• JBOSS SOA EmailInflow Gateway connection issues

    Hey guys ive seen this question multiple times but no proper anser just was wondering if anyone could let me know is you guys have seen this issue iam trying to connect my JBOSS SOA application to the gmail service an...
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    last modified by arya27
  • Need advice on jboss esb cdr implementation

    Hi   I am strucked up in implementing CBR for a message received via JMS as gateway and need advice on jboss esb cdr implementation.   I have configurd a jms message as gateway for a esb service. This JMSM...
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    created by jaigates
  • advice required to create esb application startup scripts as service or simple class

    i want to write application(jboss esb project) startup scripts(sets of java methods) after my jboss esb application is successfully deployed.   it can either be a startup service or simple class invokation. ...
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    created by jaigates
  • helloworld_topic_notifier vs jms_topic

    I am trying to design a publish-subscriber example running on JBoss ESB, so I am going through the quickstarts. What is the difference between these two quick starts, at least in terms of how the subscribers/listeners...
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    last modified by michaela77
  • Failed to locate keystore '/keystore'

    Hi   I am trying to invoke a web service from soap proxy client in soa-p-5.3.1. I have to invoke a web service which is over https. When I import the wsdl file in soapui it does not ask for any keystore file. ...
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    created by abhijitpassi
  • Max Delivery Attempts appears unlimited

    We're running load tests on a SOA-P 5.3 installation.  Sometimes, of course, the system gets overloaded and we have to restart it.  I'm having a problem that the restarted instance still finds old messages i...
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    created by mataratones
  • Get wsdl using org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPProcessor

    Dear colleagues!     I want ask your advice to find proper solution form my problem. We have one esb project, standalone SOAP webservice and PHP clients which are using web service. The idea is secure thi...
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    last modified by saikoa
  • Sending messages from c++ app over ESB

    Hello,     I want to send messages coming from a C++ application (functions in a DLL) over JBoss ESB. My idea was to use JMS queues, i.e., to use Hornetq, because JBoss AS uses it as JMS implementation, and...
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    last modified by 6h05t
  • Does JBoss ESB supports JBoss AS 7.1.x

    Hi, Does JBoss ESB Supports JBoss AS 7.1.x?   Thanks, Velmurugan Rajendran
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  • Creating a sample JBoss ESB Project

    Hi guys,   I follwed http://www.mastertheboss.com/jboss-soa/jboss-esb-tutorial/page-2, but failed at step 3. If I try to create a new ESB Project Im getting the message attached.   THX
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    last modified by 6h05t
  • Help me with Proxy and Business service creation in ESB problems

    I am used to Oracle OSB. So I am looking for a console in jboss esb where I can create proxyService and businessService is this posible ? I can come to http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/ I have also deployed : dep...
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    last modified by seybaa
  • org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.MessageDeliverException: Failed to deliver message [header: [ To: InVMEpr [ PortReference < <wsa:Address invm://436f6e73

    Hi All,   We are getting the below error in Jboss logs, this is a stable version and we face this issue some times, the DB queries go in waiting state and we have to restart the jboss server to make this things ...
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    last modified by pankajd
  • JBoss SOA 5.2 - XA Recovery errors

    Hello there   we have 4 nodes cluster with JBoss SOA 5.2 on production, lately we started seeing following errors on 2 nodes   2013-07-25 04:56:05,529 WARN  [org.jboss.messaging.core.impl.tx.Transacti...
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    last modified by joe_boy12
  • Setting Threads in Http Gateway

    How do I set the number of threads in the Http Gateway listener within the JBoss ESB.  If I have the following:   <service category="esbcat" description="gateway service"    invmScope="GLOBAL"...
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    last modified by thayes
  • Problem running jboss ESB

    Hello,   I am trying to install jboss ESB.   I am using the following book as a reference: "JBoss ESB Beginner's Guide A comprehensive, practical guide to developing service-based applications using the ...
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    last modified by imen
  • Installing JBoss ESB

    Hi guys,   my first post   Ive installed JBoss AS 5.1.0. It works without errors. Then I tried to install JBoss ESB 4.12. ant deploy in install works, but then starting run.bat (yes it is windows ) giv...
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    last modified by 6h05t
  • Catching exceptions twice in the actions pipeline.

    Hi,   Our intention is that catching the exceptions in ESB End Point Web Service and response in specified format and content. After refering to the soution at https://community.jboss.org/message/622789#622789. ...
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    last modified by fancn21th
  • Is jbossesb compatible with wildfly?

    Hello,   I've been trying to set up an installation with wildFly, jbossesb and riftsaw. I have not used JBOSS before. My major interest is in getting the BPEL working but I'd like to get the ESB up there as we...
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    last modified by dpilling
  • How can I publish a web service through https

    Hi,   I am trying with the publish_as_webservice sample. However, I need to publish this service throught https and with basic authentication. However, I cannot find any sample on how to expose a service throug...
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    last modified by ricol
  • MissingServiceException occured when Service Invoked using deliverySync

    I am getting the following error when I try to invoke my service using deliverySync Method of ServiceInvoker.   org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.MissingServiceException: Registry details for service [ServiceO...
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    last modified by nishbmishra