• Middleware Admin

    I'm not sure of the accepted way of asking for help on this site, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.  My client is a Fortune 100 organization in Chicago that is having significant performance tuning is...
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  • ClassLoadder Issue inside same EAR, isolated = true

    Hi,       I'm facing some problems trying to migrate an application from JBoss 4 to JBoss 5 (currently in JBoss 4 it's working perfectly), the current issue I have is a problem with the Isolation ...
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    created by wecucho
  • JBoss Server Startup is Stuck !!

    Dear Experts,          My server instance startup is stuck :-     ===============================================================================   JBoss Bootstrap ...
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    last modified by saswatamandal
  • Version of Commons-lang.jar for JBoss AS 4.2.0 GA & EAP !!

    Hi Experts ,   The following error is thrown by our application :- 10:14:06,024 ERROR [STDERR] 05-Jul-2010 10:14:03 com.sun.xml.ws.server.sei.EndpointMethodHandler invoke SEVERE: org/apache/commons/lang/LocaleU...
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    last modified by saswatamandal
  • ERROR in deploying EAR in JBoss 4.2.0 GA Server !!

    Dear Experts,              We have manually deployed EAR in the deploy directory of JBoss node. While the instance is getting started, it loads the EAR, and t...
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    last modified by saswatamandal
  • FileNotFoundException at DirContextURLConnection.getInputStream !!

    Hi Experts,        I am receiving the following error while running an application in JBoss 4.2.0 GA.   2010-05-21 10:12:50,954 ERROR [STDERR] May 21, 2010 10:12:50 AM com.sun.xml.ws.tr...
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    created by saswatamandal
  • FileNotFoundException, although the XML file should be deployed

    Hello, I've got a problem starting my WAR application on a local JBoss. After two EARs are deployed, the TomcatDeployer begins deploying the WAR, but I'm soon getting the following error:   2010-04-28 10...
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    last modified by anon137564
  • Migration pb Jboss4.2.2->5.1 with pictures.war directory under deploy

    Hi Im actually migrating from jboss 4.2.2 to jboss 5.1 Under JBoss4 I have a directory under deploy directory to store image (uploaded). So I have in JBOSS 4 server/..../deploy/picture.war/WEB-INF/web.xml ------...
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  • Backwards Compatability

    I am a developer for an application on which runs on a fairly old version of JBoss AS, 4.0.3.  I would like to see about upgrading to the latest version; but I would first like to verify from someone in the commu...
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    last modified by kahotep