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Thread Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware objec
Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware objecHi, I have created a Oracle datasource in JBoss3.2.2 However, when my application tries to open the datasource, I get exception below. I have seen few posts on this issue but could not find any solution to this probl...
Thread What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction
What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transactionHi pls tell me what is the REASON for the following exception to occur: Caused by: org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!javax.transaction.SystemExcep...
Physically closing a set of connectionsGreetings all, I am still working on my JCA and I have been presented with a new requirement that I am not sure how to handle. As it stands now, my JCA can create connections to 1 of 8 physical server...
Thread Testing connector that requires application managed securty
Testing connector that requires application managed securtyGreetings all, I have create a connector to a legacy system of ours and I am trying to test it using Arquillian but I am unable to determine how to specify that I want application-managed-security. If I were d...
Thread SonicMQ RA in JBoss7 showing lots of IJ000612 warnings
SonicMQ RA in JBoss7 showing lots of IJ000612 warningsHi, Our basic integration of SonicMQ RA (version 8.5) works. The Resource Adapter containing the SonicMQ RA deploys without errors. Additionally we have a small "service", that adds the required JMS destinatio...
Accessing JNDI in a Session bean ckientI want to to use a JCA Resource Adapter to connect from JBOSS AS 7.1.1 to the IBM host. I created an Session Bean to connect to the access the the JNDI-Name My source code looks like this InitialConte...
IronJacamar.xmlHi, Could someone help me in understanding the use of ironjacamar.xml file in a resource adapter. Is this really required if I have to deploy a resource adapter in JBoss AS7. What is the advantage of having th...
Accessing JCA from junit testcaseI have deployed the HelloWorld example provided by ironjacamar on jboss 7.1. I would like to call it from a junit test is this possible? private static final String INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY = "org....
Thread Web-app requires a resource-adapter class be included in war
Web-app requires a resource-adapter class be included in warDeployed a resource adapter to JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final-SNAPSHOT. The resource adapter integrates WebLogic JMS to the JBoss server. Deployed a Servlet which will use the JMS resources from the adapter ...
Replacement for sun-jms-adapter.rar?I asked a question about this earlier, and got no response. It might have been in the wrong forum... In the past, we've used sun-jms-adapter.rar to get JBoss AS 5.1 to receive messages from a JMS topic on a re...
RAR deployment out of EARGuys, In my product, I have 4 JCA adapters and 7 ear modules that shares all 4 adapters. What is expected as class loading architecture for JCA Adapters in JBoss 7.1.1? Since the manual says nothing (specif...
Resource Adapter + authenticationHi all, I'm testing my resource adapter with JBoss AS 7.1 and trying to protect it by means of a security-domain. I configured: ...
Thread Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2Hello, We are using Ironjacamar 1.0.0.FINAL with maven2. Its is dependent on fungal artifacts from repo http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2. So far i have used that's repository definition d...
Thread XAResource and ManagedConnection Association during Recovery
XAResource and ManagedConnection Association during RecoveryHi, I observed that if the recovery's ManagedConnection (MC) instance is closed due to some connection error, Ironjacamar destroys the MC, but the MC's associative XAResource instance remains active and ...
Thread embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on Windows
embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on WindowsHi, I'm trying to get IronJacamar embedded(1.0.9.Final) worked on Windows, and experiencing RAR deployment failure, though it doesn't happen on fedora. On Windows, extracting RAR into ironjacamar.home\...