• Unable to access the web portal using the context root

    We are in the process of migrating our applications from jboss 4.3.GA to jboss 6.0.1 EAP 7.1.3 final   Attached are the jboss-web.xml and application.xml containing the context roots defined for Jboss 4.3. Thoug...
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    last modified by georgesg
  • ArrayELResolver's handling of primitive arrays

    I'm trying to understand whether the implementation of javax.el.ArrayELResolver or my application's (indirect) use of it is causing me problems.   I'm basing my analysis on the source available at https://source...
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    last modified by orankelly
  • NioEndpoint processing of channels already in list.

    Hi, I have come across what I think is an issue in the NioEndpoint.Acceptor class.   The NioEndpoint.Acceptor.run (line 625) method checks the condition of several methods. Depending on those all being true i...
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    last modified by whitingjr
  • error when using WebSockets with Netty 3.2.7 & Jetty 8.1

    Hi, I have encountered some issues while trying to create the server side webSockets(I know that the client side works becase when i redirect it to a tomcat server everything is good) I am recieving the following er...
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    last modified by ben1234
  • multiple file upload

    I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1. and the multipart implementation in HttpServletRequest is not working as I expected. Is the implementation of getParts() : Collection<Part> and getPart(name) : Part in HttpServletReque...
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    last modified by emeuwese
  • Deplyoing application runtime giving JSP Compilation Error only on JBOSS EAP 6, _jspService(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit

    Hi ,   I am migrating my application from weblogic to JOBSS and while doing so one of my JSP at runtime giving me error about unable to compile because the java class compiled version of JSP is exceeding the 655...
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    last modified by amittelang1976
  • Velocity issue with JBOSS EAP

    Hi,   When I am deploying my applicaiton in JBOSS EAP I am facing following strange issue.     ERROR struts.ContextLoaderPlugIn: Context initialization failed 16:51:58,741 INFO [stdout] (MSC servic...
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    last modified by amittelang1976
  • Do the server push works on Load balancer (clustered environment.)

    Hi   I had implemented server push on jboss 5.1.0.GA. my production server is having the load balancer. i want to know whether the server push works on the clustered environment.   If not what i have to do...
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    last modified by kiran_yalamati
  • Async IO not working with HTTPEventServlet on Jboss 5.1

    We are trying to use HTTPEventServlet for a event push to clients Async IO not working with HTTPEventServlet on Jboss 5.1.   We have added following connector tag in server.xml of jbossweb.sar   <Conne...
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    last modified by ramkrishnag
  • Problem: Arabic Name of a file in a Virtual Directory

    Hi   I have created successfully a virtual directory in JBoss 4.2 and I can retrieve through a web browser any file from the virtual directory if the file name is written in English. But, if the file name is...
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    last modified by dr-khaledal
  • Are bug fixes in Tomcat Code automatically picked up in Jboss Web?

    I believe I ran into a bug (using JBoss Version 7.1.1)  that was possibly (according to this comment https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=53677#c1) fixed in Tomcat 7.0.x: https://issues.apache.org/...
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    last modified by helweg
  • jboss 5.1.0.GA server push is working only on local PC,Not working if i access it from another PC with in the network.

    Hi,       I had implemented the comet serverpush for one of the module in my project, using jboss 5.1.0.GA+ jboss-web-2.1.9.GA+ org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol+Ajax.   &...
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    last modified by kiran_yalamati
  • Need a Small assistance on JBoss

    Hello All,   I have 2 Identity managment Server. And using JBoss as load Blancer. And got into small Issue. Users open Identity Management through WebPage. Which Jboss load balance.   However If I make ch...
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    last modified by nickyours
  • Jboss server instance automatic termination

    Dear Team,   We are facing some issues with one of the instance running in jboss-4.0.3 application server. We are running 3 instances in same application server out of which 2 instances are running fine and faci...
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    last modified by srinu_ammina
  • restrictedUserAgents attribute setting in JBoss AS 7.1.1

    I am migrating from JBoss 5.1.0 to JBoss AS 7.1.1. I have a .NET client communicating with Java Web Services. I used to have a restrictedUserAgents attribute defined in my connector to fix the problem of .NET not impl...
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    last modified by sanmo
  • JBoss 7.1 identity assertion

    Hi.   I have to  implement identity assertion in  web application. Basically JBoss server will have handshake with Apache server - which will authenticate against Active Directory and thanks to that wil...
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    last modified by tomek.f
  • Multiple instances (via port bindings) for same name application leads to web session mess up.

    Hi All,   I am facing the following strange problem with Jboss 7.1.1 AS. (I am yet to check this with EAP 6 as well)   I configured Jboss 7 with multiple instances as outline in Approach 2 of the following...
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    last modified by nilindra
  • jboss as7 deploy multiple wars at web root each with different context_root

    I'm working on setting up a server where there will be multiple wars deployed at the root level like so (paths aren't acutal):   /vars/www/app1.war - http://www.mysite.com/app1 /vars/www/app2.war - http://www.m...
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    created by rshake
  • Removing sessionId generation in JBoss AS7

    Hi,   I have multi layered architecture (web <--> application service <--> data service) with multiple servers and the user sessionId is generated from a different server (data service). So I want to...
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    last modified by cjayaprakash
  • JBoss http thread block reading in SPECjEnterprise2010

    I got a problem when benching SPECjEnterprise2010. The http threads in the thread pool all waiting for http input. tack trace: java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) java.net.SocketInputStream.read(...
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    last modified by hypheng