• Objects and web-services in jBPM

    Is it possible to consume web-services and/or use own libraries (and thus custom objects) into a jBPM workflow? Eventually, could I expose this process as (another) web-service? Regards, V.
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  • jBPM 6 Create own persistence

    Hello Community,   I am new to jBPM and try to integrate jBPM 6 in an existing CRM Application. To resume the processes after a server crash, I have to create a persistence mechanism. The CRM Application alread...
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    last modified by marinav
  • How to Display Alternate Process Image to End User?

    Hi,   I use JBPM 5.4   We have many kinds of nodes inside our process definition, signal node, service node, human task node, etc.   Some of these nodes is quite technical and our end user does not w...
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    last modified by thomas.setiabudi
  • jBPM [5.3 Guvnor / 2.3.1 Designer] Registering/Using Custom Profiles

    Hi everyone, I am trying to make a custom profile for designer that I can use within guvnor so that I can specify which plugins load etc. Unfortunately, I can't manage to get this to work. I tried creating my new prof...
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    created by tpacheco12
  • Parallels execute in component Multiple instances

    I use component Multiple instances(jbpm 5.4 ,jboss).It is work but... execute is not really parallels. What i should to do if i need really parallels instance?
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    last modified by kmarina
  • The signal from one process to another

    Hello. I have the following problem. I need to implement a mechanism that one process can send a signal to other processes. I use this code. But get an error. Please tell me how I can implement this mechanism.  ...
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    created by neki
  • jBPM Persistence with SQL Server and Sample Evaluation

    Hi,   I modified files as mentioned in Set up jBPM5.3 to use MS SQL Server 2008 and was able to successfully create tables in sql server (total of 23 tables) SQL Server - 2008 R2 JBOSS - 7.0.2 jBPM - 5.3 jTDS ...
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    created by blackroses
  • Operation request timeout for sample evaluation

    Hi,   I have setup jBPM5.3 (I know it's old but that's the latest approval by legal team) and while understanding the process with sample evaluation using Eclipse J2EE Kepler, I run into following issue when de...
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    created by blackroses
  • email configuration with drools

    Hi   I am trying to configure email in my workflow design. Somebody help me how to configure the email in the jbpm workflow using drools guvnor???   Regards kannan
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    created by kannan123
  • jbpm sample evaluation - variable definition

    Hi,   In the sample evaluation example, the entry script to "PM Evaluation" or "HR Evaluation" Task refer to "performance" variable but I do not find it defined anywhere.   however, I see it in the xml doc...
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    created by blackroses
  • Link between lanes and Human Tasks - Send and Receive task in the same process.

    Hello,   I am using the BPMN2 plugin in eclipse. I was trying to work with the Lane, I drag and drop on the process. Now I add a task inside the lane. The Lane does not have any properties. As I know, Lane is r...
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    last modified by sadiroveski
  • Work with database in WorkItemHandler?

    Hello i have user database.   I Initalize:   <persistence-unit name="userData" transaction-type="JTA">... (persistence.xml)   I use Class for work with database:   @Stateless @Transactio...
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    last modified by neki
  • bpmn2 modeler eclipse plugin - 0.2.6

    Hi,   Is there a way to download this plugin instead of using eclipse update manager i.e. adding new software site (http://download.eclipse.org/bpmn2-modeler/updates/kepler/0.2.6/)  from within eclipse? ...
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    last modified by blackroses
  • DropDowns for Service Nodes/Work Item Defintions In Guvnor Web Designer(Oryx)

    Hello Everybody,   We are using Guvnor primarily as a BPMN2 Process Repository with jBPM - For Service Nodes, the Oryx Deisgner that is embedded (and deployed as separate application) has a way to work with Work...
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    last modified by ikrambabai
  • POC with jBPM 5.3

    Hello,   We are in the process of picking a solution for BPM and need to do build a proof of concept (POC) for jBPM before we commit to any solution.   I setup a local demo by following instructions on Cha...
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    last modified by blackroses
  • JBPM basic questions

    Hi All,   I spent couple of days reading literature and installing jbpm, creating simple process etc but couldn't feel confident about it. I did work with JBPM few years back for simpler orchestration purpose. &...
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    last modified by careerscale
  • jbpm5.3 BRMS Central ERROR [org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService] (http-/ Could not commit session: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find session data for id 1

    Hey guys, I am trying to run my own instance of brms-central to view/run processes that I have made in jboss-brms. Whenever I open the page and sign in for my brms-central I get the error (I bolded the line where the ...
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    last modified by tpacheco12
  • How to configure the ip of human task service in EAP 6.1?

    I have tried to configure the IP of human task service in EAP 6.1 by changing the web.xml as follows: <init-param>       <param-name>hornetq.host</param-name>   ...
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    last modified by a_nat
  • How can I create a process definition with the jBPM5 api , instand of using the bpmn editor?

    Hi all , recently I was confused with that I want to create a process definition with the jBPM5 api , instad of using the bpmn editor which builded in the eclipse ~ How could I do ?  Now I am using the jBPM 5.3 ,...
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    created by dapengking
  • jBPM timer questions

    1. Is there a way to use an external timer service rather than use the built-in one? 2. The reason I asked the first question is I found there might be some problems in jBPM timer service implementation. I found it i...
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