• Infinispan server standalone as a docker swarm service using bind mount to persist file-store to host

    I am deploying the Infinispan server 9.3.2.Final (https://hub.docker.com/r/jboss/infinispan-server/) in a service stack (using docker compose v3 format) on a docker host in a swarm cluster (on premise for now).  ...
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    last modified by prateekk.in
  • Is any performance difference between  Getting value directly from distributed Cache and event.getValue() when CacheEventListener fire?

    sir,      We are using infinispan 8.1.3 version.We have Two infinispan nodes.Both are communicating through distributed Cache event listeners.   Here, When Cache event listeners fire, Can g...
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    last modified by jaga244
  • frequently  invoking this method "embeddedCacheManager.getMembers();" is performance wise costly??

    sir,   We have one server that always put entry based on Members list.So we thought we could use embeddedCacheManager.getMembers().But,is this idea performance wise  costly ?? and  member list return f...
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    last modified by jaga244
  • Infinispan v9.0.3 performance degradation

    Hi,   We are using Infinispan v9.0.3 in standalone mode on a 4 CPU Linux machine with 32 GB physical memory with Java Heap Size of 25GB (both ms/mx set to 25GB).   The entries in cache have all fixed key ...
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    last modified by asreedhar1
  • How does cluster node discovery work?

    Hello,   I'm giving Infinispan a try for the first time. I am running the replication example here: Replicated Cache Tutorial - Infinispan I have cloned it from GitHub, compiled, and run it with Maven in 2 ter...
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    last modified by dastultz
  • LDAP user READ permission error

    Hi,   We are using clustered mode for Infinispan (version 9.1.3). Using the following LDAP settings, the bind account (svcInfAuthLDAP) is correct and can authenticate. We are having an error when the user tries...
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    last modified by knm875
  • Infinispan : locking in remote transactional cache

    We try to use infinispan as a remote cache with a read lock. The clients are making a read with a "put" in order to acquire a lock on the key, like described infinispan documentation in the section pessimistic transac...
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    last modified by oqpwcf2
  • LFU Eviction

    Hi,   I have a requirement to implement a LFU (Least Frequently Used) Eviction Strategy.  I have been considering different approaches to this using infinispan but thought it would be worth asking if there ...
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    last modified by marg
  • Using RocksDB Data Store shows "malformed WriteBatch" error

    Hi.  I've been using Inifinispan Embedded Caches in my application, and recently I've started using a RocksDB data store for one of my Infinispan Caches.  This is in a Spring Boot application.  My confi...
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  • Change Infinispan cache-availability status

    Hi,   I am trying to change the cache-availability status of infinispan through the management REST interface as a work around to address the issue here. However, the REST request fails with the following error:...
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    last modified by purushos
  • Infinispan with Lucene 6.x or 7.x ?

    Infinispan currently works with Lucene 5.5.x. Is there a Roadmap to support Lucene 6.x or 7.x?   Best regards.
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    last modified by dariosanna
  • cannot handle more number of request send between zero-capacity cache in server A and non-zero capacity cache of other node

    sir,   We have Two server node, 1.server A who is responsible receiving and sending message from/to out side the world. 2.Server B who is receiving message from node A and process it and give response to node ...
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    last modified by jaga244
  • [New/Edited*] Infinispan's JGroups not joining the same cluster in Docker services

    **Update** - Now need to deploy across 2 (or more) docker hosts which are in a private LAN network (on premise) and in swarm mode. For services hosted on a single docker host, they are able to form a cluster, but now ...
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    last modified by prateekk.in
  • Rollback a transaction after a runtime exception during commit

    I use transaction to update several caches atomically. However, recently I have found that a runtime exception thrown during the commit phase does not rollback the transaction. A HeuristicMixedException is thrown by t...
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    last modified by suenda
  • Migration from 7.2.5 to 9.3.1

    Hello,   I'm trying to migrate my Infinispan Jdbc cachestores using the migration tool (infinispan-tools-9.3.jar). In the docs, it's said that "reads data from Infinispan 8.2.x stores and rewrites their content...
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    last modified by dvlinh
  • Hibernate 2nd level caching with hotrod support

    Hi, I’m wondering with the introduction of transactions to hotrod are there any plans to have the infinispan-hibernate library updated to support the infinispan remote cache manager in order to enable 2nd level ...
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    last modified by daroleary
  • Inifinispan : add pessimistic read lock

    Hello, in the documentation of Infinispan 9.3 i can only find that Infinispan supports the isolation Levels READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ, which never blocks reads. is there any possibility to add / configure...
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  • Handling with DAOCacheStore

    I have successfully  setup infinispan 9.3 in Wildfly 11 in embedded mode with a custom cache store that access my entity dao. so far so good everything working well. But I thre are some clarification points for...
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    last modified by suikast42
  • Use Deny_read_writes and Preferred_always in replicated cache

    Hi,   I have few questions on the partition handling and the merge conflict functionality in the latest Infinispan release (9.3.1). We are planning to deploy the latest Infinispan server in cluster mode(size 3) ...
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    last modified by purushos
  • what is the reason  for getting this exception "Transaction DummyTransaction{xid=DummyXid{id=9840865}, status=1} is not in a valid state to be invoking cache operations on."

    Dear sir,     We are using infinispan 8.1.3 for simple data sharing through "distributed cache". Some time we are receiving following exception   "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Transaction DummyTra...
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    last modified by jaga244