• Problems with mod_cluster 1.3.1

    Hi   Apache 2.4.6 - mpm-worker mod_cluster 1.3.1 WildFly 9.0 CR2   I followed this "How to" to mount a cluster of two intances "master-slave" on the same server RH6.6. WildFly 9 Cluster Howto - WildFly...
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    last modified by ftost
  • Copying a cluster config to a new cluster

    Hi   I have a JBoss AS 5.1 on RHL installation, it's a clustered environment with VIP address in front of two VMs. The two VMs share the app load in 'Active-Active' config. The setup is setup for security so us...
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    last modified by tomo04
  • Cluster in WildFly 8.2.0 is not working

    Hello,   I have this enviroment:   One apache http server: Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) mod_cluster 1.3.1   domain mode: WildFly 8.2.0.Final... jdk-7u79.. CentOS.. master WildFly 8.2.0....
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    last modified by adrianoschmidt
  • WildFly 9.0 CR2 - Mod_Cluster 1.3.1

    Hi Guys!   I'm trying to implement a cluster with wildfly and mod_cluster 1.3.1, 2 nodes (1 master 1 slave) on the same machine, but I'm facing some problems...   I can surf to the
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    last modified by ftost
  • Cluster mod_jk and JBoss 6 issue

    Currently in our Production environment, we are running 4 Application server, each server is running with JBoss instances and 4 web server with APACHE+ mod_jk. We have clustered all the 8 instances in the workers.prop...
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    last modified by gcsureshbabu
  • Synchronized clustered timers

    Hello, everyone. We run our application on Wildfly 8.2.0.Final in domain mode with ha profile. Database: MySQL 5.6. OS: Ubuntu. Hosting: Amazon AWS.   We have two timers and we need both of them to work only on o...
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    last modified by julia.zashchitina
  • HATimerService  JBOSS EAP6.2 cluster

    I'm using quickstart example HATimerService,it's running on the cluster, for now i need update and remove that timer, the change only on current node, if current node down,other node will run timer without cha...
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    last modified by primefaces
  • Cluster Name in JBossEAP6.2

    Hi,   I have query regarding the Jgroup Clustering setup. When we configure cluster(e.g UDP based), it print the message as below :   GMS: address={jboss.node.name}/web, cluster=web, physical address=0.0.0...
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    last modified by kuldeep11
  • JBOSS EAP5.2 whole cluster hanged up

    Hi Everyone: A few days back i had faced a strange problem in existing infrastructure running JBOSS EAP5.2 and having 12 JBOSS instances in a single cluster spanning on 06 machines . The whole application stopped res...
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    last modified by sabir_mustafa
  • Doubts about clustering, JBoss EAP and JBoss Data Grid.

    Hi folks,   I need to build one application with high availability and I was considering using JBoss EAP. Besides, the application requires shorter response times so I want to use JBoss Data Grid.   On the...
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    last modified by fjarenales
  • need help in finding no of Gossip routers running in a cluster.

    HI,   Currently we are running three gossip router on different servers for fail safe, is it possible to know how many  gossip routers are running and there addresses and ports.   Thanks in advance.
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    created by dukechandu
  • Need help in capturing event when an node leaves or joins cluseter

    HI,   Need help in capturing event while node joining/leaving cluster , to send an email, can any one give me an idea whether do we have any event listeners to capture joining and leaving node ?     T...
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    last modified by dukechandu
  • Need help in resolving clustering issue in jboss 5.1.0 GA

    Hello,   We are using jboss.5.1.0.GA in two servers which are in clustering. Recently we got an issue like if 2nd node is up then the application is not working. When we stop the 2nd node application is working ...
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    last modified by saladimurthys
  • Session replication is not working as expected in Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 6.3.0.GA

    Hi All,   I'm bit new to Jboss, could you please help me out in finding the root cause in the below mentioned issue.Thanks and much appreciated,   Issue : Session replication is not happening between maste...
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    last modified by joysagar
  • JBoss Clustering local

    Hallo   is it any way to configure simple jboss cluster with 2 nodes but locally? How to do it fastest and simplest. Or maybe anyone could give me any link to tutorial. I'd appreciate.   Thankyou.
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    created by vox1977
  • Which is most suitable (TCP or UDP) for JBoss JGroup

    Hi All   I am currently using JBoss EAP 5.1.1 in production and having two node cluster setup there. For the JGroup I am using UDP and had some problems with UDP couple of days back. The UDP packets are getting ...
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    last modified by codevally
  • Wazifa for Job Success +91-9001360023

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    created by astroguru
  • Wildfly cluster and Apache2

    Hello,   I'm running three Debian Wheezy guests on my host. Two of them run a Wildfly.8.2.0.Final cluster's node (IP are and the other guest run Apache2.2.22 with mod_cluster.1.2.0.F...
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    last modified by fpezzati
  • Wildfly.8.2.0.Final clustering

    I am using VirtualBox on a WINDOWS7, host of two DEBIAN7.7 guests, I run a Wildfly.8.2.0.Final istance per guest. Each guest can comunicate with the other one. Using one guest browser I can see the Wildfly istance wel...
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    created by fpezzati
  • apache2.2 and Jboss AS 7.1 clustring for ssl giving error

    Hi ,   We are setting up SSL connection for a web application, we have apache2.2 and Jboss AS 7.1, we are using mod_cluster and mod_ssl. its works for login and other initial pages , but its giving error when w...
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    created by bbendre83