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Thread Misleading error code in case of missing dependencies
Misleading error code in case of missing dependenciesHi I was more than a day analyzing an error reported by the resource adapter deployer saying that the class XXX has to implement the hashCode() and equals() methods. Strange was and this confused me totally, that the ...
Thread covertind ds.xml to ra.xml in wildfly from jboss
covertind ds.xml to ra.xml in wildfly from jbosshello All, I am migrating my jboss app to wildfly and I need to configure my ds.xml file to ra.xml file. I understand the format is different so perhaps my question might seem very basic but i am new to this s...
Thread Resource adapter not able to configure in JBOSS 6.4 EAP
Resource adapter not able to configure in JBOSS 6.4 EAPI am doing jboss upgrade/migration form 4.x(current production verstion) to 6.4 EAP and currently production running with same setup. But when I am configuring in JBoss 6.4 EAP I am getting following error. ...
DB2 Connection IssueHi All, I am facing the issue in JBoss EAP 6.1.0 GA. Can anyone of you please advise how to resolve it. 04:59:23,229 WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jta] (Periodic Recovery) ARJUNA016027: JTS XARecoveryMod...
JBJCA-1276I have created PR for fixing JBJCA-1276 - Prefill race condition in flush [JBJCA-1276] Prefill race condition in flush by dpospisil · Pull Request #366 · ironjacamar/ironjacamar · GitHub Cou...
JCA Adapter & RecoveryI have written my own resource adapter and it is bound into XA transactions perfectly. during testing I want to see if the transaction manager can recover an unfinished transaction, so during the call to the XAR...
Datasource with JTA integrationHello! I have two datasources, one for master only communication and another one for read only communication. My use case is, that I want the read only datasource not to participate in a running transaction. ...
Migrate JCA to EAP 6.3.0 (AS 7.4.0)Hi, Previously I have implemented JCA in EAP 6.1.0 (AS 7.2.0). Now I want to migrate all JCA dependent JARs with latest compatible to AS 7.4.0 I am trying to find out the following jars but no luck. Can some...
Thread OracleConnection without getUnderlyingConnection()
OracleConnection without getUnderlyingConnection()is there a way to get get OracleConnection from oracle jndi datasource (in jboss represented as WrapperDataSource) in other way than this? temp = dataSource.getConnection(); result = (OracleConnection)((WrappedConnec...
Deadlock in JCA during JDBC pool flushHi I am using Jboss-EAP-6.1 with ironjacamar version 1.0.26. During an outage of the database application stopped responding. Thread dump shows that there is a in the jca layer. We use autoreconnect and <flu...
Thread JCA Spec violation using resource-adapter in JBoss 7?
JCA Spec violation using resource-adapter in JBoss 7?JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final-SNAPSHOT JBoss IronJacamar 1.0.8.Final Testing a JMS resource-adapter deployed to JBoss which will use WebLogic as the JMS provider. In a transacted MDB test, this error appears in ...
EnterpriseDB jdbc connector error.Hi, I am attempting to use the jdbc connector library provided by EnterpriseDB. The connector is for 1.6 jdk and above. The connector library is added to EAP6.3 as a module. I've configured it the same way ...
JDBC ConnectionListener ParametersHi, We're using WildFly 8.1.0.Final. I have created custom implementation of org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.listener.ConnectionListener and deployed it as a module in $WILDFLY_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/mycompa...
Hello World Example in ironjacamarI am very much new to JCA and ironjacamar. I am a little aware of java web apps to deploy and run the same on jboss AS 7. I have downloaded ironjacamar and JBoss AS 7 stable versions. Built the hello world example @ ...
Article as-upgrader.bat - AS installation not found
as-upgrader.bat - AS installation not foundhi, I'm new on ironJacamar. while following the user guide from community (http://www.ironjacamar.org/doc/userguide/1.0/en-US/html/installation.html#installas). I face this issue : "AS installation not found" when i...
Thread @Resource ConnectionFactory injection into WAR under WildFly8.1
@Resource ConnectionFactory injection into WAR under WildFly8.1I have written a JCA project to attempt to both exercise the new JCA features, prove how they work in various containers, whilst illustrating in the project how to test. The project is will a work-in-progress as vari...