• Jbossws-cxf integration (jbossws-cxf-bin-dist) ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

    I installed Jbossws-cxf integration (jbossws-cxf-bin-dist) and ran ant -Dspring=true deploy-jboss600  -Djboss.server.instance=default for jboss-6.0.0.Final and Jdk6.0, started Jboss6 and I get "ClassNotFoundExce...
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    last modified by amberjboss1999
  • Jboss+jbossws-cxf-3.4.1.GA and spring 3.0.5 : how to publish a cxf web service instantiated in spring

    Hi,     As part of a project, i should use Jboss+jbossws-cxf-3.4.1.GA and spring 3.0.5. Problem : I'am newbie on JBoss     After some researchs, and according of Jboss-CXF and apache-Cxf document...
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    last modified by aminem
  • algorithm does not exist - cxf-3.4.0.GA, jboss-5.1.0.GA

    Hi! I install cxf-3.4.0.GA with Spring on jboss-5.1.0.GA, create web service and configure them in jbossws-cxf.xml. When i try send to this web service signed SOAP message, i getting the error:   16:15:28,234 W...
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    last modified by bobzer
  • jbossws-cxf-3.4.0.GA WAR deployment issue

    I have a series of WAR that I am trying to deploy on JBoss 5.1.0 using JBossWS-CXF-3.4.0 and I am continuosly running into this issue upon deploying the WAR via the JBoss Admin Console:   Caused by: org.springfr...
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    last modified by kyle.bober
  • Replacing Native Stack by CXF on 5.1.0.GA

    Hi everyone,   This could be a newbie question, but i'm quite a newbie, so... I would like to replace the jbossws native stack by CXF on my JBoss 5.1.0.GA Application Server, running on Windows 7. I don't use ...
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  • JBossWSNonSpringBusFactory does not register WS-SecurityPolicy interceptor providers

    Hello,   when creating a client without spring support, the WS-Policy engine is stared and the policy interceptor providers for WS-Addressing and WS-RM are added, among others, while the providers needed for WS-...
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    last modified by barakka
  • java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.ws.soap.Addressing.responses()

    Hello Team,   I am using JbossWS CXF with addressing using Alessio Soldano CXF WS-Addressing article. I am using maven to build my project and have wsprovide goal as follows     <plugin>  ...
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  • Authenticate UsernameToken via JAAS-SecurityDomain

    Hi,   my scenario is the following:   A .NET-Client calling a Java web service via a customBinding with WS-Security (UsernameToken, encrypted, signed, with Timestamp) An Ejb-Webservice hosted on a JBoss A...
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    last modified by lars.k
  • jbossws-cxf.xml not picked up

    Hi,   I installed JBossWS-CXF and put a jbossws-cxf.xml in my WEB-INF folder, where I describe one jaxws:endpoint. Is this all the configuration I have to do? It doesn't seem to work, so I put the cxf servlet in...
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  • CreateSequence was not recognized

    Hi,   I built and deployed a WS endpoint using WS-RM on JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final.     I'm currently receiving the following exception when a new sequence request is received:   {code}15:37:56,290 WA...
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  • Undeploy error - Exception sending context destroyed event

    Dear JBoss experts,   I have searched your forum for a simple answer to this undeployment error. An error I only get when undeploying a spring dependent webservice from the JBoss server (JBoss 5.1 + JBossWS-CXF)...
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    created by peter.gylling
  • JBoss 5.1.0 - JBossWS 3.4.0 - Spring 3.0.5 & CXF Error

    Hi, I understand that there was a similar issue related to the following concerning JBoss 6 was discussed, but not answered. The discussion is at http://community.jboss.org/message/590259   However, I am facin...
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    created by tech4gk
  • JBoss 6 - Spring 3.0.5 & CXF Error

    Hi,   I am trying to deploy web-app which contains spring 3.0.5 jars files. During the server startup, I am getting the following error:   Caused by: org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Class [or...
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    last modified by mrbaljit
  • Can't create Web Service for JBOSS

    Hello,   With Eclipse 3.6 EE Developer, I tried to create a Web Service from an EJB class for JBOSS 6.0, but it failed with the following statement: ========================================   The service ...
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    last modified by samwun9988
  • EJB3 Web Service not deploying properly with jbossws-cxf-3.3.1

    I am currently running JBOSS SOA Platform 5.0.1 with jbossws-cxf-3.3.1.   I am trying to deploy an EJB3 web service which includes a custom WSDL (In other words I do not want JBOSS to generate the WSDL). The EJ...
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  • JBossAS6 CXF Web Services without Spring?

    I've been following a number of posts on this forum as I seem to be running into a similar issue with the default CXF web service implementation for JBossAS6 and Spring.  Is there any way to have a project that h...
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  • JBossWS-CXF 3.3.1 and @WebMethod(exclude=true)

    Hi all,   since we have changed our JBoss 5.1.0 installation to use CXF, our WSDLs now include methods declared in the WebServices interfaces with the @WebMethod(exclude=true) annotation. Previously the behaviou...
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    last modified by nadirx
  • Which utility should be used to generate WSDL with CXF stack?

    Hi, I am using JBoss 6.0.GA with CXF web service stack (that comes with default installation). For generating artifacts from WSDL I find the class "org/apache/cxf/tools/wsdlto/WSDLToJava"  which is part of {JBO...
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    last modified by jbossuser71
  • Server Side Integration Customization without Spring

    Hello,   is there any way to customize the endpoint programmatically, or that in any way does not require the use of Spring. Something like the @EndpointConfig for native (it doesn't work on CXF, right?), or @Ha...
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  • jbossws-cxf 3.4.? on jboss 5.1.0

    I am currently using jboss 5.1.0. In the downloads there is jbossws-cxf 3.4.0 as well as 3.4.1. Which version should be used for jboss 5.1.0?   Thanks
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