• Datasources not parsing jboss.server.data.dir

    Maybe someone already brought this up, but as I couldn't find any thread in a quick search... On jboss-5/trunk, DefaultDS is using this URL to connect to HSQLDB: jdbc:hsqldb:${jboss.server.data.dir}${/}hypersonic${/...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • idea about JCA and 303 integration

    We have 4 test case of BeanValidation include standard303, user303 and negative standard and user. So we can do validation in sjc. Here is my idea: 1. Create a class list contain all need validated beans (follow 322 ...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • Implement WorkContextProvider Check

    Hi; I am trying to implement WorkContextProvider error conditions when RA submits work instance that implements WorkContextProvider to the application server. (Chapter 11.4.3) Is it ok to add code into the WorkManag...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • Exception in TestClasses

    Hi; While I was trying to run test classes in eclipse, I am getting the following errors. What is the problem? 17:42:41,568 DEBUG [EmbeddedTestMcBootstrap] Starting org.jboss.ejb3.test.mc.bootstrap.EmbeddedTestMcBo...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • Difference Between Projects

    There are two differents standalone projects, jboss-jca-sjc and jboss-jca-standalone. IMHO, Main bootstrap class is coming from sjc project. Then standalone project is useless?
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • Error In Building

    Hi; I have checked out from anonsvn trunk. It gives following error while building [ivy:retrieve] :: resolution report :: resolve 1355ms :: artifacts dl 46ms --------------------------------------------------------...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • CachedConnectionManager and 'late' connection closing

    Might I breach the subject of using CachedConnectionManager and JPA again? Or should I now duck and cover? ;-) I'm encountering the infamous 'Trying to return an unknown connection2!': 2009-06-11 05:25:32,969 TRACE ...
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    created by wolfc
  • JBAS-1429 ReAuthentication Support

    I have been working on this, and am at the point where I need to start testing...that's where the problem comes in :-) Hypersonic doesn't support changing the user identity of a connection and since this is our defau...
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    last modified by weston.price
  • Expose "testConnection" to JMX / ProfileService

    Hi, would it be possible to expose a "tesConnection" method to JMX or the profile service, that basically tries to get a connection with the backend database and returns true if this was successful. Such an operatio...
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    last modified by pilhuhn
  • about JBJCA-93

    we can get some ra.xml files in the deployer resources directory. like src/test/resources/Ra15Outbound.xml. And we use ant to handle it: rename Ra15Outbound.xml into ra.xml and jar it (include jboss-ra.xml and metafes...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • Proposal of new JCAMetaDataRepository (use JBoss-MDR project

    public interface JCAMetaDataRepository { MutableMetaDataRepository getMetaDataRepository(); public void addConnectorMetaData(String name, ConnectorMetaData cmd); public ConnectorMetaData getConnectorMetaData(Stri...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • [JBAS-5221] tx-connection-factory/no-tx-connection-factory n

    Scott, I have begun to look at this task. Can you specify a bit more what you are looking for ? Is it the setManagedConnectionFactoryProperties method you are looking for ? Also is the code currently using the corre...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • TCK testcases for JCA spec 10 chapter - WorkManager

    1. WorkManager.doWork 2. WorkManager.startWork 3. WorkManager.scheduleWork Create some Work implement and run the test 4. Test for WorkListener/WorkAdapter/WorkEvent , verify it can be reached some status: workSubmit...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • [JBAS-6519] JCA / XAResourceRecovery

    I have started looking into this task which builds on the discussion in the thread http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=100435 The org.jboss.tm.XAResourceRecovery interface specifies that...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • Message delivered to wrong endpoint

    Given the following scenario: 1. An EJB3 Consumer Bean is tied to queue/mdbtest 2. It fails to deactivate the endpoint (unrelated problem) 3. queue/mdbtest is undeployed 4. A MDB Bean comes up which wants to attach to...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • JBJCA-35: Resource adapter deployer

    See http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4199822
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    created by jesper.pedersen
  • connection management on tx timeout

    A couple of questions related to JBAS-5080, i.e. how connections behave if used either side of a asynchronous transaction timeout. Am I right that the expected behaviour of a connection handle obtained in a transacti...
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    last modified by jhalliday
  • JBAS-6188, track-connection-by-tx

    https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6188, and issue showing up with the deprecated track-connection-by-tx property is that its only allowed value for a local tx ds is true. Should this property be dropped from the...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • TxConnectionManagerStressCase

    This test keeps failing randomly. I'm not entirely sure what this is actually trying to test, it appears to be only failing if the tx timeout doesn't occur? // Only code that sets failed = true Transaction tx = ...
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    created by adrian.brock
  • JBAS-3997

    I am hesitant to see this as being required. ResourceExceptions are not, by nature, transient. We already cover the case of a connection attempt failing for validation or other reasons. The ResourceException itself is...
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    last modified by weston.price