• subdomain redirection

    hi,   i have a tricky requirement and i need a lead. I have a web site hosted with two sub domains. For an example 1.one.com and 2.one.com.   Requirement is to direct another domain to one of the sub doma...
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    created by ladnjay
  • Jboss eap 4.3 - org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedConnection cannot be cast to org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6

    Hi, I am new to Jboss eap, I got the bellow error with jBoss eap 4.3.when i am trying wrap the connection as   org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6 wc = (org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6....
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    created by sureshpdn
  • JBOSS 5.1 and SOAP UI web service validation failing

    Hi,   I have webservice application deployed in JBOSS 4.0 and I use SOAPUI tool to verify that web service. That is working fine. I have migrated to JBOSS 5.1 and after that while validating with SOAPUI  I...
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    created by sachin.kataria
  • Change JBOSS 5.1 default port for multiple instances

    Hi,   We are using JBOSS 5.1 server. We have created 5 instances of JBOSS - jboss-ports-01  --  jboss-ports-05 on same machine. We want to change the default port and we want to set it as per our requ...
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    last modified by sachin.kataria
  • ClassLoading error org.apache.axis.AxisFault: (404)Not Found

    Hi, We are upgrading from LiveCycle 7 (I assume it's pre-ES) to ES4 (On Jboss AS 5) and only has a minimal time to complete the task. And we're having issue with   2014-10-02 08:10:50,110 ERROR [org.apache.axi...
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    created by yodeny
  • JBoss 5.1 ORA-14450: attempt to access a transactional temp

    Ours is a JEE application deployed on JBoss 5.1.0 GA and Oracle 11g. We use XA transactions and use JTS transactions for co-ordination across different app servers. We also use Oracle Global Temporary tables (GTT) &#...
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    last modified by bclara
  • How to setup sub domain http / server log

    hi there   I am using JBOSS AS 5.1GA. My statistic generation engine is awstats. I'm using single ear file which contains multiple wars/jars   eg :- www.abc.com -->      &#...
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    created by tharinduwi
  • How to find class of OOM in JBOSS.hprof using Eclipse MAT?

    I have a heapdump file created from JBOSS when it's OOM.   I tried to find the cause of problem by using Leak Suspects Report feature in Eclipse MAT,   but what I saw from the result is not make me underst...
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    created by phamorn
  • Openssl.exe update

    JBOSS 5.1,   the Native package download doesn't contain the latest version of OpenSSL.  The vulnerability https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20140605.txt is failing security scans. Does anyone have an...
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    created by tnzeibig
  • Migrating from JBoss EAP4.3 to JBoss EAP5.1.2

    Hi,   Our application is built using myfaces 1.1.5, tomahawk 1.1.11 and deployed on JBoss EAP4.3.   Now we are planning to migrate from 4.3 to 5.1.2. Initially i was facing some class loading issues (Class...
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    created by swapnesh.karpe
  • How to control the response timeout / size as response data got clipped randomly with in proxy

    Require to print data from a object(list/String) that has 2500+ records into HTML format.  Having a JSP to print the report that receives the object from a java helper class.   Jboss 5.1GA/Jdk 1.7.0_55....
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    created by noboundaries
  • HttpOnly attribute to be added to JSESSIONID

    I am trying to add “HttpOnly” and “Secure” attribute to the JSESSIONID cookie. I made following changes to the context.xml as per suggestion posted at https://developer.jboss.org/message/598558...
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    last modified by reddy.gujja
  • jboss-log4j.xml configuration for size based log rotation( JBOSS  5.1.0) Red Hat linux 5.0

    Hi Friends,     I made changes to jboss-log4j.xml file to rotate logs based on file size. below is the configuration which I added, but this configuration is not working. Please can anyone help me on th...
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    created by prem.kumar
  • jboss-log4j.xml configuration for size based log rotation help

    Hi Friends,     I made changes to jboss-log4j.xml file to rotate logs based on file size. below is the configuration which I added. Please can someone help why below configuration is not working? Thanks...
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    created by prem.kumar
  • jboss-log4j.xml file configuration for size based log rotation( JBOSS EAP5.1)

    Hi Friends,     I made changes to jboss-log4j.xml file to rotate logs based on file size. below is the configuration which I added. Note: server.log directory path is:  /jboss/server/qa8a/log  ...
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    created by prem.kumar
  • jboss-log4j.xml configuration Jboss-eap-5.1

    Hi Friends,     I made changes to jboss-log4j.xml file to rotate logs based on file size. below is the configuration which I added. Note: server.log directory path is:  /jboss/server/qa8a/log ...
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    created by prem.kumar
  • Need Help : How to create Datasource file Programatically and JBoss deploy accordingly.

    Hello,   Need your assistance In JBOSS 5.0.1 GA: How to edit data source file dynamically via APPLICATION (running on jboss) before looking up of jndi.           Thanks and Regards S...
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    last modified by bishtsand
  • Issue with Azure Project Deployment on JBoss eap 5.1

    Hi Team,   I am new to Azure and am facing issue in deploying Azure Project to my JBoss eap 5.1.0. If anyone has any prior experience, please help me out.   LOG:   Calling C:\WorkerRole1\jboss-as\bin...
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    last modified by vital_01
  • How to disable the SecurityClient login in Jboss 5.1

    Hi,      We are using JBoss 5.1 / JDK 1.6. We are having a clsutered environment and hence we do remote EJB calls from the client. Currently we have the following code before a client does the JNDI loo...
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    last modified by amathewjboss1
  • Validation Tags in standalone.xml

    Can some one please explain the perfect use/meaning of these following each lines:- (e.g. what is the meaning of <validate-on-match>,<background-validation>,<stale-connection-checker>,<exception-s...
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    last modified by anelsonwilson