• Modeshape binary repository and Websphere datasources

    Hello, all! I have another question regarding modeshape.   Have someone ever tried to use modeshape on Websphere Application server, and using websphere jdbc-datasources in modeshape configuration for binary re...
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    last modified by kuzmenkov_leonid
  • Check in of imported node fails

    Hello.   I'm using modeshape 3.7.2.Final. I'm made an application, that imports a node from XML. Then I try to check in a versionable child of that node (sv:name="demoPDT"), using versionManager.checkin method, ...
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    last modified by shashov
  • Custom authentication and authorization for modeshape

    Hi Guys,   I've came across following situation and need some help.   We use modeshape via webdav interface and standard via repository.login and jndi:java:/jcr?repositoryName=repository Authentication an...
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    last modified by mhanak
  • Modeshape: Not able to add child node

    Hi   I am not able to add a child node. I have defined 2 templates parent and a child.   I can successfully add a parent node. when i am trying to add child node i am getting error.   javax.jcr.no...
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    last modified by nimit.agrawal
  • How do I get to jcr:data from the root version?  It does not exist when using VersionHistory.getRootVersion().

    I have a content node that is versioned. I store binary documents here.  Using VersionHistory I can retrieve any of the versions except the root version.  I am using ModeShape 3.7.1.   To get at the su...
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    last modified by rwoolf
  • Start ModeShape Explorer web app

    Hi,   I am aware that similar question was posted, but the details of the resolution were not posted.   I have successfully connected with a Modeshape repository via junit test. I basically used the code f...
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    last modified by gorgi.terziev
  • Modeshape with MS SQL Server 2008 \ 2010

    Hello, all!   I want to ask if anyone of has actually used embedded modshape 3.7.1 Final with MSSQL Server 2008 or 2010... Because when I start jboss with application that is using modeshape (without even storin...
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    last modified by kuzmenkov_leonid
  • ModeShape and iRODS Custom Connector

    Hi all,   Just a note that I'm in the process of developing a ModeShape custom connector for the iRODS Data Grid, we're really interested in WebDav and Fedora Repository integration for folks running iRODS. At a...
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    last modified by mike.conway
  • How to programmatically shutdown or/and restart a repository

    Hello, we are actually using modeshape as our content repository to store many various binary files. The caches (main repository cache and binary cache) are configured to store all the data into a database. ...
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    last modified by chieukam
  • Repository cannot be restarted after being restored

    Hello, i am trying to use the backup and restore features of Modeshape in my application following the steps describe here https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/MODE/Backup+and+restore.   After successful BA...
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    last modified by chieukam
  • ModeShape EAP kit for 6.2

    When I try to use the ModeShape 3.7.1 EAP kit with JBoss EAP 6.2, the application server fails on startup with the following error:   2014-02-12 17:57:54,215 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller] (Controller Boot Thre...
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    last modified by ssiddiqi
  • Connector and children refresh operation

    We're trying to make modeshape not to call connector's getChildren operation for a specific nodes (or do it in rare cases). (ModeShape 3.7)   The situation is following: We're using CmisConnector to access exte...
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    last modified by dr_nickson
  • Does exist full ModeShape REST Java client implementation?

    Hi, I am searching for ModeShape Java client implementation that support all features that provide ModeShape REST server. Client implemantation that provided in the last version support only file publishing without me...
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    last modified by alexander.voloshyn
  • Exception occurred org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException: Lock obtain timed out

    Hello. I'm migrating my java application using modeshape 2.8 to modeshape 3.7.1.Final . My application is using javax.jcr.RepositoryFactory to load modeshape repository. After I changed my xml modeshape configuration...
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    last modified by shashov
  • Text extractor ignores text if write limit is exceeded

    Hello ModeShapers,   if the text extractor runs into an exception it does not check whether any output is already available. In case that the write limit is exceeded, Tika throws a TikaException   {noform...
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    last modified by nl
  • Self check routine for connectors

    Does it make sense to add self-check callbacks into connector SPI? Here is the scenario:   Connector rely on some configuration in underlying repository and at start-up this configuration was OK Connector did ...
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    last modified by vasilievip
  • Not able to connect to CMS

    I am using modeshape 3.7.1   I am trying to use CmisConnector to connect to alfresco CMS   I get this following error when trying Import CMIS types to JCR repository javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolatio...
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    last modified by vadivel.murugan
  • issue in querying the repository content

    I am beginner to JCR and modeshape   I have an issue in querying the repository content   I tried to create the cars example in modeshape 3.7.1 with infinispan and mysql   I have added the nodes in...
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    last modified by vadivel.murugan
  • Checking if child nodes exists with jcr-sql2

    Hi,   I'm trying to make a jcr-sql2 query that checks if a node has a specific child node. And then select all nodes that don't have that specific child node.   Thanks Xander
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    last modified by xander.denhartog
  • Is there some particular reason why two shareable nodes cannot exist under same parent?

    Hello I would like to have 2 shared nodes under same parent like: /parent/node1 /parent/node2   where node2 is shareable copy of node1.   But when I try to do it with:   workspace.clone(workspace....
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    last modified by mkuzela