• jrmp SSL Tests Cipher

    In testsuite/src/resources/jrmp/service-inf/jboss-service.xml, there is: <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPInvoker" name="jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp,socketType=SSLSocketFactory,wantsClientAu...
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    created by ryan.campbell
  • Peculiar test results with JBoss 4.0.2

    I am using JBoss 4.0.2(security patch jbas-1875-patch.zip) on HPUX. The number of test cases that comes with JBoss 4.0.2 is 2543 (when we get zero errors and zero failures) Ref : http://testsuite.jboss.com/results/re...
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    last modified by prakashbabu
  • Number of test cases that comes with Jboss testsuite

    Hello all, I am working on HPUX platform. It has three flavors 11.11 PA, 11.23 PA and 11.23 IPF. I have successfully built Jboss on all these 3 platforms. When I run the test suite the success rate is around 98 perce...
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    last modified by prakashbabu
  • Testsuite and localhost

    I don't see a thread for this, so I'm starting a new one. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-476 I've been investigating today, there are a number of different problems that need to be solved. 1) Allowing the se...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Tests on different platforms

    Running the Messaging test suite on two different machines (one of which being relatively slow) uncovered a bug that didn't show up during testing on the fast box. The QA lab should probably have several machines (di...
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    created by ovidiu.feodorov
  • Matrix Tests List - Input requested from Project leads

    This is not done yet, but this gives an idea about how this is working: http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/artifacts/jboss-4.0-testsuite/20050504194421/results/org/jboss/test/compatibility/test/matrix/package-summary.h...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • MatrixVersion design question

    The way I'm doing cross version tests is based in a directory. By defining a directory, for example /jboss-versions, I'm going to look for sub-directories and dynamically execute the version check against each client...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • OutOfMemory when running the JBoss-4.0 testsuite in the crui

    I'm investigating why we have the testsuite broken into hanging into our cruise control testsuite for JBoss 4.0, and I discovered that we are getting out of Perm Space. I will change the testsuite/build.xml to use mo...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • JBossTestServices - setting initialContext and server as sta

    I didn't profile this yet, but it looks like if we have: JBossTestServices::initialContext and JBossTestServices::server as static variable our testsuite would run much faster. Is there any problem in set these ...
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    created by clebert.suconic
  • Creating a test harness for others to use with JBoss

    Commit message from jboss-head: Make a start on factoring out the JBossTest support classes. __There is a JIRA task for this somewhere raised by Bill, but I can't find it.__ These classes are at least already used...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Version compatibility tests

    As for http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1598, I'm creating a TestSuite that will execute a bunch of defined tests against 4.0.1 and 4.0.0. In other words, we will execute tests against current version using cli...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • Problem in automatic primary key generation for Beans having

    Hi, This is regarding the automatic primary key generation of primary keys for entity beans that have relationship with another entity bean in JBoss. Problem Statement:: ------------------- We are using JBoss 4.0.1S...
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    created by kharesam
  • distributed test framework

    The distributed test framework under the remoting module tests can be used to start multiple client and server instances, along with a driver instance that will use a remote barrier for starting and stopping all the i...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • Reboot tests

    I'm looking at adding some reboot tests. The build.xml will 1) start the all configuration 2) run the tests with a system property to identify the before stage 3) reboot the all configuration 4) run the tests with a ...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • JUnit multiple configurations

    It's possible to run the same JUnit test under different configurations now: This wiki page shows how to do it: http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JUnitsForDifferentConfigurations Clebert
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    created by clebert.suconic
  • Overriding predefined junit properties when running function

    Sometimes during local test runs I want to be able to override predefined properties, in a flexible manner. Example: During a command line functional test run (tests/build.xml), I want to send the test output to stdo...
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    last modified by ovidiu.feodorov
  • Running a single functional test

    I added to the functional tests' build.xml a new "test" target that can be used to run individual tests: cd tests ./build.sh test -Dtest.classname=org.jboss.test.YourTest A sample build.xml can be found in jboss-...
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    created by ovidiu.feodorov
  • Functional Tests

    Functional tests need to be located in the module which they test. The testsuite needs to be able to include these in the "tests" target. Each module's build.xml expose a "funtional-tests" target. The testsuite/build...
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    last modified by ryan.campbell
  • server bindings

    BEGIN ANOTHER RANT Yet again I want to test some clustering and use the server bindings to create two instances. But it is broken - address already in use errors, stale references (e.g. JBoss5 contains tomcat55 but t...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Testsuite Build Updates

    The testsuite build is changing. Later today, I will be replacing the existing build.xml with ant16x-build.xml on all branches. As a part of the cutover, I will be ensuring that the new testsuite includes all of the ...
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    last modified by ryan.campbell