• Abount org.jboss.ant

    Where can I find doc/samples about org.jboss.ant? I need to stop/start some JBoss services with ANT.
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    last modified by juzepeleteiro
  • register my own mbean to jboss's MBeanserver

    I'm trying to manage a web application (jsp) with jmx I'm using Jboss so how can i register my mbeans to jboss's Mbeanserver. so is it possible that i register my mbean's JavaBean to the Mbeanserver of jBoss can u giv...
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    created by anis_zouaoui
  • Custom MBean Service Conventions

    Hi! I'm interested in knowing the recommended way of deploying Custom MBean Services. I've looked around alot and found different solutions ranging from specifying it as a EJB-Module in the application.xml to simply...
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    created by daemon23
  • Managing a JBoss Cluster

    Adrian Brock suggested that I post a cross reference to a thread on the user forum. http://www.jboss.org/modules/bb/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t= would appreciate further comments.
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    created by ivelin.ivanov
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/DynamicMBea

    Hi. Something strange.. I'm trying to run standard OpenMBean example - the one comes with Sun's Jmx_RI<1.2> - SampleOpenMBean.java with freshly dowloaded jboss-3.0.7. I get an error (while another sun's example ...
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    last modified by jabberw
  • JbossMX and MX4J : Any connection ?

    I was wondering if there is any connection between the JbossMX and the MX4J projects (besides both being sourceforge projects). Is there any future plan to unify the two, or to use MX4J within JBoss? Thanks.
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    last modified by btal
  • UnifiedClassLoader.getResources not working

    Hello, I've just moved from JBoss 2.4.x to 3.0.x and found the following bug: UnifiedClassLoader.getResources() does not return all the resources under a specific name. UnifiedClassLoader.getResource() can return a ...
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    last modified by laurent.wozniak
  • Replacing JMX

    Dear All, I have a requirement to replace JMX reference implementation in JBoss with some other implementation. Is it possible to do so ?? Regards Senthil
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    last modified by senthilnathan
  • JBossMX

    Hi, It might be an answered question to a lot of people. But, why do we need a parallel implementation versus using MX4J instead? Thanks
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    last modified by postit
  • jboss standalone using JMX

    Case: Single Table data base generation. Data source in this application is a stream buffer which consists of comma seperated lines. I want each of that line to be stored in the database. Line has 5 fields. so created...
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    last modified by sugramoin
  • Getting ready for j2se1.5

    I was thinking maybe we should test and provide a distro that plugs into jmxri-1.2 as a proof of concept that jbossmx will still work when the RI is in java 1.5? Regards, Adrian
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • thread safe MBean

    This may be a silly question. As a programmer, I would assume its MBean class's responsibility for the thread safe. If there are concurrent clients access to MBean interface, will MBeanServer put them into one queue? ...
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    last modified by luoz
  • squashing of throwable on registration

    Just wondering why we are ignoring an exception during mbean registration if it is not a runtime or standard mbean exceptoin? In BasicMBeanRegistry::registerMBean() we catch throwable and return null. Why not wrap the...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • [J2EE Management] Correction

    I've posted the bug and the corresponding patch at sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=692157&group_id=22866&atid=376685 > what will getResources("a/b/c") return exact...
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    created by heejune
  • MX Remoting package going away....

    The org.jboss.mx.remote.* packages and related classes are going away after the JBoss Remoting refactor. The new base level remoting classes are now in their own remoting module, jboss-remoting. The related MX classes...
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    created by jhaynie
  • RMIAdaptorImpl NoClassDefFoundError

    I have installed jboss-3.0.6_tomcat-4.1.18 on a Sun Sparc 5.8 UNIX system. After I unzipped the install file, I set JAVA_HOME (tried both J2SE 1.3.1 & 1.4.1) and JBOSS_HOME and then I did a run.sh to start the def...
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    last modified by wingba
  • bind/lookup MBeans to remote JNDI server

    Hi, first, sorry if this is answered elsewhere but I have searched and not found it. Background: We will have a number of JBoss servers running identical software for a number clients. However, we need to enable MBea...
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    last modified by channingwalton
  • jboss-mx portability

    Apologies in advance if this belongs in a user fourm.... I have a question about the portability of jboss-mx. I work in an Websphere shop (Sorry...) and I am developing my second iteration of an application-level ser...
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    last modified by t1ckt0ck
  • Instrumenting EJBs with JMX

    I'm curious if anyone has instrumented their EJBs with JMX? If so what was your experience? What attributes and operations did you expose to JMX? Was it beneficial?
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    last modified by cunparis
  • trouble with MBeanServer isRegistered

    Hi, Comment on Selection of JBoss for building framework for remote Moniroting Application. And I have a clarification, Can I build Agents using JBoss. If this is possible I feel each machine to be monitored should b...
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    last modified by emdevlin