This forum is for discussions around the implementation of JBoss's Tomcat integration. If you want to discuss the implementation of general webserver integration go here: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&...
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    created by adrian.brock
  • New http session replication in 3.2.6 release

    Hi, I have completed the doc under JBoss3.2.6. Here is the url: http://www.jboss.org/developers/projects/jboss/tc5-clustering.html You are welcome to test drive it and let me know if there is any problem. BTW, I hav...
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    last modified by ben.wang
  • Tomcat performance change to reduce concurrency...

    Hi, I wonder if anyone has any feedback on a performance change that I am working on making. One benefit of reducing concurrency in a server application is that a small number of requests can complete more quickly t...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • Does Tomcat support JTA transaction?

    Hello, working my way through the ejb30 tutorial (which is really great!) I get the following error when deploying the MDB example (os is linux): MBEANS THAT ARE THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM: ObjectName: jboss.mq:s...
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    created by leon_xf_pu
  • JSESSIONID logging

    This code does not belong in the managed connection pool. The pool is protected by a lock (the permits semaphore). If the thread comes in a interrupted it can be assumed it should not be attempting to use more resour...
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    created by taylor2002
  • Servlet destroy method

    nthx wrote: > Ok. I got this SharedStoreCacheLoader, but I have little problems with using it. It has strange constructor, so it cannot be plugged directly by using XML conf file. Currently to be used only prog...
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    created by sjneworleans
  • Clustered SSO and REPL_ASYNC TreeCache

    I noticed the ClusteredSingleSignOnUnitTestCase was failing intermittently on the 3.2 branch build reports. I checked this out and it looks to be because the tc5-cluster-service TreeCache has been switched to REPL_ASY...
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    last modified by bstansberry
  • Shared TreeCache for Session Replication and SSO

    This thread disappeared from the forum last week -- I'm about to post a new message, so I thought I'd reconstruct the thread.... On 5/25/04 Brian Stansberry wrote: A while ago I added package o.j.web.tomcat.tc5.sso...
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    last modified by bstansberry
  • MBean Error when starting Tomcat 5.0.26 with JBoss 3.2.4

      10:38:53,187 INFO [Tomcat5] Saw org.jboss.system.server.started notification, starting connectors 10:38:53,187 WARN [Tomcat5] Failed to startConnectors RuntimeOperationsException: null Cause: java.lang.Illegal...
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    last modified by michael_lacy
  • Precompiled Welcome file failure

    Using tomcat configuration in JBoss 3.2.3. I precompiled my JSPs but my default page stopped working. This works with loose files but not when I precompile servlets: http://localhost:8080 This always works, precomp...
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    last modified by treespace
  • Reformulation: context definition in jboss/tomcat

    I am running Tomcat as a service of JBoss 3.0.7, and I want to deploy a web application. By default, my web application is deployed since I placed a directory named "my_app.war" under jboss/server/default/deploy. It w...
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    last modified by f_crivellaro
  • Tomcat 5.0.x standalone and Jboss 3.2.3

    I ran the build.xml file in the examples directory of Jboss and moved the deploy folder accordingly to use Tomcat 5.0.x instead of embedded 4.1.x. I am having a problem though when deploying my web app into the server...
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    last modified by bbd66
  • Tomcat Config???/

    Hi guys, I am new here. And I am new to Tomcat, can someone assis me in installing tomcat and configuring it? When I install tomcat it says this: Couldn't find a Java Development Kit installed.But I have it installed...
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    last modified by joek71
  • IIS Tomcat Integration error

    I posted this originally in the HTTPD, Servlets & JSP instead of this one. http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=quote&p=3831604 I think this was the appropriate forum. Sorry for th...
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    created by chuckharris
  • Exception morphing bug

    Hi, I'm deploying a weblogic conversion to JBoss and have some problems - i think which are configuration-related - with my exception-handling mechanism. I'm using Jboss-3.2.3, the standard download with integrated T...
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    created by dave2
  • How to integrate Tomcat 5.0.19 and JBoss 3.2.3

    I have installed both Tomcat 5.0.19 and JBoss 3.2.3. As I understand, JBoss 3.2.3 is with Tomcat 4.x. I wished to replace the latter with the Tomcat 5.0.19. How can I do it? Thanks for your help!
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    last modified by albren
  • configuaring embedded tomcat on jboss-3.2.3

    hi friends earlier i was using standalone tomcat-4.1 ,now i want to deploy my application on jboss-embedded tomcat container.but i dont know the configuration file where i will add the context path similar way we us...
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    last modified by nischalsharma
  • Tomcat 5 on IIS

    Our environment requires we use IIS as our web server and we are looking to migrate our current Java (Jrun) environment to Tomcat 5. We have TC 5 running as a service and downloaded and configured the isapi_redirector...
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    created by david.liles
  • jboss-3.2.3 with embedded tomcat 4.1 problems on deployment

    Hello sir, I have a very urgent problem.I cannot deploy war files in jboss 3.2.3 with embedded tomcat container.The error that is reporting is : Unable to invoke setDelegate on class loader:org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc4.We...
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    created by satheesh_79
  • Help me! java.lang.OutOfMemoryError!

    My Jboss throw a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError " often! So I write a jsp to test it! =============================================== <%@ page language="java" %> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=GBK" %&...
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    created by hzxia