• Drools Flow integration

    I'm currently designing a new system to integrate one of our internal systems with an external 3rd party service, Drools Flow is perfect for what we're doing, as is JBoss ESB, I was kinda hoping the two were integrate...
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    last modified by stubbs
  • JBOSS server is turning down requests

    **** RESPONSE CODE: 500 **** RESPONSE BODY: <html><head><title>JBoss Web/2.1.7 - Error report</title><style><!--H1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#52...
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    created by kapil1
  • Content Based Routing using SXC...

    I just commited changes to allow CBR using SXC (configured same as XPath, except cbrAlias="SXC").... it's in trunk... initial tests (using unit tests... 20000 iterations) suggest it's up to x50 faster than the XPath o...
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    created by tfennelly
  • Perhaps SOAPProxy deployment conditions could be relaxed

    I noticed that when one of the external wsdl based web services are down the whole ESB fails to deploy. While I underrstand the atomic nature of a deployment is important ...I'd prefer it fail and continued the ESB d...
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    last modified by davesiracusa
  • WSDL11Reader.java has problems w/ included WSDL

    I'm running into an issue w/ an external web service exposed via ESB/SOAPProxy.  The returned root WSDL, includes a child WSDL (using wsdl:include) that defines the type/schema as well as other required elements....
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    last modified by davesiracusa
  • Durable Subscriptions - JMS Listeners

    I'm looking at adding durable subscriptions for the JMS listeners ala https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBESB-1890   What I have at the moment results in a config like the following (note the durableSubscriptionName...
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    created by tfennelly
  • JMX (mbean) with JBossESB service

    Hi Folks,             I have an esb service which is currently responsible for doing some routing (calling another esb service via serviceCat:serviceName:maxthre...
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    created by sbutt
  • External SOAP client fails due to httpheader issue

    We have an external client that is trying to invoke a SOAP based web service proxied on the the bus w/ SOAPProxy. They happen to be passing in an httpheader with a empty/null value. The servlet asserts while process...
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    last modified by davesiracusa
  • Soap request Message

    I want to know how can we print or see the soap message that is being send by Jboss ESB. Also I wanna know where I can find the source code for org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPClient
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    last modified by akfs
  • Providing support for HornetQ

    I'm looking at https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBESB-3332   With HornetQ on AS4/AS5, all JMS destinations must be defined in the central AS5/AS4 server/hornetq.sar/hornetq-jms.xml.  You can't have a different...
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    last modified by tfennelly
  • migrating to Jboss 5.0 and ESB 4.8

    Hi All,          What could be the main benefits of migrating the application from JBoss 4.2.3/ESB 4.4 to JBoss 5.0/ESB 4.8?   Thanks. 
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    last modified by sbutt
  • upgrade Jboss AS and ESB

    Hi Team,             I'm currently running:   jboss-4.2.3.GA jbossESB 4.4.GA and want to upgrade to: jboss-5.0 jbossESB 4.8 And my question...
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    last modified by sbutt
  • SoapProxy issue while calling Client Program

    I am a beginer to JBOSS ESB, it's really wonderful to work on different features of it . pls help me to solve this issue. I successfully deployed a sample  example http://jbossesb.blogspot.com/2009/11/...
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    last modified by lackki9
  • Problem in retrieving WSDL from remote endpoint

    Hi,   I have problem to get wsdl definition of a service, esb config in attached file. The problem is that wsdl file of remote service is about 90k, and when i open
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    last modified by vitaliylu
  • How to remove old WS Endpoints?

    Hi everyone,   Recently I've started playing around with JBoss ESB. I'm using version 4.7. While I was exploring quickstart examples I messed something up with WS-Endpoints. I can't find any way to repair it -...
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    created by steelman22
  • SOAPProxy initialization and deployment ordering

    When the SOAPProxy action is constructed, it pulls the wsdl url as configured. The normal use case for a webservice proxy is that the webservice is "someplace else" and already available, and if it's not available, it...
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    last modified by dward
  • message_id in JBM_MSG table

    hi,   I am using HypersonicDatabase as a datasource for all my messages. In this database there is a table which stores all the messages that have not been read yet , which is called JBM_MSG. In this table ther...
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    created by stefanosk
  • consume web service with complex data type

    I have been playing with webservice_consumer1 sample in JBoss ESB.  I modified the sample code to invoke another web service which has an array of string as input parameter along with another String type paramter...
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    last modified by billzhang1123
  • Progammatically trigger a gateway

    Hi all,   I have an ftp gateway picking up files and throwing it on the bus. This gateway is scheduled by quartz. Now the question comes up, if it is possible to "manually" (or by code) trigger this gateway to ...
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    created by nl
  • Request-response pattern using JMS?

    Bringing this over from user forum: http://community.jboss.org/thread/149042   The only apparent way to do request/response execution of a service via JMS is by providing the response via JMS Router. This couple...
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    created by mikefinnx