• Classloading issues due to jboss-classloading.xml contained in jars

    Hi, We're working on some stuff for the Infinispan project and today we hit an issue with the Infinispan-rest web application on EAP 5. It seemed that a jboss-classloading.xml file in one of the dependent jars shipp...
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    last modified by noelo
  • JMX annotations and parsing question

    Hi guys,   I'm trying to expose some properties of the Sip Stack used by Mobicents on top of JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA. Unfortunately the Stack is not a bean and not injected or anything, so I just added the following a...
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    last modified by deruelle_jean
  • Deployment order within rar file

    I have a sar file within a rar file.   smsconnector.rar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/ra.xml smsjmx.sar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/jboss-service.xml smsjmx-server.jar smsconnector-server.jar smslib.jar  ...
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    last modified by ramses
  • Running a deployer on resource in classpath

    Hi, Do you have any suggestion on running a deployer on resource currently exists inside a JAR file? I guess I am looking for a way to explicitly invoke a deployer on a given resource identified by a URL rather than ...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • Single Deployment Unit from multiple files inside a zip

    Hi, I am trying to write a new deployer for Teiid artifact which is a zip file. In there I have two xml files that I need to parse and gather metadata and deploy them as single unit. To accomplish this, I wrote depl...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • Struggling with jboss-classloading.xml

    Hi all, I've be struggling with jboss-classloading.xml for about one week and really don't know even if it is possible. There is my problem (JBoss 5.1): 1) I have a RAR that contains a lot of jars that must be expos...
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    last modified by ad-rocha
  • How to get DeploymentUnit?

    I want to integrate Jersey (aka reference impl for JAX-RS) and JBoss. Therefore, I have to provide an implementation for the annotation @EJB by myself. At http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&am...
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • JBossKernel

    JBoss MicroKernel      The JBoss Kernel provides a lightweight kernel for managing POJOs, their deployment and configuration.       Additional features can be added:   Configuring...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • how to instantiate a generic/parameterized MC bean/POJO in b

    Hello, would you please so kind to give an example of a jboss-beans.xml /bean deployer/ which instantiates a parameterized bean/POJO class like: public class TypedRegistry { // ... public TypedRegistry() { // ....
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    last modified by csabaszucs
  • Optional depends?

    Is there a way to express an optional dependency between beans? e.g. install bean A before bean B, but only if bean A exists. In psuedo-markup: <bean name="A" class="..."> <!-- A depends on B, if B exists -...
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    last modified by pferraro
  • EAR being deployed over and over again?!

    Made a very simple EAR {in Eclipse}, using Maven, all seems to be in order for its contents and everything. Plucked into the JBoss 5.1 default server config's deploy folder and started the server: - the app seems to d...
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    last modified by jbossborot
  • Autoexplosion of archives

    Is there some standard or default way to mark certain archives as needing exploding before doing a true deployment, or even structure deployment? Turns out, even with the .rails archives bit, the JRuby bits aren't qu...
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    last modified by bob.mcwhirter
  • Confused about POJO service

    Hello, The new mc is probably the most feature-rich container out there. You can roll with anything from POJOs to MBeans. However, I am a little confused due to the multitude of options. My predicament is this: I wa...
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    last modified by karypid
  • VFS outside of AS

    Howdy guys-- JRuby has the need to deal with things-inside-jars-inside-jars and the like. I obviously have enjoyed VFS working within JBossAS, and have solved a lot of my problems. But, we'd like to try to wedge VFS...
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    last modified by bob.mcwhirter
  • Injecting bean instances in Servlets/EJBs

    Looked over the documentation but I didn't really see any explanation or recommendation for how deployed beans are supposed to be accessed through Servlet deployments. Is JNDI the suggested way? Is there support for @...
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    last modified by genman
  • Using JBoss Microcontainer for JUnit Tests

    Hello, I'd like to use the JBoss Microcontainer for JUnit Tests of Session Beans without a running JBoss 4.2.3. I read a lot about this. But I still don't know what exactly I have to download and where. There are dif...
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    last modified by tbar0711
  • Declare a dependency on an MC bean

    I'm trying to declare a dependency on the HornetQServer MC bean. I took the name of the bean from the JMX Console to create the depends clause but it does not work: @Depends(value={"jboss.deployment:id=HornetQServ...
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    last modified by rnicholson10
  • How to inject the result of a JNDI lookup?

    Hopefully I haven't missed something obvious, I've been searching for a few hours for the answer to this, to no avail... In Spring, I would do this: java:comp/env/jms/ConnectionFactory How can I do this in t...
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    last modified by swruch
  • AOP does NOT work in User_Guide\gettingStarted\commandLineCl

    AOP does NOT work in User_Guide\gettingStarted\commandLineClient. Hello, below is the test steps. 1.I downloaded JBoss MC examples from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/microcontainer/tags/2.2.0.M2/do...
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    last modified by ybxiang.china
  • ClassLoaderFactory and AbstractVFSDeployment

    I am trying to do an in-memory deployment of a web service endpoint. The WS impl. class is created through javassist, and hence I need to pass a classloader into the deployment. One way of doing so seems to be the Cla...
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    last modified by heiko.braun