (without loading PlaceShape) and ...