• Use of  Jotm in Jboss.

    I have developed the necessary classes to use Jotm as a transaction manager in Jboss. I only performed some simple test involving two Jboss servers. The tests included some error conditions to see the correct propagat...
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    last modified by japaz
  • Tx Recovery Prototype

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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Why not always pad Xid?

    mok, Can try a few more things, look at http://<your-server>:8082 and make sure that your jndi name is there, should be something like jndiName=helloEJBDisplay You might also try with your initial context ad...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Wrong XidImpl.equals implementation?

    One thing I noticed by looking at XidImpl class. Are you guaranteed to get the same Xid class when you call recover on an XAResource? I would guess no. I think XidImpl.equals needs to reflect this. Bill
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  • Recovery and Clustering

    Ok, here's the algorithm I'm implementing for recovery: 1. For all log files gather all committing Xids 2. For each resource, call recover to get xids 3. commit each resource for xids found in log files 4. For each ...
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  • Finding XAResources in Recovery step

    Over the holidays, I took a look at how one would implement recovery. I think you're right...It is basically easy to implement(at least without handling Heuristic errors), but hard to perform well. One thing that get...
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  • TransactionManager.setTransactionTimeOut does not work

    TransactionManager.setTransactionTimeOut does not work. The javax.transaction.TransactionManager java doc says that the time out of a transaction can be modified using the setTransactionTimeOut method. Am using JBoss...
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    last modified by esriram
  • Logging/recovery and transaction distribution

    It is my opinion that we need to add transaction logging and recovery to the JB transaction manager. My understanding of Trasaction Logging and recovery: The transaction manager would follow the two phase commit pro...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Change Notes: 3.2.4

    The following are the JBossJTA changes between 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 starting with the 3.2.4RC1 changes DO NOT POST ANYTHING EXCEPT CHANGE NOTES HERE If you have user questions about these changes use the user forum: http...
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  • Maybe A bug in Jboss 3.2: TxManager.java

    =============================================================================== /** * Import a transaction propagation context into this TM. * The TPC is loosely typed, as we may (at a later time) want to * import...
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  • Tyrex failed under heavy transaction load.

    Hi, there, We've tested tyrex transaction manager under havery transaction load situation, tyrex failed after a few hours running. Here are our settings: OS: SunOS 5.8 JBoss(jetty) 3.0.4 about 20 session beans, 15 m...
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    See above
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    created by adrian.brock
  • Setting transaction locking policy for a web application

    I use JBoss as a web container and does not utilze the ejb features. I use the UserTransaction object to handle transactions inside my web application. Does anyone know how to control the locking policy (optimistic/pe...
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    last modified by morten.ilebrekke
  • Urgent help with Transationc

    Ooops sorry, enabled it and it still works, though I did need to increase the amount of memory for the JVM (Out of memory exceptions). ...and a ugly startup "picture" while trying to instrument e.g. some tomcat class...
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    This forum is for the discussions on development of JBoss's transaction manager and integration of thirdparty transaction managers. USER QUESTIONS WILL BE IGNORED/DELETED. Help on the transaction manager http://www....
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    created by adrian.brock
  • Reordering of resources in commit of XA transaction

    If I have a bunch of XA resources and one non-XA resource, can I use them in an XA transaction? Will JBoss reorder the resources so that the non-XA resource is committed at the end of the first phase? Here's an examp...
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    last modified by patrickbradley
  • rollback problem with some RequiresNew

      "mmqwertz" wrote: Hi! I have a problem or more a question concerning RequiresNew. As far as I read in the J2EE and EJB Spec and in this forum and the JBoss Doku there are no nested transactions in JBoss right? ...
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  • JTA vs SQL/JDBC controlled transactions

    What are the advantages/disadvantages of using JTA over SQL/JDBC controlled transactions? Is there any significance or preference of using them? thanks aalmero
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    created by aalmero
  • XA and NON-XA resource

    Hi, I have the following situation: 1.I'm using Connector that does not supports XA transactions and database that supports (oralce). 2.I have to perform transaction in SessionBean. The first solution is to use Bea...
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    last modified by piotrkotlinski
  • User Transaction and Entity bean

    Can i use remote of entity bean looked up before starting of User Transaction and update its data starting a new user tarnsaction ? will the remote hold its PK if it is passed through collection object from a session ...
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    created by gramesh