• In Jboss7.1.1-final clustered environment how to bounce HornetQ mbeans on failover. Is it actually required?

    Hi, In Jboss4, in a clustered environment, on failover, we used to bounce(Stop followed by Start) queue mbeans on newly Active node. It was done using "mejbStart", "mejbStop" methods. After takeover/failover, cache...
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    last modified by veenaonnet
  • Transaction cancelled without error

    Hello, I hope someone can help me with a serious problem in my production system. Today I found this log entry 02.10.2013 14:16:33,321 WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna](Transaction Reaper) [{ARJUNA012117: Transact...
  • JBoss AS 7.2.0.Final deactivate transaction propagation

    Hello everybody,   I have the following problem: There is a client, server 1 with EJB1, server2 with EJB2 and a H2 database. The client performs a lookup for EJB1, EJB1 calls EJB2 and EJB2 persists an entity i...
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    last modified by ronnybr
  • Flush Connections Programatically

    Hi, i am new bie to Jboss 7. Earlier i have worked with jboss 4.x/5.x We use to have connections probelm with our applications.So we use to flush them programaticaly using the following code MBeanServer server = M...
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    last modified by chichasonu
  • jboss server issue

    I was installed jboss -7.1 final at production . as os we are using hp-unix. there is two machine in which 3-3 instances of jboss server is intalled . 70000 user are expected to use our system... but now only 1000 use...
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    created by sancha38
  • How to Inject EJB(Container Resource) into POJO(non Container resource)?

    I want EJB should  get injected from my POJO class . With the new EJB 3.1 spec is it possible to inject an EJB into a pojo? I know in EJB 3.0 the @EJB annotation could be used to inject an EJB but this did not w...
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    created by ajinkya.bambal
  • JBOSS AS 7 times out without any error

    I am migrating an application from JBOSS 4 to JBOSSAS 7. I followed the guide for migration, converted all the ejbs to ejb3 fixed the JNDI names. After I deploy the ear I see message that the EJBs are bound. After tha...
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    created by rpunit
  • setting context-root OUTSIDE of the ear

    I want to be able to install the same ear file multiple times with different context roots. This is so I can have PRODUCTION, TEST, TRAINING environments etc.   Under websphere I remember it used to ask you for ...
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    created by chrisbitmead
  • Dynamic file and appender creation using Log4j under JBoss EAP 6.1

    Hi all,     I am able to merge existing log4j.xml into standalone.xml, so my module can use log4j (provided by JBoss - I did not pack my log4j jar in my module) for logging as well.   I see that for a...
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    last modified by mattso
  • SessionContext switches between former logged in users

    Hi there,   i have a problem with user authentication in ejb layer.   i am using Jboss 7.1.1 Final, but had the same problem with Jboss 5 and 6. I have a custom login module defined in the standalone.xml ...
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    last modified by giga
  • EJB bean is not working in Multi threading of JBoss 7.1.1 Final

    am getting "java.lang.IllegalStateException: No EJB receiver available for handling"  exception in my JBoss 7.1. am using multithreading, in single thread the ejb bean is working. in thread call if am using run()...
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    last modified by bijoyjp
  • JSP compiler JDK1.7

    Where can I set the parameter "compilerTargetVM" for JSP compiler on JBoss 7.
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    last modified by cdschorsch
  • JBoss Basic Authentication problem

    I followed a tutorial for a J2EE web application and so far it works great. But I got stuck at the security step. The web app uses a H2 database for persistence and the authetication is supposed to use user informati...
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    created by peterfrisch
  • Deploy portlets for Liferay 6.1.2 running on JBoss 7.2.0

    Hi Guys   I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I recently installed Liferay 6.1.2 on our JBoss 7.2.0. No problems with setting up the environment. Documentation was really helpful. But now I'm not making...
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    last modified by sebastian.sommerfeld
  • My Jboss eap 6.10 Deployment of war failure

    Hello, My application war works fine in jboss eap 4.3 but same war I am unable to deploy in Jboss EAP 6.10. Please help me why its failing. JBAS014775:New missing/unsatisfied dependencies service jboss.naming.cont...
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    last modified by lf_86
  • Change Exception Language

    Hey   I have an jBoss AS 7.1.1 Final. Normally i get all exceptions in english but somtimes the come in german, like this:   SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application] (http--
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    last modified by nliechti
  • Disabling a module in jboss 7

    Is there a way i can disable a module in jboss 7.1.2?   our base jboss installation currently is read only with only logs, deployments and configurations being writable. One of the modules that comes with the j...
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    last modified by davisonri_k12
  • Difference between returning ic.lookup(jndiName) and PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, classType)

    Hi,   I'd like to know the diff between   return PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, classType);   and   return ic.lookup(JNDIName);   Can I use  " return PortableRemoteObject.narrow...
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    created by vandiesel
  • How to include the system classes in Jboss module?

    Some of the resources requires classes from the Java runtime (like org.w3c.dom.Element).  The default filter does not allow the delegation to go to the system class loader.   I noticed that I can do the fol...
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    created by billyuen
  • Jboss with ejb3.1 jpa and JSF2 project.IDE:eclipse MYSQL

    Hi everyone, i work on web project with ejb3.1 jpa and JSF2 IDE :eclipse MYSQL jboss 7.1.1 when i want to access to my database for CRUD operation i have these errors. PS: i use jpa tools for my class model a...
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    created by mandylouza