• @javax.transaction.Transactional doesn't work

    At https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-1496 I provided a testcase. Perhaps can someone of the Narayana gurus also look into this issue.
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • How to use Narayana JTA 5.0.3.Final to provide support for XA transactions to web applications running inside Tomcat?

          I am trying to use JTA 1.2 outside Java EE compliant Application Server such as in Apache Tomcat, what I've tried so far is following Mr. Jonathan Halliday's way, and How to Configure ...
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    last modified by dhaowoods
  • Requirements for ordering RecoveryModules

    gytis came across an issue where the REST-AT -> JTA bridge recovery is failing. He found the root cause to be that the XARecoveryModule is recovering the bridge before the InboundBridgeRecoveryModule gets a chance ...
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    last modified by mmusgrov
  • Narayana behavior when transactions log store is full

    Want to share my research results in testing of transactions behavior, when TX log object store is pointed to some partition which is full.   The reason of testing was to check how TM will handle the new transac...
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    last modified by hhovsepy
  • Adding generics

    Narayana/JBossTM currently still used raw types in a lot places. Most of them can be fixed easily.   Here's a PR with the proposed changes: https://github.com/jbosstm/narayana/pull/943/files this also includes...
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    last modified by pmm
  • Blacktie Data Buffers and Content Based Routing

    We are considering Blacktie for migration from Tuxedo.   We have an XML interface available currently which is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Request>   <Header> &...
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    last modified by joicejoy
  • Migration from Tuxedo

    Hi,   I am working on a migration project to move our middleware from Tuxedo to another Middleware product.   We are evaluating Blacktie from JBoss. As i believe it is now merged with Narayana TS, we...
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    last modified by joicejoy
  • Resuming JTA transaction after Java 8 CompletableFuture in initial thread

    I'm trying to execute a JTA transaction across multiple async CompletableFutures that are composed with each other.   I'm able to pass the transaction from one thread to the other by suspending the transaction a...
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    last modified by galder.zamarreno
  • Images missing in documentation

    Hi all,   I'm trying to learn more about Narayana's fault tolerance properties. However, in all the documentation I could find (e.g. Failure Recovery Guide) the images are missing, making it hard to follow. The ...
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    last modified by martinkl
  • How to propagate a transaction from one EJB3 to another EJB on JBoss.

    Hi, I know there is a article to describe the transaction propagation, but I failed to run the case. What I missing to enable the JTS? I use JBoss 5.1.0 GA. Can you help?   I enabled the JTS by executing ant c...
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    last modified by utiao
  • Hit Blacktie servers by webservice

    Need to hit Blacktie servers using a webclient. Is there any quickstart for this.
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    last modified by joicejoy
  • Narayana JTS with Spring in Tomee

    I am trying to use Narayana JTS with Spring in Tomee to make transaction work across multiple instances. I don't want to use EJB and is trying to implement it in the Jacorb IIOP way. I tried to follow the spring integ...
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    last modified by shabin8780
  • JBossTS distributed without container JEE

    Hello,   I'd like to use JBossTS to do a distributed transaction across 2 JVMs.   I don't want to use EJB, neither a JEE container. Maybe a Spring container only.   I'd like to use something really ...
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    last modified by giovani.kli
  • Transaction Reaper Thread Kill

    I am using JBoss EAP 6.2.0 and was wondering if it was possible to kill a thread on a transaction timeout. I have already identified that upon a timeout the Transaction Reaper hits and releases the resources. However,...
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    last modified by msegreti4355
  • Installing Blacktie with Wildfly

    I am installing Blacktie 5.2.2 Final with Wildfly 9.0.1   I have performed the following steps: 1. Unzip wildfly-9.0.1.Final.zip 2. unzip wildfly-blacktie-build-5.2.2.Final-bin.zip in Wildfly install location....
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    last modified by joicejoy
  • NoClassDefFoundError: com/arjuna/ats/jta/TransactionManager

    I'm trying to retrieve the remaining transaction time from com.arjuna.ats.jta.transaction.Transaction.getRemainingTimeoutMills(), but when I attempt to access the TransactionManager I get a NoClassDefFoundError. I...
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    last modified by doddio
  • commit() throws exception: do we need to call rollback()?

    I haven't found information from above clearly stated in JTA specification, could you please cite any authoritative source? The issue is if the code below is correct:   tx.begin(); try {    /* do someth...
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    last modified by rvansa
  • Running the RTS bridge in container other than Wildfly

    Hi,   I am interested in trying to run the RTS bridge in a OSGi environment such as Apache Karaf (so that REST-AT can be demonstrated across two different container types and also two different Transaction Manag...
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    last modified by peterfry
  • accessing docker image based JBoss Transaction Manager as a service from a Weld/CDI based docker image

    I've become aware of   https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2267   If I understand the motivation for this correctly it should allow transaction services to be accessed as a service.   Weld has SPI h...
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    last modified by peterfry
  • Need help as I am receiving an exception in [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna] causing the application to stop

    Hi there,   I need an assistance in knowing the cause/reason behind receiving the below error (extracted from the JBoss log files). The related web-application is shutting down, and this is the only error that w...
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    last modified by nour.alkhoudary