• Web Commerce Workload using JBoss

    Hello, I've just released a version of a Web commerice workload from the OSDL, Database Test 1 (DBT-1), which is a fair use implementation of the TPC-W benchmark that we used for system performance testing. I have de...
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    last modified by fimath
  • Jboss3.0.4_tomcat-4.1.12 and ECPerf 1.1

      "yaumeileng" wrote: I have downloaded the most updated copy pf JBOss-ecperf from source forge. I managed to deploy the ECperf and run at localhost:8080/ECperf and localhost:8080/Supplier/DeliveryServlet 1)The...
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  • No of users Jboss can support

    Hi! I've done some intensive search for published benchmarks and found resources on the net where was claimed to have benchmarked several J2EE compliant AS against each other. But it is as always there were apples an...
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    created by lee_yuki2000
  • Student Portal-5000+ users

    Hi, I am in the processof designing a student portal for a University in India .It would be datacentric , handling uploading student assignments together with student bulletin boards,grading of assignments etc. I wou...
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    created by sk4567
  • Performance Tests

    Hi, I am not sure whether this is the right forum for this question, but I need to test our JBoss app server to see how it performs under severe conditions. Is there a tool for that or I should write my own scripts. A...
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    created by rasoul
  • Benchmark JBoss vs. WebLogic

    Hello, are there any accomplished benchmarks available which shows JBoss vs. Weblogic. I was visit the CeBIT in Hannover and there a Bea-employee told me that WebLogic will be faster than JBoss, but I don't think so ...
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    last modified by timkk
  • Emulator from ECperf

    The emulator-deploy option from tomcat.xml copies the emulator.war file to /opt/jakarta/tomcat/webapps which was specified in tomcat.env. How do I deploy emulator to Jboss-3.2.2? do I just copy it to jboss\server\defa...
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    last modified by jbossuserr
  • Jetty vs Apache/Tomcat

      "balsini" wrote: "balsini" wrote: "balsini" wrote: "balsini" wrote: Positive and Negative points, Jetty/Jboss 3.0 vs Apache/TomCat/Jboss 3.0 ?
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  • Real-time Transaction Management

    Has anyone had any experience they could share with Jboss in a "real-time" environment. I need to handle at least 5,000 requests per second peak and 1,000,000 transactions (some database transaction 3:5) per day.
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    last modified by chun_tse
  • SPECjAppServer2002

    Hi there, I just wanted to report that I have almost finished porting the SPECjAppServer2002 Benchmark to JBoss3. I already managed to run small tests after adapting the tables created by the benchmarks init-scripts....
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    last modified by chrisdutz
  • OutOfMemoryError !

    Hi all! I finally got the ecperf benchmark (version 1.1) running, but unfortunately as soon as I increase the transaction injection rate (from 2 to 4), I get lots of error messages all related to java.lang.OutOfMemor...
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    last modified by micha
  • ECperf on jboss 3.2.1

    Hi, when i deploy ECperf on jboss there's some warnings saying : No resource manager found for CorpDataSource No resource manager found for SupplierDataSource ... Does anyone now what is the cause of this and how to ...
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    last modified by ilwee
  • jboss 3.2.1, ecperf 1.1 problem (please help :-) )

    Hi ! i have all deployed, createt the db and called loaddb.nt.bat and all looks good. there are some sample data in the db (from loaddb). (this all was hard work for a absolut newcomer in this area like me) there are...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • ECPerf 1.1 on JBoss

    For those of you that are interested, there is a version of ECPerf 1.1 in the JBoss CVS tree which works with JBoss 3.x. It can be accessed via URL at: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jboss/ecperf/ OR...
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    last modified by deckerxl
  • ECPerf Configuration for JBoss - HELP!!

    Hi, Is there any documentation out there on how to configure ECPerf 1.1 for JBoss 3.2.0?? I'm trying to follow ECPerf's docs but I am stuck in the step "Build and Deployment Process" where I have to run "ant -f ri.x...
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    last modified by danielagatt
  • Performance or sizing tests

    look at the cvs dir ECPerf from the jboss sourceforge projekt. also usefull: http://www.cmis.csiro.au/adsat/JBossECPerfREADME.htm there are also a kit... Sascha
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    last modified by tdwitham
  • Determine number of beans living  in container

    In connection with performance testing the number of beans living within the container is quite interessing. Can someone imagine a way to determine the amount of beans?
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    last modified by lumin
  • JBoss Benchmark

    dear all, where can I get normal benchmark information? here or where? thanks a lot! Jack
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    last modified by jzhuo
  • Grinder

    Hi all, There is a bsd style benchmarking program called grinder: http://grinder.sourceforge.net It's not ECPerf, but it can do J2EE testing. Regards, Sanne
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