• Old process instance definition is replaced by new process instance definition

    I was using sample-process.bpmn2 file (contains human tasks and others) and after sometimes I updated this file with some human tasks. When I complete the assigned task (that is created by old .bpmn2 file), its getti...
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    created by tech_thread
  • Modified process and "ClassCastException: SubProcessNode cannot be cast to HumanTaskNode"

    Hi,   In my jBPM 6.0.1 production installation I had a process with running instance. I modified this process in a development installation and downloaded the jar file of the modified process from the Artifact...
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    last modified by gianmere
  • KieRemoteHttpRequestException: Unable to add char sequence to request body

    Could some one help with the below error. I tried the option of setting -Dfile.encoding = UTF-8 env variable. This is occurring intermittently on average 3 of 5 requests its giving this error. Using Jbpm 6.4.0.Final W...
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    last modified by nagarjuna0809
  • How to compensate workItem which throw exception (workItem is in state PENDING)

    It's possible to send signal "compensation" for workItem in PENDING state ? I see it's possible to send signal for workItem in state COMPLETE or ABORTET but there process is go further. My workItem is in state pend...
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    last modified by grzegorz_sz
  • How to manage Hibernate sessions in JBPM 7.0.0

         We are currently using JBPM 7.0.0.Final in wildfly 10.1.0.Final. While Performance testing we found that we had to increase the database pool size to maximum, inorder to achieve concurrent exe...
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    last modified by antonreema
  • how to get job executor configuration values?

    Hi, I am using KIE workbench and I am trying to get org.kie.executor.pool.size value by following way - System.getProperty("org.kie.executor.pool.size"); But it returns blank/null value. What is it so? how can i see t...
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    last modified by rsmagdum
  • JBPM Executor Load Testing Issue

    Hi,   I am using JBPM 7.0.0Final ,deployed in wildfly10.1. Scenario: Designed simple workflow that contains script tasks with required system.out.println() & wait time of 2 seconds using Thread.sleep().And...
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    created by yellapusony
  • Task event listener

    Hi all!!   I want to add a task event listener to make actions while task event occurs.   I have this:   @PersistenceUnit(unitName = "jbpm")   private EntityManagerFactory emf; @Inject private ...
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    last modified by fgiannetti
  • JBPM 7 Could not find work item handler for Rest

    I'm running JBPM 7.1.0.Final using the show case docker images for the jbpm workbench and kie-server and have a simple little workflow that includes a REST node. When the execution gets to the REST node (via a timer n...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Problem with font size in designer 3.1.7 on Mac

    Hi ! My company still uses this designer and I have one question. It might be actually relevant for all of the versions.   I started developing on Mac (I was on Linux previously). And Viewer of processdefintion...
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    last modified by andy.rozman
  • jbpm-console and dashboard-builder redeploying continuously (apparently) without any reason

    Hi, I'm trying to deploy jbpm offline (with kie_demo variable set to false).   I faced a maven problem and I resolved It by adding this setting.xml file   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> &l...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • SSO for JBPM 7.0.0.Final

    HI ,   I would like to use sso for my jbpm deployed in wildfly server (10.1).I was unable to find relavent document .Have seen in some jboss developer sites where they explained how to enable sso for wildfly ser...
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    last modified by yellapusony
  • How to map jsf or jps forms to jbpm tasks?

    Hi people, I am new with jbpm. I want to know if it is possible to use the Kie Workbench portal (tasks inbox, process instances browser, etc) but mapping tasks form to JSFs or JSPs forms. And how to do it.   Tha...
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    last modified by marcec85
  • JBPM reopn the process instance

    I wanted to reopen the completed process instance , kindly help me on this.   I am having three level approver, and any level they can complete the workflow... once the workflow completed, anytime the approver c...
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    last modified by arulbrave
  • JBPM using Spring Boot

    Hi,   I ran jbpm process using spring boot successfully. But my question is, when I run that process by making Run as Java Application it should have to also store the process related data to jbpm database in M...
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    created by kiran303
  • "EntityManager is closed" error on MigrationManager

    Hello,   We use a spring based jbpm integration something very similar to GitHub - mswiderski/spring-jbpm-app: jBPM spring application that shows how to build execution server using jBPM 6 and s… We hav...
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    created by florin.s
  • Catching errors not treated at process level

    Hello,   How can we deal/catch with errors that are not handled by a process (database connectivity error, transactional error)? Once a transactional error occurs the process is aborted and the transaction is r...
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    last modified by florin.s
  • how to send any file from workitemhandler  to JBPM and map to document object.

    Hi,   i Want to get file from custom work-handler item and  mapped to document object???
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    created by anuj.singh
  • new to jbpm

    hi, i'm learning jbpm with eclipse workspace. trying to implement sample project with jbpm & mysql  in eclipse. i'm sure some one would have done similar stuff.. can you help me to start off with a sample pr...
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    last modified by nagaveni
  • source jboss soa platform 4.2.0 bin

    Anyone please help me with source jboss soa platform 4.2.0 bin or how can i download that source?
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    last modified by budiholanlinux