• How to audit a table data which has add/update/delete operations inside a stored procedure.

    Hi All,     I am using Hibernate 4.1.9 final version.I have used evers to audit my data.It is working as expected.But the entity that I am auditing has insert/update/delete operations through stored procedu...
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    last modified by varun14
  • Graphical User interface for Envers Tables?

    Hi All,   We have an application that contains roughly 80 tables, and we have enabled envers auditing tables, for these, however our support people, is having a hard time, reading the data in the Envers tables?...
  • Envers is unable to detect a @OneToMany mapping with CompositeKey

    Hi everybody,   These are the mapped entities:   import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EnumType; import javax.persistence.Enumer...
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    created by ornitorrinc
  • Envers ManyToMany exception

    Hey all,   I've created a ticket on the Jira for this problem...   [HHH-8547] Envers: unconsistent "java.sql.SQLException Invalid column name col_1_1_" - Hibernate JIRA   The SqlException is totally ...
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    created by impakt42
  • Fix for HHH-8171 has broken validity audit strategy

    Hi,   The fix for HHH-8171, which involved adding a 'ordinal' column to the revision table of a collection of embeddables has broken the Validity Audit Strategy.   This is because when the strategy queries...
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    created by zephyia
  • I am facing synchronization problem with pramati server + envers 3.5

    Error log : org.hibernate.TransactionException: could not register synchronization         at org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransaction.registerSynchronization(JTATransaction.java:3...
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    created by sandip.kanzariya
  • Error in Hibernate Tool in Eclipse Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider]

    Please help me out.     I am using JBoss Hibernate Tool 3.3 Eclipse Indigo     **hibernate.cfg.xml**         <hibernate-configuration> ...
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    created by syedmuqthar
  • How to build query for element of DefaultTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionEntity

    Hello I've made CustomRevisionEntity (setters/getters skipped):   @Entity @RevisionEntity(CustomRevisionListener.class) public class CustomRevisionEntity extends DefaultTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionEntity ...
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    created by marx3
  • Error: Type not supported: org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneType

    Hello. I need to record audit in my Entities witlh relations @ManyToOne. this is my code.   import java.io.*; import javax.persistence.*; import org.openxava.annotations.*; @Entity @Table(name="TAB_ENRUTAMIEN...
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    created by juanedsa
  • If I want to develop my application in hibernate framework how can i add supporting jars in jboss6

    Hi to all.. when the Jboss start-up I got the below error message (Jboss start-up only after all files were deployed)   12:56:54,501 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=persistence....
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    created by mithila
  • Hibernate Mapping Files location?

    Hello I have a small problem with my programm.   Quick Info: We bought a programm from an other company, and now I have to change several settings. It's a Flex 3 Application wich runs on a JBOSS 5.1.0. Serve...
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    created by jochen89
  • Hibernate Meta Model  Models_.modelName ==null

    i use hibernate-jpamodelgen-1.2.0.Final.jar tool in javaee6 Environment  to produce Meta Model class.   but  when i test    */     public static void main(String[] args) { &...
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    created by a7724172
  • Unable to instantiate specified TransactionFactory class [org.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory]

    I would not have using mailing list this unless I was truely frustrated. I want to implement a very simple example using HibernateOGM but I get some exceptions, which I don't know really how can to solve them. in t...
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    created by tangostar
  • How to persist an Id representing the user who performed the change?

    I have an "in-house" auditing procedure running in my system and I would like to replace it with Envers.   A key-feature that I currently have is the hability to store and ID representing the user who performed...
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    created by felipe.gdr
  • Can I write criteria query joining view and a table

    I have two table 1)application(application_id(pk),application_type,application_date,......,................,............) 2)application_survey(application_survey_id,application_id(fk),survey_no,resurvey_no,............
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    created by pramilkprince
  • Getting unknown database exception while creating schema programmatically?

    I am trying to create schema and tables programmatically using hibernate/GWT/Java. I created the configuration with all mapping resources and properties etc. follows,   Configuration hibConfiguration = new Confi...
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    last modified by milind_bharambe
  • EnversIntegrator JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final ClassCastException

    Hi,   I'm using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final and Hibernate Envers 4.2.3.Final with hibernate 4.2.3.final and spring 3.2.1. I've updated envers module in jboss from 4.1.0 version to 4.2.3 but during deploy I got this er...
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    created by aspide1985
  • How to get the start revision timestamp on the audit table?

    Hello,   I'm studying the documentation and I see that if you use ValidityAuditStrategy, Envers stores both the start revision and the end revision.   And in the audit table partitioning example, on the Ta...
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    created by ornitorrinc
  • Is it possible to get the "Revision End" column from Hibernate/Envers queries?

    Hi all,   In audit tables we have "REVEND" column.From hibernate envers queries we are able to retrieve revision id, revision type and revision time stamp.   Like that is it possible to retreive the REVEND...
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    created by sandya2309
  • Envers is not respecting lazy one-to-one mapping

    Hello,   I have two entities, Place and PlaceShape. PlaceShape is marked as a lazy one-to-one association and its working perfectly fine in Hibernate. However, when I edit Place (without loading PlaceShape) and ...
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    created by sunilpadda