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Thread Does anyone have experience using jbpm' SOA layer?
Does anyone have experience using jbpm' SOA layer?Hi, Is it possible to invoke jbpm services from other application? For instance, from front-end applications undeveloped as jbpm forms. Does it jbpm provides an API for external applications, allowing...
Thread unable to get client IP address from JBoss EAP 6.4 user
unable to get client IP address from JBoss EAP 6.4 userDear all, I use getHeader("X-Forwarded-For") to get the client IP of the user of my application in JBoss EAP 6.4. But, I cannot get the client IP address. Some sources said that x-forwarded-for would be used i...
PCI DSS version 3.1 restrict TLS versionPer PCI DSS version 3.1, SSL and early TLS are not considered strong cryptography.Consult the application's documentation to disable TLS 1.0. If the application's implementation of TLS 1.1 is known to be vulnerable, T...
ESB set server ?Hi, I was assigned to work in jboss ESB that I have been a Project File Tool is used Eclips. Sorry I did not know much about the simulation server ESB. I have edited the file, errors Eclips by the library and the us...
Java heap on the server Jbossesbhi, has someone any idea about this kind of problem What is the cause of anything. Now restart the server to resolve. code file thread dump -wait for <0x000000077344df78> ...
Transforming CSV to XMLI want to transform a CSV file to an XML file. I am trying to use the Data Transformation component. I am using the early access integration stack JBDS and Fuse 6.2. In the New Transformation window I sel...
JMX server cannot be connected in FUSE IDEDear all, I am purely novice in FUSE ESB. I was trying to connect JMX Server and I get the following error. An error occurred while opening the connection. Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.Ser...
Thread urgent :: problem with helloworld :: build failed on deploy
urgent :: problem with helloworld :: build failed on deployhi I am new to jbossesb. I m following all step mentioned in PDF for deploying quickstarts's helloworld sample but i get following error.
Buildfile: C:\workspace-ESB\jbossESB\samples\quickstarts\helloworld\build.xm...
Thread Resolving Service's category and name inside Action
Resolving Service's category and name inside ActionI should find out in what service the current action is. Is there anyway to do it? ESB version is 4.12 and AS is 6.1. Given jboss-esb.xml snippet:
<service category="MyCategory"
Thread javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Cannot find session with id
javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Cannot find session with idHi, When I made JMS queue as transacted, and have invoked many services (which are "one way" and not transacted) inside the pipeline, and goes through couple of times, but after then, I have following error 2...
Jboss ESB IssueHi, Im Using quartz 1.6.6 and im trying to upgrade to quartz 2.2.1 ( latest Version ). After Doing code and DB level changes, im getting an issue with Jboss ESB. The issue is nothing but currently im using Jbo...
Jboss ESB with Quartz 2.2.1Hi, I would like to know which version of JBoss ESB is compaitable with quartz 2.2.1. If any Document is available, plaese share the URL where i can download.
Thread Error downloading FAB dependencies - JBoss Fuse 6.1
Error downloading FAB dependencies - JBoss Fuse 6.1Hy I´m having problems to install a FAB (Fuse Application Bundle) in JBoss Fuse with Karaf console. JBF is unable to download the maven dependencies in the pom.xml inside de FAB. First of all, my...
Thread MINERD.EXE keeps showing up in JBOSS-4.2.3.GA on production server
MINERD.EXE keeps showing up in JBOSS-4.2.3.GA on production serverHello All, I am hoping someone can shed some light on the following issue. I am using a third party software package from KnoahSoft company. As part of their deployment, they use JBOSS and their current...
Jboss esb start upHello, Can anyone help me on this ? I have installed the following server jboss-5.1.0.GA jbossesb-4.10 ant-1.8.1 1. Created deployment.properties file in D:\WorkShop\jbossesb-4.10-src\product...