• AS5 - What is the point of setting  /server/default/deploy/ear-deploy.xml's CallByValue=true?

    Probably a simple question:   I realize that /server/default/deploy/ear-deploy.xml's CallByValue=true means that all EJB3 calls will be treated as remote.   I understand that this is default false becaus...
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    last modified by ndipiazza
  • JBoss 5 - CA signed certificate causes java.io.IOException: excess private key

    I have a JBoss 5.0.1.GA instance. We have been using a self-signed SSL certificate on this JBoss server for a long time with no problem.  Finally we received a CA signed certificate. I went ahead and deleted th...
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    last modified by ndipiazza
  • Logging in Central place using log4j

    Hello All,     We are working on the clustring Environment using JBOSS, Can anyone Please tell me How to acheive logging at central place in distriuted Environment?
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    last modified by bishtsand
  • server/<>/lib jar java.lang.NoSuchMethodException

    Hi All,   This seems like a relatively straightforward issue. Unfortunately I have very little experience of JBoss classloading. I have looked at the jboss classloading use cases page however there does not seem...
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    last modified by nizzy
  • [JBossManagedConnectionPool] Throwable while attempting to get a new connection oracle

    After one week that jboss is working, its crash down, sending the next exception: Software jboss5.0 jdk1.6 ojdbc14.jar     WARN [JBossManagedConnectionPool] Throwable while attempting to get a new conne...
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    last modified by neftalyg
  • download link for JBoss EAP 5.0.1 CR2

    Can anyone please let us know the download link for JBoss EAP 5.0.1 CR2 ASAP.   Thanks
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  • JBoss 5.x Tuning/Slimming

    Introduction  The following slimming recommendations are for a standard JBoss AS 5.1.0 GA (Community) "All" configuration and can be used for Jboss EAP 5.1.0 (Enterprise). Slimming is very application specific, ...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • Failed to parse source: Premature end of file. @ *unknown*[-1,-1]

    Good Mor Friends,   Please i could not start jboss this mor after i run an update on java   i got this error, please any one have an idea on hw to fix this     12:30:40,625 ERROR [AbstractKernel...
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    last modified by vtech005
  • Configuring Oracle 11 G Datasource to use a default schema

    How can I configure the datasource in oracle-ds.xml to also include the database schema name?   If this is possible or not via DB URL or any other configuration?   I am using Spring JDBC which access the JBo...
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    last modified by vhegde
  • JBoss Axis/Axiom implementation without JBoss AS/JBoss WS

    Hello,   I'm trying to use Apache Axiom for my Spring Webservices, but I'm having problems with it. My app server is not JBoss but Weblogic, and after some investigations (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...
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    created by mdrg
  • JBoss 5.1.0 Logout

    I'm having trouble to logout of jboss.   Got authentication working quit easily.   When I try and access a secure servlet, I get asked for a user name and password, and it logs in fine.   I call my l...
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    last modified by javapenguin
  • Class access / class visibility

    Hi everyone!   I have a question about the following scenario.   I am using JBoss 5 AS. I deployed JAR module (with EJB) and WAR module. Servlet from WAR module uses EJB from JAR module. I want to ask if ...
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    last modified by lucas_smith
  • How to configure JBoss to use DB2 Trusted Context ?

    Hi Someone have experience how to use a DB2 trusted context with Jboss (jboss 4.x or 5.x or 6.x )     With DB2 trusted contexts, a mid-tier application can assert the user identity to the database so that...
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    created by rmazzola
  • Restarting JDBC Pool after restart of DBMS

    We often have the problem that we have to restart a JBoss instance (or profile, if you want to call that) after the underlying DBMS is restarted. This probably has to do with the application code, but I wonder: Is the...
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    created by willemnoorduin
  • jboss web services

    Hi All,   I am migrating an (EJB & Web services) application from weblogic 8.1 to JBoss 5.1.   The application uses a third party web service. So i make use of WSConsume for this purpose.   Dur...
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    last modified by anand-pushparaj
  • Latest Stable GA Release for JBOSS AS.

    Hi guys,   pls. let me know which is the latest stable verion for Jboss AS GA.
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    last modified by kishor_pawar89
  • install apache tomcat native library for jboss 5.0

    Hi,   Is there any guide in how to install the Apache Tomcat native library for jboss5.0? I have tried some methods found on the web, but still cant it right. Could someone point me to the correct direction. Th...
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    last modified by eve_fang
  • JBoss AS 7.1 and MyFaces 1.2

    I've trying to migrate an existing application from JBoss 4.2.3 to AS 7.1. The application is using MyFaces, Facelets and Hibernate 3. During startup it still tries to load JSF RI 1.2:     12:07:46,117 ERROR...
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    last modified by mreinhardt
  • jboss-5.1.0 is not working in non sticky mode.

    i am using apache server (mod_jk) as loadbalacer and using jboss-5.1.0 as web contenter.This is working fine when sticky session is on. But session replication is not working in non sticky session mode.Two different ...
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    created by somu_15
  • 5.0.1 - not listening on 1099 (jnp port)

    Hi   I am in a process of migrating from 4.0.3SP1 to 5.0.1GA. I have dropped my ear file and started the server but jnp port doesnt seem to be listening for some reason. I have checked the bootstrap.xml and bind...
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    last modified by saleem1209